Top of the big era

Chapter 246: A Weird Person Visits

Kingsoft Antivirus came from behind, defeated Rising in the field of personal antivirus, and became the new overlord.

But in the field of enterprise-level anti-software, Rising is still the king.

Especially for government procurement, 65% of the anti-virus software used by governments at all levels in the country is Rising.


Because Rising Antivirus has complete independent intellectual property rights.

And the person who developed this set of intellectual property rights is Liu Yu.

This is also the reason why Rising is so determined to kill Liu Yu.

After he founded Dongfang Weidian, he created a next-generation antivirus technology with complete intellectual property rights. This is simply an upgraded version of Rising and a perfect substitute.

If we sit back and watch Dongfang Weidian start, will Rising still have a place in the future market?

You must know that according to the current growth rate of the security market, by next year, this will grow into a large market with a scale of tens of billions.

It's a pity that Liu Yu is a bit ignorant of current affairs.

Not only was he unaware of Rising's murderous intent, but he also turned a blind eye to Zhou Buqi's olive branch.

He is 45 years old this year, older than Zhou Buqi and Ji Zi An Jia together.

He couldn't hold back his face.

The first negotiation failed!

After leaving, Zhou Buqi was very upset and scolded: "This kind of person has no courage, no means, doesn't know how to judge the situation, doesn't know how to be courteous and corporal, and he can run a company well? I think Rising is also stupid. There is no need to suppress it. Because he doesn’t understand anything except technology.”

Feeling the same way, Ji Zi'an sighed. It was obvious that he was going to the big prison, so he couldn't cry without seeing the coffin.

Just wait, when he cries. Zhou Buqi snorted coldly.

The anticipation in my heart was a little bit more.

He is determined to win Dongfang Weidian. There is no other company like this in the country.

If the negotiation is successful this time, the purchase price will definitely be very high.

Simply drag it on.

The more vicious Rising played and the more ruthless his methods, the more embarrassing Liu Yu would be.

The worse the East is, the easier it will be to lower the price at the negotiating table.

drag it.

See who consumes who!


On this day, a weird person came to Xiaonei.

He wore a pair of spectacles, looked refined, and wore a cropped cut. Da Xia was wearing a black suit with a blue shirt inside.

He came to the student activity center of Beike and knocked on the door gently.

Guan Ting ran over quickly, and immediately froze, looking him up and down hesitantly, "Is there something wrong?"

I thought it was selling insurance.

"Hello classmate, is this the office of Xiaonei?"

Weird's voice is very gentle, very gentlemanly. But for Guan Ting, who was used to Zhou Buqi's carefree Northeast accent, she felt that this strange person was a bit sissy.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I want to find Zhou Buqi."

The strange man smiled slightly, his eyes looked past Guan Ting, and looked inside, his eyes were wide open, as if he didn't want to miss any corner.

Guan Ting raised her brows like willow leaves, and her expression turned serious, "Who the hell are you? If you do this again, I'll call you a security guard!"

The weirdo laughed dumbfounded, and handed over his business card.

"Sun Tongyu?"

Guan Ting frowned, looked at him hesitantly, and looked again.

How strange!

Who is this person?

The business card is so beautifully printed, and on this business card, there is only one name, one phone number, not even a job title.

There are usually two kinds of people who print business cards in this way.

One is nothing, there is no serious work to print a business card to fill the appearance.

One is like Li Jiacheng, people all over the world know each other, and handing over a business card is equivalent to sending over your contact information.

After a while, the weird guy named Sun Tongyu finally revealed his position and said with a smile, "I am the president of Taobao."


Guan Ting's eyes widened suddenly, her face turned pale, and she took two steps back in panic, "You...Mr. Sun, are you the CEO of Taobao?"


"That Taobao from Alibaba?"


"you you……"

Guan Ting was terrified, stammered, and turned her head and shouted: "Guo Pengfei, come here quickly! The people from Taobao are here!"

Taobao just sent over the money, which is the advertising fee in June, which is more than 8.4 million.

When the two parties signed the contract, the marketing department of Taobao estimated that the annual advertising fee would be about 8 million, which is good, and the standard was reached in one month.

Far beyond Taobao's marketing budget.

Taobao once made a phone call to communicate, but Zhou Buqi refused with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, the CEO of Taobao came directly to the door!

Just for more than 8.4 million advertising fees?

As for?

Guo Pengfei's knowledge was much wider. He stretched out his head to take a look, and ran over like a dog chasing him. He was pleasantly surprised: "God of Wealth? It's really you!"

Sun Tongyu smiled restrainedly, "My name is God of Wealth, there is no Lord."

Guo Pengfei laughed and said, "It's all the same. For Xiaonei, Taobao is our God of Wealth!"

Sun Tongyu blinked and nodded slightly, "That makes sense. I came here from Lin'an on a special trip today. The secretary didn't bring it with me. I just wanted to give you money."

Guo Pengfei naturally didn't believe this kind of nonsense, he laughed, "There is an office next door, let's go to the next door for a cup of tea? I'll call Zhou Buqi right away and ask him to come back."

"He's not in now?"

"Well, he's busy."

