Top of the big era

Chapter 2482 Domestic Production Capacity Advantages

In order to reduce Tesla's costs, Musk has come up with all kinds of fantastic ideas and adopted a variety of ideas. Many of them are completely beyond the automobile industry, which is shocking.

For example, using AA batteries to integrate a huge battery pack to replace expensive power batteries is an idea that can only be generated by people who are proficient in the Internet.

This kind of cross-industry competition is often the core technology.

It is also what is currently most lacking in the country.

Many industries are similar.

If "Internet + Automobile" is to be done well, it must have two prerequisites: first, be proficient in the Internet, and second, be proficient in automotive technology.

This is difficult.

Engineers who study cars spend their entire lives studying cars; scientists with Internet backgrounds spend their lives working in the Internet field.

However, the "Internet + Automobile" project must be carried out by people who understand both the Internet and automobiles.

Even if the car reaches the level of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Toyota, and Honda, it is not enough.

Another example is aviation software.

This is one of the stuck areas in the country.

The difficulty is that to develop top-notch aviation software, a group of people who are both aviation experts and software experts are required to do it; core industrial software and ITO targets, for example, basically have similar logic.

A very important factor in the lack of such high-tech projects is the lack of talents.

However, batteries are not among them.

This thing is still a relatively complex technical problem for the country at this time, and it requires a lot of money to overcome. But it’s not that there is no battery industry in China. Computer batteries and mobile phone batteries are all made in China. The general logic is similar, which is to expand the scale and volume.

With vigorous development and full support, there will definitely be breakthroughs in the future.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "In the manufacturing field, if you want to reduce costs, you must not avoid the Chinese mainland market. In some places, the product quality is very good, but the price is too high; in other places, the price is very low. , but the product quality is too poor. Only mainland China can provide manufacturing results that are both satisfactory in quality and price."

Musk said: "As long as the joint venture factory with Panasonic is established, Tesla's battery cost problem can almost be solved. I have calculated the cost, and it will not be too bad."

Blue-collar labor costs in the United States are high, but other aspects are low.

For example, electricity charges, water charges, transportation charges, taxes, land charges, etc. all have great advantages compared to those in China. To put it bluntly, when doing business in the United States, you need to pay enough money to the local people, and you don’t need to pay much to the United States; when you do business in the country, you don’t need to pay much to the people, and you need to pay more money to the country.

For Tesla, this is a joint venture factory between Panasonic and Tesla, which can maintain the lowest profit margin on supply prices, thus ensuring that Tesla can purchase batteries at the lowest price.

Zhou Buqi disagreed, "The advantage of Made in China is not only high quality but low price!"


"And efficient!"


Musk nodded.

Zhou Buqi said: "Tesla and Panasonic are building a joint venture factory in the United States. Let's not talk about the cost issue. Those American workers, do they have the enthusiasm for work? Do they have the spirit of struggle? Can they work for a long time in order to complete one of the company's targets? Do you want to struggle? I don’t know if you have been to factories in mainland China. If you go, you will find that there is a paradise for capitalists.”


Musk thought it was ridiculous.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "This is the choice of the market. Industrial workers here in the United States have more positions and fewer workers. Industrial workers are all ancestors. In mainland China, there are many people and few positions. If you want to win a precious If you have job opportunities, you have to put in more effort.”

Musk asked tentatively: "Isn't it appropriate now? Tesla has very high standards for batteries..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I didn't say now. I suggest you go and have a look when you have time. The battery industry doesn't require high technical content. Isn't it developing quickly?"

Musk said "hmm".

Zhou Buqi continued: "Even if Tesla and Panasonic's joint venture factory in the United States can solve the cost problem, there is a thorny problem that you cannot solve, and that is production capacity. This is a problem of social structure. In the future, Tesla The standard model has been launched and the annual output is increasing. Such a factory will definitely have insufficient functions. If you want to solve the problem of production capacity, if you look around the world, there is only mainland China."

By building a joint venture with Panasonic, Tesla can basically solve the cost problem.

When the project is implemented, the stock will definitely rise sharply.

But there will soon be trouble.

The cost problem was solved, but the production capacity problem reappeared.

Production capacity cannot keep up with market demand.

Zhou Buqi owns more than 25% of Tesla's shares. Regardless of the angle, promoting Tesla to enter the domestic market is mutually beneficial.

Tesla is not building cars.

This is creating an automobile industry centered around new energy.

The joint venture with Panasonic to build a battery factory is one part of it.

This is no longer necessary.

Since we want to create an industry, it is of course best for this industry to be established in China. Keep all job opportunities and industrial supply chains domestically.

Domestic cars have developed very well in recent years, and the domestic industrial base is completely sufficient.

Musk has no bias towards Sino-US relations or geopolitics.

In other words, he has completely transcended this limitation.

What he wants to do is change humanity.

Under such a grand theme, those trivial things don't care so much, including Tesla's own interests. Without Zhou Buqi's request, he proactively stated that as long as Tesla's battery technology matures and is verified by the market, he will make the relevant technology public and share it with the world.

"Tesla is here to promote the advent of sustainable transportation. If we create excellent electric vehicles but use intellectual property rights to block latecomers, this behavior goes against our original intention."

Musk’s words immediately gave the domestic automotive battery industry more development foundation.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Buqi met many Chinese people at Tesla, and met 13 people one after another. After asking, he found that only 3 people did not graduate from Tsinghua University, and the other 10 people were from Tsinghua University.

There are even 4 people who have interned on the school network during their studies.

Zhou Buqi was very concerned about this.

When it was time to leave, he told Musk, “Work hard to train them.”


Musk was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "If Tesla wants to have greater influence, it must democratize it and continue to lower prices. But the production capacity problem it is facing can only be solved by Chinese manufacturing. You may not understand it yet. …It doesn’t matter, I suggest you train these dozen Chinese people well, because Tesla’s future lies in China. Cultivate talents first and reserve talents for Tesla China in the future.”

When it comes to talent, it’s a tricky thing.

Today’s Silicon Valley is going crazy for talent!

There is a cloud computing company that has just acquired an emerging startup company on the market for US$1 billion. This startup company still has nothing...

The reason why the asking price is so high is because this company has six top cloud computing scientists. Cisco, Oracle, Google, Microsoft, and Ziweixing International are all competing for people.

Until someone made an astonishing offer of US$1 billion.

It’s not so much about buying a company as it is about buying people.

Even more powerful than cloud computing is the mobile Internet.

Now, the vigorous development of mobile Internet has shocked the entire technology industry, and all technology companies are actively transforming and developing in the direction of mobile Internet.

In order to transform, huge sums of money have been invested.

If you want to transform, you need relevant talents.

This is where the crazy robbing battle began.

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