Top of the big era

Chapter 2421 Management cannot be too formal

Tang Binchen now has a successful career and love, his wife is also pregnant, and he is in a state of high spirits. Naturally, he has no problem helping Yahoo App with marketing.

I even think this is a way out for the sales team of the "Manual" project.

Tang Binchen smiled and said: "The current 'Instructions' project no longer requires a sales team. This recommendation resource is great. There is no need for sales at all. There are only so many recommendation positions, and merchants have to wave their money to grab them. I was just thinking about it." This sales team has been disbanded and it would be good to transfer it to Yahoo."

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't cross it yet, just take care of it. The morale at Yahoo is low, it feels like a plague. Zheng Xiaoli's team is basically all new recruits, and they are slowly being infected. This team is still You can continue to carry it with you. We will wait until Yahoo App becomes a big success and Zheng Xiaoli reorganizes Yahoo."

Tang Binchen nodded, "Reforming is more difficult than conquering the world."

Zhou Buqi also feels this way, "So, if the performance of a project like 'Manual' declines in the future, don't think about transformation and improvement. Just give up when it's time to give up. Some projects can only make money." Quick money, the more changes are made, the more troublesome it becomes. Yahoo is a business marriage, it can’t be done without support, and there is nothing we can do.”

Tang Binchen said: "Well, there are signs of this now."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "No way? I see the materials on your side, and the performance is rising steadily!"

“Instructions” are now the best promotion channel for mobile apps. They are tied to the sales of smartphones and take advantage of consumers’ unfamiliarity with smartphones, a product of the new era, to attach great importance to “instructions”. Achieved unexpected market results.

In the first three quarters of this year, the "Instructions" project generated US$1.26 billion in revenue for Ziweixing International!

For the whole year, it amounted to more than 1.5 billion US dollars!

What is this concept?

The annual revenue from recommended advertising in the Apple Store is US$400 million; the annual revenue from recommended advertising in the Google Store is US$300 million.

The two major mobile platforms combined are less than half of the "instructions" project!

It can be seen that the huge economic value generated by this return to traditional media promotion project jointly developed by Zhou Buqi and Tang Binchen.

However, this is only short-term.

The Apple Store and Google Store will become more and more profitable in the future, especially as consumers are familiar with smartphones and can skillfully download apps through the App Store, and their profits will become more and more impressive.

It’s time for the “Instructions Manual” project to withdraw from the stage of history.

In other words, the less familiar consumers are with smartphones, the more profitable the "instructions" will be; the more familiar consumers are with smartphones, the more profitable the app stores will be.

It's obviously still early days in the development of smartphones.

Tang Binchen said: "From the data point of view, it is indeed very beautiful. But there are many competitors in the industry, at least seven or eight. The mobile phone manufacturers in South Korea have imitated our 'Instructions' project and made their own App recommended instructions. These include Samsung and LG.”

Zhou Buqi was very relaxed about this and said with a smile: "We have been prepared for a long time. We have two major customers, Asda and Apple, as well as modern mobile phones and the Japanese market..."

Tang Binchen nodded and said: "Yes, although there are many competitors, the total size of this market is about 2 billion U.S. dollars, and our 'Instructions' project exclusively holds 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. We almost dominate the market. This is due to our initial cooperation with major operators. Long-term contracts signed between merchants and mobile phone manufacturers. However, there is another reason."

"What is it?"

"Users are becoming more and more familiar with smartphones."

"Is there any data to support this?"

Zhou Buqi knew that this was the most critical issue.

"No, and there is no need." Tang Binchen shook his head, "If the data is not good for us, it will not be good. The market is eager for our 'instructions' recommendation position, there is no need to use data to attract them."

Not only that, it is also difficult to investigate the data clearly.

The user downloaded the Yahoo App app on his mobile phone.

How do you know for what reason?

Maybe he is an experienced user of the Yahoo web version, so he cannot do without this product on the mobile phone; maybe he saw this product in the recommendation list of the Google Store, and then downloaded and installed it; or maybe he was buying a mobile phone. , installed this product based on the recommendations in the "Instructions".

It's hard to assess exactly.

It’s hard to comment on Zhou Buqi. Without data support, it’s just Tang Binchen’s personal feeling. At this time, he has to trust his business sense. He said nonchalantly: “Anyway, if you can make money, just do it. If you don’t make money, just give up decisively.” . It was originally a short-term money-making business.”

Tang Binchen hesitated for a moment and whispered: "That's what I said on the surface anyway."

Zhou Buqi smiled angrily, "Stop playing tricks!"

Tang Binchen snorted: "It's not a crooked way. The 'Manual' is my project, and this is the money I earn. Of course, it must be used in the projects I supervise, especially the promotion of Ucgram."

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant, "A lot of people are worried about you?"

"There are so many, I'm all thinking about them!"

"The company's accounts were a little tight some time ago, and it was normal for funds to be transferred between several businesses."