"Then I'll take a look here. When he comes over, let's talk."

"no problem!"

Guo Pengfei gave Guan Ting a look, telling her to contact Zhou Buqi quickly, then clapped his hands enthusiastically, and said loudly: "Everyone stop what they are doing, I will introduce a big person to you today. This is The founder and president of Taobao, Mr. Sun Tongyu and Mr. Sun! Well, in Ali, they are all called by nicknames, and everyone can call him the God of Wealth. Now, let us warmly applaud and welcome the God of Wealth to inspect the work!"

Sun Tongyu was speechless for a while.

It feels like this set of things doesn't look like a college student, but like going to a local government.

No way, Sun Tongyu had to smile and tell everyone for 5 minutes.

The level is really high.

The content of the speech is actually very empty, talking about idealism, it is all Boss Ma's way. However, the way he speaks is gentle and elegant, with a feeling of spring breeze.

It sounds comfortable.

It's like being brainwashed.

However, Guo Pengfei has been with Zhou Buqi all the year round, and he himself is used to deception, so he still maintains a restrained and calm mind, secretly wondering: "A CEO of Taobao, a bigwig of the domestic Internet, doesn't even have a secretary by his side." Take, come to the door alone, so humble? What is this for? Do you follow Liu Xuande and pay attention to the thatched cottage? The visitor is not kind!"


Xu Baihui smiled like a flower.

Couldn't be happier.

She is leaving for Yucheng.

"Crazy Stone" will be launched in the middle of this month. As a producer, she will be on the front line to direct.

This is the first time she has entered the entertainment circle and witnessed the filming scene of a movie with her own eyes.

Next to her were two beautiful sisters from Jieyu Media, one graduated from Zhongchuan, and the other graduated from Chinese opera. They both graduated from university for a few years, and they cherish this opportunity very much.

"This won't work, it's just you three little girls, what if you are in danger?" Zhou Buqi was not very satisfied with this situation.

"Oh~~" Xu Baihui glanced at him meaningfully, with a smile that was not a smile, "Why don't you accompany me? Protect me? Don't worry, I will pay you."

Zhou Buqi knew that he was not her opponent, so he didn't accept this, and said, "You must know how chaotic the entertainment circle is. This crew has Ning Hao and Xu Zheng leading the lineup, so it's not a big problem, but in the future, the company will still We need to hire a security team. They are all girls, so it’s inconvenient to go out.”

Xu Baihui pursed her lips and snorted coquettishly: "Okay, I know what's going on. It's getting late, you all go back, we're going to the VIP lounge for free lunch."

Both Zhen Yu and Xue Baoshan hugged her goodbye and told her to be careful.

Xu Baihui's eyes were red, and when she saw Zhou Buqi holding back her laughter, she vented angrily: "Zhou Buqi, if you laugh at me again, I will give Baoshan advice, so that you will never succeed in your life!"

"you dare!"

Zhou Buqi glared at her fiercely, and seeing Zhen Yu's narrow eyes and Xue Baoshan's pretty face flushed, he knew he had made a mistake, and hurriedly explained: "Hurry... hurry up! The plane will be delayed later, and no one will reimburse you for your ticket! "

When Xu Baihui went to the waiting room gloating, Zhou Buqi said embarrassingly, "Sister Bao, don't listen to her, don't listen to anything, you can't learn from her."

The blush on Xue Baoshan's pretty face didn't fade away, but her demeanor was graceful, she pursed her lips and smiled, "Student Zhou, I understand everything."


Zhou Buqi's face collapsed.

Sister Bao, you better not understand anything.

On the way back by car, Zhou Buqi received a call from Guan Ting, who was really surprised for a while when he learned about the visit of Sun Tongyu, the president of Taobao.

"Zhou Buqi, where are you? Come back quickly, I don't think Guo Pengfei can subdue him." Guan Ting lowered her voice and said worriedly.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What are you afraid of? His name is Sun Tongyu, not Sun Dasheng."

"I'm not joking with you, it's true!" Guan Ting was a little anxious.

But Zhou Buqi was not in a hurry, and said calmly: "Go and tell him, just say that I am too busy now, and I will only have time to go there in the evening. If he doesn't mind, let him wait."


"Just do it!"

"What about dinner then?"

"Order a meal, go to to place an order, and give him whatever we eat."

Zhou Buqi has nothing to fear.

Obviously, the other party's visit this time is to discuss important business, and they are asking for Xiaonei.

It's not good at first glance.

Xiaonei and are close partners. How can they turn their backs and ruthlessly join the Taobao camp?

After finishing the call with Guan Ting, Zhou Buqi handed the mobile phone to Zhen Yu in the passenger seat, asked her to turn on the speakerphone, and helped to call Liu Qiangdong to talk about the matter.

Liu Qiangdong was in a good state of mind, very calm, and said: "It's okay, business is business, there is nothing to avoid. We are all small companies, and of course we wish for the opportunity to cooperate with big companies."

Zhou Buqi sneered, "I'm afraid that the background is not small! That's the president of Taobao who came to the door in person, with a humble and sincere attitude."

Liu Qiangdong was startled, "Isn't it because you want to eat the group buying business?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Almost."

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