Top of the big era

Chapter 2464 Blending

Among the people in the "Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance", everyone is respectful to Boss Zhou. Only two people dare to go against him, one is Xu Baihui and the other is Meng Houkun.

A very important reason is that the relationship between them is so good.

Among these people, except for Senior Sister Zhen Yu and Sister Baoshan, who are their own women, they have the most communication and the best personal relationship with Zhou Buqi.

In the company, Meng Houkun was Zhou Buqi's biggest supporter and his biggest opponent. He snorted coldly at the moment: "You two are just grinding away like this. If I become mute, you two will be dead even after the New Year." Maybe I haven’t explained my words clearly yet!”

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "What do you want to say?"

Meng Houkun said: "Temporarily launching another round of financing can take care of the new batch of private equity funds in the country. There is indeed a human factor. Ziweixing IPO is such a big capital feast. If we can be generous and share some, we can I get a lot of favors from the venture capital community. But favors are not the main reason.”

"what is that?"

“Ziweixing’s long-term competitiveness!”


Zhou Buqi was very concerned about this. He glanced at Nie Caijun and saw him smiling but saying nothing.

I basically understand what's going on.

It's probably not a formal routine.

Otherwise, it must be Nie Caijun, the chief financial officer, who will explain it, rather than Meng Houkun doing it for him.

Meng Houkun's consistent work style is to be bold and bold.

Meng Houkun said: "In the past few years, investment in Internet companies has mainly relied on foreign capital. Now times have changed, the domestic venture capital industry has been liberalized, and there are more and more mobile Internet startups. In terms of financing, The choice will definitely be based on domestic venture capital institutions.”

Zhou Buqi disagrees, "The role of foreign capital is not only to provide funds."

Meng Houkun said: "At least these domestic venture capital institutions have the opportunity to participate in the financing process of emerging Internet companies. And in this process, due diligence must be indispensable."


“It’s no different now than it was a few years ago. There are enough Internet talents in the country, and due diligence can be more detailed. There won’t be many transactions where experts deceive laymen.”


Zhou Buqi smiled and nodded.

In Internet investment in the past few years, many times the investors simply did not understand what startup companies were trying to do. In addition, foreign capital was not familiar with the domestic situation. Sometimes they got involved by fooling around and got screwed.

For example, the "agent" Zhou Buqi was looking for in South Korea was Jin Fanxiu, the boss of Kakao Group.

His last company was NHN Group.

Its game business was once the largest in South Korea.

Later it stopped working.


A very important factor is that Jin Fanxiu paid attention to the domestic market, and then was deceived. He spent 100 million US dollars to invest in Lianzhong World... You must know that the QQ game battle platform had already appeared at that time, and it seriously eroded the market of Lianzhong Game Platform. share.

The result was disastrous and everything was lost.

Jin Beomxiu left NHN, and then he came into contact with Zhou Buqi and co-founded Kakao Group.

Entering the mobile Internet era, the situation is completely different.

Domestic capital restrictions have been relaxed, private private equity operations have been allowed, and domestic venture capital funds have sprung up. Furthermore, the domestic Internet industry has developed, and a large number of top Internet experts have emerged.

The employer only needs to invite a few senior experts as partners, or temporarily invite one or two industry experts to participate during due diligence to help analyze the feasibility of the entrepreneurial project.

In this way, the employer can be prevented to the greatest extent from being teased by the entrepreneurial team.

Nie Caijun added: "In the past, domestic investment in Internet projects was very cautious. The main reason was that no one understood what was going on. It is much better now, and more and more capital dares to enter." In the Internet field, the main thing is that more and more people can understand the Internet, and even state-owned capital dares to enter the Internet field."

"Those are all trivial matters." Meng Houkun waved his hand, "There are too many domestic Internet startups, and many new ideas and ideas are born every day. Although Ziweixing also has an investment department, we cannot cover them all. . Those on the front line are definitely these venture capital institutions.”


"If some venture capital institutions are selected to participate in Ziweixing's new round of financing, a cooperative relationship will be established. When they do due diligence in the future, if they find good projects, they can report them to us."


Zhou Buqi knew the style of this boy Meng Houkun very well.

The notification he was talking about was definitely not a notification in the ordinary sense.

Sure enough, Meng Houkun said calmly: "Ziweixing has the most funds and the best talents, how can there be a possibility of being defeated? If it exists, then there must be a new thing that has appeared, we did not discover it, and then suddenly grew Get up. Ziweixing grew up rapidly in this gap. Ziweixing is successful, so we must be alert to the emergence of the next Ziweixing and block successful paths like Ziweixing."

Zhou Buqi smiled angrily, "Is it passed down from your ancestors?"

