Top of the big era

Chapter 2454 Countdown to listing

Zhang Yiming thought it was a bit nonsense. It was done every two or three years. How much would it cost? It’s not just about money, how much energy is wasted? I usually don’t have to work anymore and just go to the design office.

The idea that Boss Zhou came up with on the spur of the moment was somewhat immature.

But the basic idea still has basis.

It is not very popular in China, but in creative companies in Europe and the United States, if an employee is assigned an office of his own, the first thing to do is to apply for a decoration fund from the company, and then build the office according to his own style. Fan.

In China, most people are unwilling to use the desks, chairs, and office supplies left by their predecessors, and will replace them with new ones on the grounds that they are scrapped. In Europe and the United States, many times it is a comprehensive overhaul.

This actually has certain industry specificities.

The domestic Internet industry is fluid too fast. If you are assigned an office today, you may be fired tomorrow; if you work in the capital today, you may be stationed in the capital tomorrow.

Many times, blindly introducing some foreign corporate strategies into the country can easily lead to acclimatization and cause huge waste.

Fortunately, Ziweixing is not short of money.

Doing it temporarily does have great team-building significance.

According to the plan, Ziweixing will be listed on Nasdaq in August this year. Every employee is eagerly looking forward to this event. This will be the watershed for Ziweixing from the entrepreneurial stage to the mature stage.

Therefore, it is very meaningful to hold such an office design competition this year.

What a new atmosphere for listing!

Through a brand-new office design, we will welcome the upcoming IPO drama and bring a new atmosphere, new inspiration, and new focus to the entire company.

As for the future...

Let’s talk about it later!

Zhang Yiming said: "The decoration of the office cannot be static. This is for sure. Once the office environment is solidified, the company atmosphere will also be rigid, which indeed restricts everyone's innovative thinking to a certain extent."

Zhou Buqi said: "Young people like new things. This is not only a pursuit in life, but also has an impact on business. Young people's preferences change greatly. One day they like punk, and the next they like Chinese style. To please young people , is the first priority of Internet products. Office design is not only a change in decoration style, but also conforms to an era."

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "When the company goes public, investors may not like it."

"As long as you can make money for them, it's not an obstacle." Zhou Buqi disagreed and said slowly, "Many companies are advocating a concept, which is to make the company feel like home. Comfort at work, What is very important is the demonstration of individual rights.”

This is a bit different. Zhang Yiming thinks that the big boss's approach may be applicable abroad, but it is a bit nonsense at home.

Personal style office decoration can indeed make the work environment more welcoming.

But there must be a major premise.

That means working hours should be short.

In this way, the office will feel like home.

If an employee stays in the office for more than ten hours every day, no matter how warm he is, the warmth will be worn away by the huge workload. How can he still feel like home? I can’t wait to get off work early and go home early!

The competition in the domestic Internet industry is really fierce.

Even though Ziweixing is doing very well on the mobile side now, it cannot relax at all.

If Ziweixing works 7 hours a day, competitors can increase their working hours by relying on strategies such as working overtime and shortening holidays...

At that time, competitors will accelerate and are likely to catch up.

This requires Ziweixing not to relax.

Keep existing jobs oppressive.

In order to maintain the current leading position.

It is impossible to solve this problem with simple office design. None of the employees who can work at Ziweixing are stupid. It is simply unrealistic to try to bribe them with such simple favors.

Zhang Yiming felt that Boss Zhou was a bit too idealistic because he had been working abroad for a long time. He smiled and said: "Okay, let's do it once first, try it and see the effect."

Zhou Buqi said "Yeah", "Let's start it after the Spring Festival. It will take a month to decorate it. When April comes, we will make a selection to see who has the best office design. Then we can take pictures and put them inside." Let employees vote online. The funds are fixed, and whoever has the ability can hire designers from outside. The ability to hire foreign aid is also ability."

Zhang Yiming said the next thing, funny: "By the way, after Weidian Video was removed from the shelves, Baidu also took action."


"Baidu also removed their Baidu Video."

"Robin was scared."

Zhou Buqi laughed.

Zhang Yiming said: "It's really possible. Weidian Video was suddenly removed from the shelves. They probably thought we got some news, so they took emergency action quickly."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Where's Kuaibo?"

Compared with Weidian Video and Baidu Video, Qvod is the leader in this field.

The combined share of Baidu and Weidian cannot match that of Kuaibo.

"I haven't heard of it." Zhang Yiming shook his head, "Baidu has lost Baidu Video, and Ziweixing has lost Weidian Video. In fact, there is no impact. There is only Kuaibo."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's going to be troublesome. The film and television copyrights bought by others for more than one billion yuan were stolen by Qvod for free. Who would be willing?"

Zhang Yiming said: "There are many pirated products, and if the state wants to check them, they may not be able to check them. Moreover... it doesn't make sense to only check Qvod and not other products."

Zhou Buqi said: "Shoot the first bird, especially the worst one."

Next, Zhou Buqi attended a financial meeting.

Don't look at the money-burning war between Weidian Cloud Disk and Baidu Netdisk, losing more than 500 million in one year, but Weidian Cloud Disk is just a product of Ziweixing.

This loss is insignificant.

Because of its listing, Ziweixing's cash burn has significantly shrunk in the past year. I just want to come up with beautiful data to provide the brightest and most attractive basis for the subsequent prospectus.

After settlement, the annual revenue was 43.5 billion yuan and the net profit reached 14.4 billion yuan!

This is so rich.

Compared with Ziweixing International, which faces financial crises in overseas markets from time to time, it has to rely on constant borrowing to survive. Ziweixing's development in the domestic market has been smooth sailing and invincible.

This is just business income.

Not counting capital equity!

For example, Ziweixing owns shares in many excellent companies, such as Asda,, Bajixing, YY, etc. These companies have grown, and the growth of these companies can also be converted into profits and reflected on Ziweixing's books.

This does not take into account the capital gains from the sale of UC Group.

In the next six months, UC Group's transaction case will be reviewed by all parties and completed. Capital gains can be calculated in the financial report for the second quarter of 2013. The financial report was released just at the time when Ziweixing went public.

This is enough to ignite market enthusiasm for Ziweixing's IPO.

Zhou Buqi said: "The next step is to calculate the capital benefits. In the past few years, Ziweixing has invested in so many companies. If nothing else, the capital gains of Aisda alone are astronomical figures. I declare that from now on Let’s start the countdown to Ziweixing’s IPO!”

There was thunderous applause in the conference room.

I have been looking forward to this day for many years.

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