Top of the big era

Chapter 2476 Unemployment Benefits

Ziweixing will start a new round of financing, which will only be open to domestic investment institutions. This will be a good opportunity to show off and win favors.

Even if Zhou Buqi didn't have time, he still had to find a way to find time to go with Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Nie Caijun, Meng Houkun and others to meet with various state-owned and private investment institutions.

So an interesting phenomenon occurred this year.

As usual, at the end of the Spring Festival holiday every year, senior executives from all Ziweixing regions will stand in a row at the entrance of the company, smiling and handing out red envelopes to every employee who returns to work.

This year is different. Several of the most important heads of Ziweixing have come to the Magic City International Department.

Even Boss Zhou is here.

Stand at the door and join others in handing out red envelopes to employees.

As in previous years, each red envelope is worth 1,000 yuan.

This is no small amount.

In the past, when there were only a few hundred people, hundreds of thousands of red envelopes were given out every year. Now the total number of employees of Ziweixing has reached 12,000, which means that 12 million cash red envelopes will be sent out.

On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Zhou Buqi stood at the door for more than two hours, and then without rest, he followed several other core executives to meet other investors.

This is not so bad for some newly established private equity funds.

They are completely passive.

To them, it's like an interview.

They have to go through layers of screening to see who can stand out and get the final share of financing.

In this round of financing, Ziweixing will release 50 million new shares, with the price per share ranging from US$17 to US$20. The reason why the prices are different mainly depends on what kind of help the other party can provide Ziweixing.

Whoever provides more resources to Ziweixing will get a lower financing quote.

It is conceivable that the low price of US$17 can only be obtained by state-owned capital.

In fact, there are only two finalists, one is the social security fund and the other is the pension fund. The pension fund was okay. It invested 1.2 billion yuan and obtained 10 million shares of Ziweixing.

However, the Social Security Fund has a huge appetite. It does not meet the quota of 10 million shares and wants 40 million shares. For this round of financing, they have approved a budget of 5 billion yuan.

This is embarrassing.

Only 50 million new shares were released in total, and the social security fund and pension fund all took it?

What about other private venture capital institutions?

However, the conditions offered by the social security fund are also very attractive. One of them is that every unemployed employee of Ziweixing can easily receive unemployment benefits from the Social Security Bureau.

This is actually a very ironic clause.

But this is reality.

This is because state-owned capital investment has always suffered huge losses, especially investment in foreign industries. Good projects cannot be obtained, there are many inferior projects, and everything is lost.

This resulted in insufficient funds on the books.

What should I do if I have no money?

Then we have to restrict the payment of funds. The simplest way is to block some people's financial rights, such as unemployment benefits. If someone is unemployed and wants to apply for unemployment benefits, it is really difficult. In some places where there is money, it may be better; in other places where there is poverty, there really is not even a penny of subsidy.

What's more, in the end, you only need to work two hours a week, whether it's delivering food or express delivery, whether it's making short videos or writing novels, whether you're working as a stickman or working as a coolie, as long as you work, That's not unemployment. If you have a rural household registration, it means that you are a farmer who owns the land, and you will never be unemployed in your life.

Zhou Buqi cannot change the social security system, but he has the obligation to fight for this right for Ziweixing's employees.

A company as big as Ziweixing has a large number of layoffs every year.

While laying off employees, hiring new people.

This is not to say that the people laid off are not as good as the new people. On the contrary, many of the people laid off are often higher level, have more experience, and even receive lower salaries than the new people.

But many companies would rather pay high prices to hire young people with no work experience and insufficient technical skills than to use old employees.

On the one hand, it is the problem of the old employees themselves. After working long hours, they have become stale and have no ambition. The existence of such people will lead to a bad group of people, and they must be eliminated quickly.

On the other hand, there are company factors.

If a company wants to maintain vitality in the long term, it must be "living water" rather than "dead water". Living water means that new water is constantly coming in and old water is constantly flowing out.

Internet companies have great competitive advantages over companies in traditional industries. One of the important reasons is that they can be ruthless and cut through trouble quickly.

In the past year, Ziweixing laid off 750 people, and the cost of layoffs exceeded 120 million yuan.

In the future, as Ziweixing expands its scale and the number of employees, there will only be more layoffs.

How to better handle layoffs and provide better psychological comfort to laid-off employees has become a very important management problem faced by Ziweixing.

Cooperating with the Social Security Fund is a good opportunity.

As for pension funds, they are of no use in the short term.

This time the social security fund wants to participate in the investment of Ziweixing. One of the important reasons is that state-owned capital has made a huge mistake in the Internet industry in the past few years.

They have tons of money, but they just don't support the Internet.

So much so that domestic Internet companies had no choice but to go abroad to find venture capital. Eventually, the industry took off, and the fruits of the harvest fell into the pockets of foreign capital.

What an eyesore!

But there was nothing we could do.

Now that Ziweixing is about to go public, you cannot miss this opportunity. You must quickly get involved and catch the last train of the Internet industry.

The investment share given by Ziweixing is 10 million shares, and the Social Security Fund wants 40 million shares.

Many additional conditions were given.

The most attractive one is that Ziweixing can cooperate with the social security fund to build an online communication line alone. If you are a laid-off employee of Ziweixing, you don’t have to go to the Social Security Bureau to go through the cumbersome, bloated and layer-by-layer card setting process. You can directly rely on this insider and use the relationship between Ziweixing and the social security fund to get your money quickly. It’s time for unemployment benefits.

In fact, it’s not much money.

However, Ziweixing's intervention to help laid-off employees receive unemployment benefits is a huge psychological comfort to laid-off employees, which will be of great significance to management.

Zhou Buqi felt that this should be done.

However, of the total 50 million shares, the pension fund took 10 million shares and the social security fund took 40 million shares. What about the other private investment institutions that have been waiting for it for a long time?

Zhou Buqi immediately thought of Son Zhengyi and planned to harvest SoftBank's wool.

But it’s not good to always find a sheep to gather.

This time, I contacted Sequoia Capital.

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