Top of the big era

Chapter 2471 Cousin Qi

Originally Zhuo Wensi, Zhao Li Muge and Liang Lexin were going home during the Spring Festival, but somehow they were deceived by Sun Wanran and changed their plans to go to the Northeast with Boss Zhou.

He said that he wanted to take some time to see the ice and snow world.

For many girls in the south, they are still full of yearning for the winter in the Northeast.

For a native Northeasterner like Zhou Buqi, enough is enough.

If it weren't for the old man, he wouldn't even bother to go back.

How nice would it be for the family to go to Hainan to celebrate the Spring Festival?

Why go back to the Northeast and suffer the sin of a cold place.

There was no way, the old man had a traditional mindset. As a man, Zhou Buqi had to go back and pay homage to the graves of his deceased elders.

When I returned to my hometown in the Northeast, I looked at the house full of beautiful women. There were more and more beautiful women... In a daze, I felt that year by year, this was what Zhou Buqi had experienced in these years. The greatest achievement.

There are still many things that haven’t come yet.

For example, Wu Yu and Zhen Yu are still abroad and have not returned home until the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. There are also a dozen Japanese maids who paid a lot of money to stay in the United States as housekeepers, and none of them were brought over.

If only I could bring this back.

The three villas in the Zhou family's old house may not be suitable for living in, so they have to build floors.

As in previous years, three generations, Zhou Guangshan, Zhou Jianjun, and Zhou Buqi, went to the village to worship their ancestors together. This is a big event for the village. It is not only an ancestor worship, but also an opportunity to receive red envelopes at the end of the year.

Sending red envelopes to fellow villagers has been a custom of the Zhou family for more than ten years.

Zhou Buqi didn't participate and asked his father to make arrangements.

He was taken away by his grandmother's brother's grandson Qi Zheng, a man he called cousin. The two played together several times when they were children, and Zhou Buqi still has an impression of them.

The conditions in the village were very bad at that time.

In winter, when Zhou Buqi came to the village with his grandfather, uncle, and father to visit graves, cousin Qi used an ice cart he made to pull him to go skating.

There is a mountainside that is frozen.

Then he pulled the ice truck to a high place and let Zhou Buqi sit on it. The ice truck quickly slid down the mountainside. It was a joy of speed and passion. In the village dialect, it is called "enlarging the threshold"... That This kind of childhood memory is simple but beautiful.

Although he fell hard once and his thigh was bruised, the child didn't care at all. He got up after falling, continued climbing, and then "zoomed up".

Last year, cousin Qi got married to a girl from a neighboring village.

Of course Zhou Buqi did not participate, and had not even heard of it. This time I went back to the village and saw Qi Zheng. I heard that he got married last year, so I was very apologetic.

I took 20,000 yuan and said I was going to his house for a wedding banquet.

My father gave out red envelopes to the elderly in the village, and it took him two or three hours to finish the work.

While drinking, cousin Qi asked for something white, the ginseng and wolfberry wine he made himself.

Zhou Buqi said nothing but drank nothing.

The wine brewed at home should not be drunk casually. Not only is it unhygienic, there may be many problems with the brewing process of liquor and the brewing process.

This kind of wine is so unhealthy. Many people's hands will keep shaking after drinking for a long time, and they can't even pick up things. In fact, they have drank too much low-quality wine.

Brewing is very simple and can be done by any self-employed person. You can brew healthy wine that meets national drinking standards. This really requires professional qualifications. Grain wine that does not meet drinking standards is even worse than alcohol-blended wine that meets standards.

The Zhou family brewed several large jars of wine, all of which were rare things, including tiger whips and tiger bones.

But the Zhou family didn't brew it themselves. They asked a well-known local winery for help. They have a complete wine preparation process and all indicators have been tested.

If you can't drink this kind of local wine from the countryside, don't drink it.

Zhou Buqi said that he had something to do and was too busy. Drinking liquor would delay things, so he might as well drink beer. Cousin Qi brought a box of Snowflake·Brave to the End of the World, a brand of Tsingtao Beer.