Meng Houkun hummed: "The current due diligence investigation is much stricter than that of investment projects in previous years. The product model will be demonstrated, the product design will be inspected, and the technology applied to the product will be analyzed. If A venture capital institution has privately passed such an investigation report to us. With Ziweixing’s strength, how can it give it market opportunities?”

"It's indeed a blending!"

Zhou Buqi had already guessed it.

It must be something that never sees the light of day.

For many start-up companies, how can they compete with large companies if they have no money, no one, no technology? If you want to stand out, you must innovate and do something a little different.

Just like the school network that Ziweixing built when it started its business.

It was only for the college student market, so it was a niche product and would not be taken seriously by the big companies at the time. Then gained momentum.

By the time the campus network is built, it is already too late for big companies to turn around and block it.

Meng Houkun's thinking is very clear.

It is to block such opportunities that may challenge Ziweixing in the future market, and rely on personal relationships with some private venture capital institutions to obtain first-hand information on innovative projects.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you can easily nip potential competitors in the bud.

Meng Houkun said angrily: "What kind of blending? This is a normal business transaction. Venture capital institutions lack professionals. Isn't it normal to pay our experts to help analyze their due diligence reports? Or our experts directly follow suit." Together with investment institutions, we will participate in the due diligence of those entrepreneurial projects. As for what inspiration our people received during this process, who can limit it? Newton was hit on the head by an apple and came up with gravity. What did he do? ?The copyright of gravity still belongs to everyone who was hit on the head by an apple?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and scolded: "Don't come and argue with me."

Meng Houkun said: "If you don't do it, others will do it. This is not my invention. Look at the Internet industry in China in the past few years. Isn't it just those companies? A new company has popped up. Looking at the background, it’s either the Baidu system, the Alibaba system, or the Penguin system. Rather than giving it to them, it’s better for us to take it back.”

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly and looked at Nie Caijun, "Do you have the same opinion?"

Nie Caijun shook his head.

Meng Houkun snorted coldly: "Your ideas are too conservative and you are too cowardly!"

Zhou Buqi ignored him and looked at Nie Caijun, "What do you think?"

Nie Caijun said: "I don't think it's necessary. After all, it's not a glorious thing to mix things up in private. Even if the law can be circumvented in a gray area, once word gets out, it will affect Ziweixing's reputation."

"Law?" Zhou Buqi thought thoughtfully, "Laws can be revised at any time, and the logic that the law does not correct the past is not suitable for the country. Ziweixing has done so well, and cannot leave any clues."

Meng Houkun felt that Boss Zhou was a bit naive, "Excuses? If I really want to punish you, do I need an excuse? If I don't want to punish you, you can have a thousand or ten thousand excuses."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Shut up! Your plan won't work, it won't pass! What we do is not for outsiders to see, but for ourselves. If you are used to it, if you can overcome this hurdle in your heart, our company There are so many people here who are kind-hearted children, but they can’t get through it.”

Meng Houkun shook his head and said, "Hey, Boss Zhou, Boss Zhou, when will you grow up?"

Zhou Buqi almost died of anger.

Nie Caijun suppressed his face until he turned red. He wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. He could only say: "In fact, there is no need to worry too much about the emergence of competitors. If you want a large company like Ziweixing to appear, you must go through a lot of things." It will take a large round of financing, which may cost billions of dollars. If you want to raise such a large amount of money, Ziweixing will always have the opportunity to participate."

Meng Houkun opened his eyes wide, "How much will it cost?"

Nie Caijun said with a smile: "Ziweixing is not short of money, and will only get richer in the future. Using your method, we may solve the problem with 1 million, but we can follow the normal process. If 100 million doesn't work, we can use 1 billion." ."

Zhou Buqi supported Nie Caijun, "Yes, we don't care what others do, but Ziweixing can't go the wrong way. Problems that can be solved by money are not problems. But...but the human capital you said also makes sense. Listed companies and unlisted companies The company has two ways of playing the game, and cooperation with a lot of private equity capital must be indispensable in this process.”

Nie Caijun said: "If Ziweixing has already been listed, there is nothing to say. Like BAT, you don't have to think too much. But Ziweixing has not yet been listed, and domestic capital institutions are waiting with red eyes. Moreover, many domestic venture capital funds have just been established, and they all hope to have a good start. Having the opportunity to participate in this round of financing from Ziweixing will be a golden sign for them. A huge favor.”

"Well, that should be the case."

Zhou Buqi recognized this idea.

The human element is important.

For example, there is a very good startup company that has been spotted by several large companies such as Baidu, Alibaba, and Ziweixing, and they have all issued acquisition offers.

So, to whom?

At this time, the venture capital institutions behind the startup will have a great say. These institutions have not been able to participate in companies like BAT that have been listed for a long time, but they have enjoyed the capital feast of Ziweixing's listing... With this layer of friendship, Ziweixing is equivalent to having priority in the future Internet market .

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