Top of the big era

Chapter 2428 Breakthrough in the Korean market

It is very difficult for foreign Internet companies to enter the Korean market, and many technology giants have failed. But there are exceptions, such as Microsoft.

Windows systems cannot be copied locally.

This is actually an ecological monopoly.

It’s not just the operating system and the software adapted to the system, but also the hardware products in the computer, such as Intel chips, which are all adapted to the Windows system and use Microsoft standards.

If you want to develop an operating system that competes with Windows, you must start with hardware and develop a complete set of hardware that adapts to the system.

Unless you use Microsoft standards to develop an operating system that competes with Windows systems, it will be difficult to be competitive.

This is actually a kind of monopoly.

Ecological monopoly.

If you want to make a lot of money by doing business, there are various business models, but in the end they all lead to the same goal, and they all move towards monopoly.

Whoever can complete the monopoly of the industry without violating monopoly laws will become an industry giant.

There are many forms of monopoly.

The most recognized thing is the protection of intellectual property rights.

Once intellectual property rights are protected, only the owner can use them, and others are not allowed to use them... This creates a monopoly advantage.

This is why Zhou Buqi attaches great importance to the streaming media industry.

This thing is a legal monopoly!

For example, video websites can overcome all obstacles as long as they have enough high-quality film and television copyrights. Because protecting intellectual property rights is the consensus of all mainstream countries around the world.

If a foreign company builds an e-commerce website, social networking website, or search website in South Korea, it will be difficult for it to compete with similar local products in South Korea. The national sentiment in South Korea is too strong. They all support domestic products and oppose foreign products.

Video websites can transcend this limitation!

It is too easy to build a video website, but the movies and TV series on the video website cannot be copied. These intellectual property rights are the core competitiveness of this type of website.

Korean local video websites do not have enough excellent film and television content, so they can only use foreign products. This gives Netflix the opportunity to enter South Korea and dominate the Korean video streaming industry!

At present, Netflix's main markets are Europe and the United States, and it has not yet made efforts in the Korean market.

This does not prevent the processor from being deployed in advance.

This cooperation with South Korea's largest film giant CJ Entertainment is an opportunity.

Ziweixing Global holds a large number of copyrights for excellent foreign film and television works, not only works from its own copyright libraries such as Universal Pictures, MGM, DreamWorks Animation, Lucasfilm, Marvel Pictures, and Summit Entertainment. Copyrights also include the purchase of a large number of high-quality film and television copyrights under Zhou Buqi's arrangement in the past few years.

Once you buy it, you can no longer authorize it at will.

It is necessary to promote the development of streaming media business in the form of "monopoly" exclusive broadcasting.

Netflix has developed so fast in recent years, with a market value of more than 14 billion U.S. dollars. Behind it, Ziweixing Global plays a vital role.

Under this circumstance, if Korean viewers want to watch foreign movies and TV series, they can only choose Netflix.

However, this is not enough!

Since the streaming media industry is special and can break through the limitations of the national sentiments of the Korean people, you're welcome. Now that you have the opportunity to enter the market, you must take a bite.

It would be best if local Korean viewers can only choose Netflix when watching local movies and TV series...

This intention should also be included in this cooperation with CJ Entertainment.

This is a move that will wipe out the local streaming media industry in South Korea.

CJ Entertainment launches about 20 local movies in South Korea every year. If the only viewing channel for these works is Netflix, then you are done.

The cooperation between Universal Pictures and CJ Entertainment has attracted the attention of the Korean authorities.

Cultural industry is South Korea’s current national policy.

Zhou Buqi gave up the leading role to Michael Moore-Katzenberg, and he himself separated a small team and visited the post-production center of "Snowpiercer".

The first feeling is poverty.

Although South Korea is a developed country, its population is too small. As a product of the market economy, movies must also aim to make profits. This has resulted in very little investment funds for Korean local movies and TV series. Once too much is invested, the local film market in South Korea will never be able to recoup the investment.

This has caused many production teams to worry about funding.

There are obviously good projects, but there are no start-up costs.

Even if the camera is turned on, it is difficult to achieve the desired results. The only option is to live frugally and frugally.

Including great directors like Bong Joon-ho, the "Snowpiercer" he produced could only hire some local special effects companies... This is really unsatisfactory.

Once you find this market demand, it’s easy.

Just give me money!

South Korea has a population of 50 million. If 10 million are Netflix users, the annual membership fee is US$120, and the total annual revenue is US$1.2 billion.

Netflix spends US$300-400 million every year to support some local teams in South Korea to produce Korean dramas, and then broadcast them exclusively on Netflix... Just throwing money at them can create a future.

Zhou Buqi set off for Tokyo.

On the plane, I communicated with Netflix about the plan for Hancheng Strategy.

The time is almost here to start targeting the Korean market.

In the past few years, Jieyu Media and Ziweixing Global have gone to South Korea to purchase film and television rights, which laid the foundation; then they cooperated with CJ Entertainment to obtain a steady stream of foreign film and television rights; and then started the production of some self-made dramas. The plan has added some original and exclusive film and television works.

The combination of the three parties is enough to win the Korean market.

Netflix CEO Hastings was of course very happy and said with a smile: "Netflix should ask you to be its chairman."

"Me?" Zhou Buqi declined politely. He really didn't have time to chair Netflix's board of directors. "No, you are doing a good job as chairman. Netflix's stock price is growing continuously and it has become the Nasdaq." One of Kerry's monster stocks. I believe every investor will be very satisfied with your work."

Hastings was very humble and said sincerely: "But I know in my heart that you have mapped out all the plans and development routes for me. There has never been a mistake. Every step Netflix takes, there is quality in the business." leap."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I just came up with a few ideas. The real execution and operation level must be the board of directors and management led by you."

Hastings said with emotion: "Yes, there are too many corporate developments related to you in media reports. Ziweixing Global is going to be listed recently. I believe you will be very busy."

Zhou Buqi said: "It doesn't matter. Netflix and Ziweixing Global should be complementary to each other."

For him, there is no distinction between closeness and distance.

He holds more shares in Netflix, but he has little power in Netflix; he holds less shares in Ziweixing Global, but he can monopolize power.

Both sons and daughters have to help.

Hastings tried to ask: "Then Netflix will focus on the Asian market?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, I think the time is almost here. The U.S. financial market has recovered, and Nasdaq's technology stocks have entered a new round of rapid growth. Netflix should seize this opportunity and make a move quickly. Win the Korean and Japanese markets together.”

Hastings asked: "What about China? That seems to be several times that of South Korea and Japan..."

Zhou Buqi interrupted him directly, "Don't have this idea. Ziweixing doesn't dare to get involved in the video streaming field easily in that market. The competition is too fierce. Once you get in, you can't get out."

"Then you won't go?"

"You can't go even if you want to, because the layers of censorship on those film and television dramas will block you. First, do a good job in the Korean and Japanese markets. Jieyu Media owns a lot of domestic film and television copyrights in Korea and Japan. You can contact them. I have already laid the foundation, and now it’s up to you to watch your performance.”

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