Top of the big era

Chapter 2486 Code Worker

Ziweixing International held a senior management meeting, and a very important topic was the recruitment of talents. Salaries should be increased, stocks should be given, and signing fees should be given.

However, after the executive meeting, Xu Liangjie and Zheng Xiaoli came to Zhou Buqi's office together, saying that they had important matters to discuss.

"Yahoo App is developing very well, and Yahoo News App and Yahoo Finance App are also good."

Zhou Buqi first praised him.

When it comes to mobile products, Ziweixing is still the strongest, especially under the approval of Boss Zhou, Zheng Xiaoli unswervingly implemented his "list-killing strategy."

The so-called list-killing strategy is to make Yahoo App appear in the top three of all influential related lists!

This was the strategy that later domestic Internet giants were best at.

This is not about spending money to buy a list.

It has to be market operation.

It takes a lot of data analysis and calculations to determine which strategy combination can save the most money and achieve the best market results. This requires a large and sophisticated market analysis team.

Some teams may spend 5 million just to be on the list for one day. If some teams are well run, they may be able to rank among the top three with only 1 million.

In this regard, Americans are far behind. Their understanding of the market and business, as well as their courage in behavior and style, are not as good as those of domestic teams. As long as they can use formal means to defeat domestic Internet companies, they will not use some underhanded tricks that are not on the table.

Today's major giants in Silicon Valley are all trying their best to transform to the mobile Internet. Some are very successful, such as Facebook; some are not improving, such as Microsoft.

If Yahoo had not been sold to Ziweixing International, it would have been almost impossible to successfully transform, and it would have basically faded out of the mainstream view of the Internet industry.

It's different now. Under the leadership of Zheng Xiaoli, Yahoo has come back to life!

Not only the Yahoo App, Yahoo News App, Yahoo Finance App and Yahoo Sports App led by Zheng Xiaoli have developed, but also the Yahoo Mail App, Yahoo Finance App and Yahoo Weather App led by Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson have also developed significantly. performance progress.

This is actually the role of "slaughter list".

Yahoo App dominates the top three of all major lists, which means it captures the minds of users. It’s not just this product that benefits, but the entire “Yahoo” brand.

With this market effect, Yahoo Mail App and Yahoo Finance App have also been driven.

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "Under your leadership, Yahoo's transformation has achieved initial results in less than a year. It shows that you are the person who knows the most about mobile Internet in the world..."

"No," Zhou Buqi waved his hand and interrupted her, "It's all because of you, I got some credit."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "However, I can do better."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course, I have seen Yahoo return to its peak. Not to mention more, Yahoo App has 400 million users around the world, and it can basically achieve its goal."

After all, this is a news product. It cannot be compared in scale with social products such as Helo, Facebook, and Ucgram. It would be considered a huge success if it has hundreds of millions of users.

If you want to achieve greater growth, you must break the circle.

Get out of the news circle.

For example, UGC video content.

If UGC video content is added to the Yahoo App, it is entirely possible to compete with YouTube in the market (similar to the domestic Xigua Video).

From the perspective of product ecology, Yahoo and Google are highly similar.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Now there is a little obstacle, which has become a restriction on the development and growth of Yahoo App."

"What's the obstacle?"


"Lack of people?" Zhou Buqi thought it was a big problem, "Then let's recruit. Yahoo's recovery is so obvious. This is a very challenging job. I believe many young people are also willing to participate in this kind of work. A monumental brand in the Internet industry has been rebuilt. Next, Ziweixing International must not retreat, but must actively participate in the market and join the battle to grab people. No matter whether the opponent is Google or Microsoft, or Oracle, Cisco, IBM, no matter who they are, don’t be afraid!”

Zheng Xiaoli shook her head, "Americans can't."


Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "When I first came to the United States, I was quite looking forward to it. After all, this is the birthplace of the Internet and it also has the world's top Internet technology. But after a long time, it was just that, and I felt it was not as good as Where is my team when I was working in China.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is it Yahoo's weakness in recent years?"

Zheng Xiaoli shook her head and said: "At first, I thought it was because of Yahoo. It was due to Yahoo's repeated defeats in the past few years, and the morale of its employees was not good. Later, I slowly discovered that Yahoo's morale was not good, but it was just one aspect. These The Americans just can’t do it, and I’m disappointed in them anyway.”

Xu Liangjie explained from the side: "It's because of work enthusiasm. Many times, attitude can really determine a lot."

Zheng Xiaoli said angrily: "The current team of Yahoo App is 115 people. Their daily workload, if we put it in China... a team of 30 people can do better than them! It doesn't take much to make a Yahoo App." Top-notch technology, making this kind of product, is really bad here in Silicon Valley. The cost is high, the efficiency is low, and the work attitude is bad."

"It's not like..."

Zhou Buqi thought she was exaggerating.

He has seen it too.

Overtime is very heavy in the domestic IT industry, and 996 and so on are the norm. In fact, the same is true here in Silicon Valley. In the Silicon Valley headquarters campus of Ziweixing International, every night after nine o'clock, the office buildings are also brightly lit.

Those white people really don't work overtime very much, only a few workaholics will stay.

But most Asians and Indians are highly motivated to work overtime.

If you encounter some urgent matters, it is common for you to work all night long, or even stay awake for many days in a row.

Xu Liangjie said solemnly: "It's still a lot worse. We pay a lot of overtime, but the efficiency is far less than that in China. In the current IT industry, when it comes to the top scientists in the world, China is still worse than the United States. But when it comes to the vast majority of middle- and lower-level engineers, the strength of this group in China can be said to be crushing that of the United States."

Zheng Xiaoli is a woman who is bold, careful, and aggressive in style. She said very bluntly: "The Internet is a technology industry, but middle- and lower-level engineers are actually blue-collar jobs, no different from assembly line workers in factories. If you look at the manufacturing industry in China and the United States, In terms of its ability to produce socks, clothes, refrigerators, washing machines, mobile phones, and computers, how can the United States compare with our country? If we leave just one province, we can surpass the entire United States. The same is true for the Internet."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "A coder?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "The term 'code farmer' is a bit irresponsible, but I think it is still very appropriate to call it 'code worker', which is a worker who writes code. In the field of technical experts, the United States is stronger, and we should go to the market no matter the cost." They are robbing people. But among workers, China is still stronger."

Zhou Buqi understood this.

Zheng Xiaoli is now familiar with and understands the working environment in the United States, and then wants to make the next work plan in her own way.

After the initial period of fantasy about the United States, and gradually understanding the reality, I found that it was just that!

If you are doing some particularly high-tech projects, such as artificial intelligence, you will definitely have to focus on teams from the United States.

But Yahoo App has no technical content.

Just like workers on an assembly line producing mobile phones, Americans can certainly do it, but they will definitely not be as good as domestic factories. Domestic factories can be low-cost, high-efficiency, highly motivated, and highly obedient, and they can really hit wherever they want.

Especially in some special situations.

For example, a large order with a production volume of 10 million suddenly came in and was required to be completed within 3 days.

Only the domestic manufacturing industry can complete tasks of this level.

It just so happens that the Internet is changing at the fastest pace, and it values ​​time far more than manufacturing. There are many more difficult and stressful tasks that need to be solved every day than producing 10 million mobile phones in three days.

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