It was probably something his family prepared to drink during the Chinese New Year.

Zhou Buqi felt at ease.

He is well-informed and knows a lot about wine. Snowflake Bravely Entering the World is a very popular beer, sold to ordinary people, and the price is very cheap.

Such cheap wine cannot be brewed from grain. Even if someone pees in the fermentation tank during the brewing process, it doesn't matter, it won't harm the people.

The beer brewed in the fermentation tank is high-end beer, which is expensive and ordinary people cannot afford it. Especially for some special beers, the local regulatory bureau will conduct real-time monitoring of the fermentation tank. Once any violation is discovered, the illegal footage will be recorded and the beer in the fermentation tank will be discarded.

But sometimes people from the supervision bureau accidentally or deliberately leak videos of violations during supervision, which can easily cause an uproar in society.

Actually it's not necessary at all.

It is the common people who are panicking, but this matter has nothing to do with the common people. Ordinary people may never drink beer brewed from pure grains once in their lives. Ordinary beers like Snowflake are all blended with hops added with diuretics.

There's nothing wrong with mixed beer, it's legal.

It is definitely safer than rural wine.


What happens next is awkward.

After Zhou Buqi drank two glasses of beer, he felt something was wrong. Why did the beer taste so weird? !

I took the beer bottle and looked at it for a while. I felt that there was no difference.

Look at the label on the back of the beer...

Depend on!

Zhou Buqi almost vomited yesterday's meal.




Where is Snowflake·Courage to the End of the World?

This is Snowflake·Brave to Heaven.

With just one word difference, it turned out to be a copycat beer that copied Snowflake, just like Keri Cola, Nutritional Kuaiqian, and Kangshuaifu instant noodles.

Zhou Buqi felt that no matter how brave he was, he would not be brave enough to go to heaven. This fake product was really a scam, and it even targeted rural areas. In order to make money, some businesses would do things like annihilate their descendants.

Then, he looked at the driver Lao Gao who came with him. Lao Gao immediately reported that there was something very important and he had to leave as soon as possible.

Zhou Buqi threw down a big red envelope worth 20,000 yuan, congratulated him on his happy wedding, and left quickly.

On the way back, Zhou Buqi lamented repeatedly, how to solve the problem of counterfeit goods in rural areas? This is a very serious problem, and it is an oversight in food supervision by the state.

If we were to supervise people's food with the same attitude of supervising special food, there would be no food safety problems in the country.

The old man seriously criticized Zhou Buqi's improper thinking, "What has the country done badly in the past ten years? Agricultural taxes have been abolished, roads have been connected to every village, electricity has been provided to every household, fees for compulsory education have been abolished, and rural education has been established. The new rural cooperative medical care and new rural insurance systems have been established. Except for expressways, all toll stations on secondary roads have been banned, and basic medical insurance and social security systems have been established. With so many livelihood measures, which one is easy?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, the past ten years have been the best and most prosperous ten years for the people in the country."

The old man said earnestly: "You have been working in the United States and the United Kingdom all year round. Don't always look at domestic problems according to the standards of developed countries. How many years have they been developing, and how many years has it been since reform and opening up in China? What are you doing? In the technology industry, there is a big gap between domestic technology and developed countries, right?"

"It's not bad, it's getting smaller and smaller." Zhou Buqi said with great pride, "Especially in the Internet field, under my leadership, our country's Internet industry has basically leveled the gap with the United States. Compared with the United Kingdom and Germany, , France, South Korea, Japan, Australia, etc., that’s really far ahead.”


The old man doesn’t understand the Internet at all, so he doesn’t quite believe it.

Zhou Buqi said: "Although there are many policy restrictions on the Internet, they are still fewer than other industries. This provides Internet people with a lot of room for display. In the next ten years, the domestic Internet industry will not follow the same rules. If the United States has learned from this, it should lead the whole world and let the whole world learn from us."

The old man couldn't help but laugh and said with a smile: "This kid, just brag as hard as you can!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Others may not be able to do it, but at least I can."

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