"Come on, Lu Qi called me yesterday and told me about this!" Tang Binchen was very dissatisfied with this. "He said that I can keep 40% of the income from the 'Instructions' project for my own use, and the remaining 60% % must be handed over to the headquarters. They say that Yahoo wants to develop and there is a new project called Snapchat. It is nothing more than trying to take away the financial rights."

This is not the first time Zhou Buqi has heard of similar things.

In fact, it is a company system.

Normally, when a business makes money, all the money belongs to the headquarters. If the business needs money, prepare a budget sheet, apply to the finance department, and then approve the money after all levels of approval.

This is the formal funding approval process.

Almost all formal companies do this.

Land Qi also means the same thing.

The advantage of this is obvious. The headquarters can control the major business units through financial power. All funds must be uniformly allocated through the headquarters, which can be more fair and safer, and prevent the business department from using the money earned to create various small treasury, or even collectively conspiring to embezzle the company's property.

The shortcomings are also obvious.

The process is complicated and the efficiency is terrible!

The money I earn is handed over first; when I need the money, I then file a report to apply for it, and then explain the reasons for using the money carefully. After layers of approvals and repeated weighings, I get the money back.

Depend on!

The day lilies are cold!

Especially big companies.

The larger the company, the more complete the system and the more complex the process, so that business risks can be controlled to the maximum extent... Then it will cause the disease of large companies, the relationship between organizational departments is complicated, and office politics will be carried out in order to save project funds and business resources. , fighting over and over leads to extremely inefficient decision-making.

Traditional software companies like Adobe are the most typical examples.

There is nothing we can do about it.

If it is a listed company, it must have a complete set of sound and complete corporate systems and management processes. Only in this way can the interests of shareholders be protected.

Only in this way can the permission for marketing be granted.

In other words, if a company wants to go public, it must be a "regular army", and all business and processes must be in order and operate under the supervision of the whole society.

However, Ziweixing and Ziweixing International have not yet been listed on the market.

There is no need to be so "formal" in terms of systems and procedures.

This is the macro strategy formulated by Zhou Buqi.

We must seize territory in the early stages of the mobile Internet at all costs, and we must do it quickly! The sooner the better! If it's too late, the territory will be taken away by others!

We can temporarily put aside some minor issues within the company and focus on grabbing territory in the market. After seizing the territory, we can deal with internal affairs of the company behind closed doors.

How to improve the efficiency of land grabbing?

Of course, it is to reduce the complexity of the process as much as possible and maximize the efficiency of decision-making. When you find an opportunity, make a quick decision, then immediately take the money to start and enter the market.

Especially when facing some direct line generals.

For example, Chen Dong, Guo Pengfei, Tang Binchen, Zhou Feng, Wang Xiaochuan, Zheng Xiaoli and others all delegated power to the maximum extent, not only giving business decision-making and management rights, but also financial and personnel rights.

The risk of doing this is actually very high.

Once such a trusted direct line general betrays him, the entire business will collapse with his departure.

For example, a certain domestic group buying company was once the number one in the country. It adopted this strategy of brutal growth and full decentralization, and it developed extremely fast and was staggering. Later, a competitor pried away the president of Southern Company. The president took all the core employees to change jobs, which completely paralyzed the company's southern business. All businesses and all markets belonged to the competitors.

But Zhou Buqi is not worried about this risk at all.

Don't be suspicious when you employ people, don't use people when you are suspicious.

In addition to Zi Weiyun's Kurian causing some concerns, Zhou Buqi specially sent Jiang Fan from China. Other major business units are not worried at all.

This fully decentralized strategy can greatly increase the speed of business development, which is the management factor that has enabled Ziweixing and Ziweixing International to achieve amazing results in the mobile Internet field at home and abroad.

Ziweixing's position in the domestic mobile Internet arena has been established, and it has basically won all the territory it should take.

It will be listed next year, so we are comprehensively building the company's internal systems and processes.

Ziweixing International is not good yet, there is still a huge market to explore and fight for.

We still need to fully decentralize and delegate power.

Especially for Tang Binchen, not only should he not be able to take back power, but he should also be given greater power and more trust. When choosing between Lu Qi and Tang Binchen, there is no doubt that he would choose the latter. He is a direct descendant of Zhou Buqi who has followed Zhou Buqi all the way to starting a business.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's Lu Qi's reason? To collect money to develop Yahoo and Snapchat?"


Tang Binchen definitely doesn't want the money in his pocket to be collected, and he has to apply for project funds when he wants to use it... It's not troublesome enough, it's too much of a delay.

Zhou Buqi would definitely support him and said with a smile: "Isn't that just right?"

"Ah?" Tang Binchen glanced at him, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The sales team of the 'Manual' project is going to promote Yahoo App next. This is already helping Yahoo. As for Snapchat, this is easy! From now on, Snapchat will be placed in your business department , it’s under your control!”

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