Top of the big era

Chapter 2406 The thinking of the Qing Dynasty

Lucasfilm is the first company in the world to develop digital imaging special effects. It has the most powerful graphics processing and image processing software in the world. The person in charge of this business is Catmull, a dean in the computer field. A picture received the award. of recipients.

He was a great scientist who developed the most technologically advanced products.

But he is not a qualified businessman.

Software is also a product.

The better the product, the more profitable it is. Someone has to buy it.

Lucasfilm's core business is movies rather than technology, so the related technologies they develop are not popular with the public and have extremely high professional thresholds.

Not to mention laymen, even ordinary special effects workers don't understand how to use it.

The core purpose of Zhou Buqi's visit this time is to dig deep into the assets of Lucasfilm, so as not to sleep on a mountain of gold all day and cry about poverty.

The core assets of Lucasfilm are of course "Star Wars", the largest IP in Europe and the United States, and the well-known series "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

But in Zhou Buqi's view, apart from film assets, technological assets are the value that has been ignored.

Even if used properly, technological assets will have a higher value!

This time when he came to Lucasfilm, Zhou Buqi was concise and concise, and he wanted to make full use of Lucasfilm’s intellectual property rights in graphics processing and image processing.

Two things -

First, authorize Asda to help them improve the color management of mobile phones and tablets;

Second, set up a new creative design company!

In Zhou Shaoning's view, this is the best decision for Lucasfilm.

How much money can a mere film company make in a year?

The average annual net profit is US$200 million, which is as high as the sky.

Although the film industry is very profitable, compared with the technology industry, it is not an order of magnitude at all. Not to mention anything else, Lucasfilm has cooperated with Asda...the intellectual property fee for each mobile phone is US$1. Lucasfilm can obtain about US$200 million in intellectual property rights every year because of this cooperation. income.

As for the new company that Boss Zhou mentioned...

That’s even more exaggerated!

You know, if someone Zhou takes action, it will definitely not be a small fight. It would not be a waste of time for him to set up a company worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Even YY, which is about to be listed on NASDAQ and is valued at several billion dollars, he is too lazy to deal with.

As the technology industry improves and technology products mature, product design becomes more and more important.

Such a creative design platform based on cloud collaboration has a future full of imagination, with a valuation of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars.

Only a business of this scale would interest Boss Zhou so much and pay so much attention to it despite his busy schedule.

Lucasfilm doesn't even need to spend money to invest in intellectual property...

Even if you get 10% of the shares, it is still an imaginative wealth!

You know, when MSI Universal acquired Lucasfilm, the cost was less than US$4 billion.

How much does this cost?

If this investment works well, just this 10% share may be worth twice as much as Lucasfilm as a whole!

Zhou Shaoning is not a filmmaker.

He has little interest in movie series such as "Star Wars" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Lucasfilm's intellectual property is the real value of this company.

However, over the past few decades, Lucasfilm has been unable to fully tap the value of its technology assets.

This is really a huge waste.

Those filmmakers only focus on developing movies, and lack understanding of the application of technology, and they do not have enough business talents to develop the market.

Now, Boss Zhou is here.

You can rewrite your destiny!

Then, a scene occurred that stunned Zhou Shaoning.

There were a total of five executives present, but no one stood up to express their agreement with the big boss.

Especially the two core leaders.

Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm, and Linwen Brennan, president of Industrial Light and Magic.

These two people actually opposed it in a clear-cut manner!

Catherine said: "Relevant intellectual property rights are the biggest core competitiveness of Lucasfilm. We should not license them to external parties. Instead, we should fully protect and make good use of this part of intellectual property rights. Only in this way can Lucasfilm He has always been in the most special position in the film industry."

Zhou Buqi thinks her view is too ridiculous. "The era of self-preservation has passed. Now is the world of open source! Only sharing and communication can bring about changes at the industrial level, reduce the need to reinvent the wheel, and make the world a better place." Better!"

Kathleen Kennedy worked as an assistant for George Lucas and Spielberg in her early years. She was a pure filmmaker and didn't know much about technology.

Linwen Brennan, the president of Industrial Light and Magic, is different. She is a filmmaker who understands technology. She said: "Silicon Valley's protection of intellectual property is disappointing, and they just keep copying each other. Once we open our pockets, Then the technology we are proud of may soon be learned by other competitors."

This is for sure.

In the IT industry, you copy me and I copy you.

That's a good thing.

Only in this way can we bring the fastest changes to the industry and even the world with the lowest cost and highest efficiency.

If plagiarism is prohibited...

That's trouble.

All companies are doing the same thing repeatedly, which will waste huge social resources, and it will be illusory to try to achieve results by stepping on the shoulders of others.

Plagiarism is allowed to the greatest extent in the IT industry, which is the main reason why this industry can rise faster than other industries.

Lucasfilm obviously doesn't think so.

This is a movie company.

They have no interest in promoting the development of the global technology industry. They just want to produce top-notch commercial blockbusters that other companies cannot produce!

Zhou Buqi is very disappointed with this view, "The times are developing too fast. If Lucasfilm cannot adjust its thinking quickly, it will soon be left behind by the times."

"Throw it away?" Linwen Brennan directly pushed back, "Industrial Light \u0026 Magic has been the number one in the world from the day it was born. To this day, it is still the number one in the world. In the future, it will still be the number one in the world. ."

Not to mention Zhou Buqi, Zhou Shaoning was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Oh shit!

Who do you think you are?

What qualifications do you have to talk about technology and the future in front of Boss Zhou?

Just because you are a woman?

Europe and the United States are really being harmed by feminist thoughts.

It’s simply because you are weak and you are justified, you are ignorant and you are justified, and you are a woman and you are justified.

Zhou Shaoning even wanted to shout loudly: "Damn it! Shut up! The person standing in front of you is Zhou Buqi! He is still the best in the world... You know nothing! Stop using ignorance as confidence!"

However, when the words came to his lips, he really couldn't say them out.

There's a bit of a yin and a waning here at Lucasfilm.

The president of Lucasfilm and the president of Industrial Light and Magic are both women. This is not gender discrimination. After all, women are somewhat different in terms of vision and structure.

I just want to protect these high-quality intellectual property rights surrounding graphics processing, image processing, and color processing in the hands of Lucasfilm and use them only for my own use to ensure that Industrial Light and Magic is the world's number one in this field.

This structure is so low that it is almost like the Qing Dynasty two or three hundred years ago.

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