Top of the big era

Chapter 2491 Final Goods

Speaking of running out of money, there is less need to worry about it now.

First of all, we must thank the vigorous development of the mobile Internet era, and Ziweixing International is the leader in this new era. Even the aging Yahoo has shown signs of revival after being acquired.

Under this general trend, Ziweixing International's borrowing capacity has been strengthened, and it can issue corporate bonds at a low interest rate of no more than 8% per year.

In addition, the situation of the entire technology industry is improving.

It's starting to bubble again.

Even the gaming industry has recovered.

Ziweixing International holds many listed stocks of Google, Facebook, Ziweixing Digital Media, Changyou, Netflix, etc. Some stocks can be held for a long time and are strategic cooperation; some stocks should be sold out when opportunities arise and are not suitable for long-term holding, such as Google and Facebook stocks.

Zhou Buqi has a good relationship with Google.

Therefore, we cannot easily sell Google's shares in the market. This will cause Google's stock price to plummet, thereby causing operational pressure on Google's current management.

If there is a need to sell, Zhou Buqi will discuss it with Larry Page and find an appropriate time and method to sell.

Not so with Facebook...

Zhou Buqi also has a good relationship with Zuckerberg, but they are already at loggerheads at the business level, and the two sides have begun to attack each other.

You're welcome then.

In more than two months, Ziweixing International will lift the ban on Facebook stocks worth more than 4 billion US dollars. At that time, they will be directly dumped in the market and hit Facebook stocks hard!

Things are more troublesome on Yahoo's side.

Zheng Xiaoli still has a long way to go to clear the inherent impression of the past few years and give Yahoo App a new lease of life, and she still needs to make great efforts.

Yahoo App now has a large number of users, exceeding 60 million.

But the proportion of young people is too small.

When young people account for more than half of the users of Yahoo App, then this product will truly enter the mainstream view of the trend.

In contrast, for Helo, the core product of Ziweixing International, the good news is really sent back one by one.

It’s almost like WeChat in China.

The entire mobile Internet was captured in one fell swoop.

Lu Qi is directly responsible for this product, which has become his greatest confidence and authority. He knocked on the door of Zhou Buqi's office and said happily: "Good news, Helo's monthly active users have exceeded 500 million!"

The data is so intuitive.

The number of registered users of Yahoo App is only 60 million, while the number of monthly active users of Helo here has exceeded 500 million...

That's not all.

The lander listed a series of beautiful data.

Helo has covered 122 countries and regions around the world, is available in more than 20 languages, and covers more than 95% of smartphones on the market. Among them, the ratio of male to female users is 1.5:1, the average age is 26 years old, and 86.2% of users are between 18 and 36 years old.

Age is a very important reference standard.

The lower average age of users ensures that this product can maintain a stable user base in the long term.

In addition, the vast majority of Helo users come from the three major groups of corporate employees, freelancers, and students, and more than 80% are high net worth individuals. High quality and stable income ensure that Helo users have strong payment capabilities, which in turn promotes the offline popularity of Helo payments.

"High net worth users?" Zhou Buqi felt a little strange, "How are these statistics calculated?"

Lu Qi said with a smile: "Users generally fill in their personal information, and there is basically not much difference. Another point is that the price of smartphones is still high, and the price is still a threshold for many low-income people to use smartphones. ."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "I told Zhou Shaoning after the Spring Festival that Motorola will launch an ultra-low-cost phone."

"Huh?" Lu Qi was slightly startled, "Didn't we already launch two models last year? The price is only 200 US dollars."

"$200 is not low, I'm talking about a super low-priced machine!"


"The kind that costs tens of dollars."

"How can it be?"

Lu Qi opened his eyes wide and felt incredible. Can a smartphone reduce the cost to such a low level? Isn't this a bit fanciful?

Zhou Buqi said: "Hardware products are not profitable to begin with. The domestic manufacturing industry is so strong, and the threshold for mobile phone manufacturing is not high. It will definitely be bloody in the future, just like computer manufacturing. Compared with hardware products, Or are software products more capable of occupying users’ minds?”

Lu Qi asked: "You don't make money selling mobile phones, so you rely on subsequent software revenue to make up for your income?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It's shameful not to make money. In short, it is necessary to reduce costs at extremely low levels. Countries like Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, including those in Africa, are all very poor. A $200 mobile phone, for It’s already a luxury item for them.”

"This..." Lu Qi was a little worried, "There's no need to sink in such a hurry, right? Although Helo covers more than 100 countries, it is mainly in these economically developed places. We don't even have an operation center in Africa. Ours The labor cost is too high, and the money earned by operating Helo in Africa may not be enough to support the team."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Well, there is no rush, but the art of war has it that before the troops are moved, food and grass go first. The mobile phone business can enter the market first. There are so many black people in South America and Africa. With a little artificial intelligence repair, With image and beautification technology, an ultra-low-cost mobile phone that can take clear pictures of black people can occupy the market.”

Lu Qi immediately understood the meaning and said with a smile: "This is a fire sale of low-end goods."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, that's what it means!"

This kind of business strategy can only be played domestically.

This has been done in China over the past few years.

The domestic manufacturing industry is too strong and there will always be overcapacity. For example, if there are a lot of clothes, pants, washing powder, old tires, expired milk powder, etc. stored in warehouses, they will lose their market appeal.

How to deal with it?

It would be too wasteful to destroy it directly.

Domestic policy has always been to establish relations with friendly brothers in the third world such as Latin America and Africa, which has opened up a market for dumping goods.

Some tattered things in the country can be sold.

There are even gray industries.

For example, some domestic charities say that there are many poor children in the Northwest and Southwest who don't even have clothes. I called on kind-hearted people to donate their old clothes and give them to them.

However, if you donate dirty clothes, the relevant charity will be very angry, saying that your quality is too poor, and asking you to wash the clothes and fold them neatly before donating them.

This is strange.

Even if it’s dirty clothes, so what? If the clothes are dirty, does that mean it’s no longer loving?

When a charity receives dirty clothes, shouldn't it be enough to clean them and then donate them to poor children? They even donated their clothes, but you can't help wash them. What kind of charity is this? It only allows others to donate their love, but you don't give anything at all?

Even the clothes don't need to be washed, those children don't even have clothes, they will be happy even if they receive dirty clothes.

The fundamental reason is that most of these so-called charities are scammers.

After they received the old clothes, they all went to sell them to African brothers at prices of 2 yuan, 3 yuan, and 5 yuan per piece. When I go to Africa, I can even be surprised to see many people wearing the uniforms of "such and such middle school" and "such and such elementary school" on the street.

The same goes for mobile phones.

In the early days of, it established its own brand by selling some inventory machines to poor college students. However, some library machines are too old and are not suitable for college students.

But Latin America and Africa can!

Some mobile phone accessories that were outdated many years ago are completely outdated, but they can be used in ultra-low-end exclusive mobile phones for Latin American and African brothers.

These inventory wastes will have a place to be brave again and can be turned into profits.

Developed countries in Europe and the United States somewhat look down on poor markets such as Latin America and Africa. However, for domestic manufacturing, such low-end and poor markets are also very attractive and can consume a lot of excess production capacity and solve major problems. Employment pressure.

Lu Qi talked about some of Helo's outstanding achievements overseas, and then talked about WeChat with a smile, "I heard that WeChat has encountered trouble in its domestic development?"

"How is that possible?" Zhou Buqi thought he was talking nonsense, "WeChat's development momentum in China is stronger than Helo's in overseas markets!"

"Why did I hear that I was in a catastrophic situation?"

"When did it happen?"

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