Top of the big era

Chapter 2404 Creative Design

Zhou Buqi couldn't admit it directly, and said with a smile: "In the creative design market, only one Adobe is still not enough, leaving a lot of unmet needs in this market."

After all, Zi Weiyun is going to cooperate with Adobe.

It is a bit inappropriate to openly declare to be against Adobe.

Boss Zhou found a good angle.

His new project is not to compete with Adobe, but to support Adobe.

The status of creative design in products is getting higher and higher. It is obvious that Adobe alone cannot cope with such a large market, so it just picks up some scraps.

Sinofsky clearly didn't believe it.

With his status as Big Boss Zhou, let him do something that undermines people's wisdom?

This is obviously unreasonable.

He came forward in person and expressed such high level of concern.

Then it's obvious that he wants to do something big!

This really surprised Sinofsky, "If you want to do this... this is not a small project!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Whether it is a big project or a small project depends on the ability of the project manager. I believe you also know that Ziweixing Global is also my industry. Lucasfilm happens to be an asset of Ziweixing Global .In the field of creative design, I still have some resources.”

Sinofsky took a deep breath and said, "Let me be responsible for this?"

"Maybe there can be opportunities for cooperation."

Zhou Buqi is not sure about this either.

After all, this was the first time I met him. I couldn’t say whether this person was reliable or not. I had to investigate him for a while first.

Sinofsky asked tentatively: "Will this be an independent new company?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course, no doubt!"

Sinofsky was a little dazed.

As expected, he is Boss Zhou, and he lives up to his reputation!

How many companies does he have here?

Two listed companies for which he serves as chairman include Changyou and Ziweixing Digital Media. In addition, there are three giants: Ziweixing, Ziweixing International and Ziweixing Global.

The valuations of these three "Ziwei Galaxy" companies have reached US$100 billion.

This is not enough and cannot satisfy his personal ambitions.

He also wants to continue his business and look for development directions in newer fields.

In a daze, Sinofsky's inner fighting spirit was also activated.

After being fired from Microsoft, he was actually a little frustrated.

In addition, he has a deep relationship with Microsoft. All his personal assets are Microsoft stocks and he has a non-competition contract... Under the triple constraints of interests, emotions and contracts, he already has a retirement mentality.

I don’t want to work in Silicon Valley anymore.

He is personally very interested in culture and art industries, and wants to go to Hollywood or Broadway to be an investor and produce some of his favorite cultural works.

Going to change careers!

Don’t embarrass Microsoft, and don’t embarrass yourself.

Mentally, it has reached a cooling-off period.

But now facing Boss Zhou, the almost extinguished flame in his heart spawned a new flame, as if he had a passion ignited and a fighting spirit.

You know, Boss Zhou is already the richest man in the world. The scale and span of his industry are rare in business history. He is still so young and so good.

But even so, he did not stop moving forward.

He is still exploring.

Keep looking for greater self-breakthroughs.

Even he was like this, so how could he have the dignity to choose to "retire"?

At this moment, Sinofsky's heart was already filled with ups and downs.

It has to be said that as Zhou Buqi's status increases, his personality charm also increases exponentially. In the early years, he wanted to hire some experts, but it was really difficult.

Things are different now. Sit here and express your thoughts.

You don’t need to say too much, it’s enough to create magical magic.

Adobe is still going through the process, and the efficiency is very slow.

Ziweixing International has taken the lead in taking action and officially stated that it has joined the W3C Alliance and will contribute to the formulation and promotion of HTML5 standards.

The main focus is on the direction of the mobile field.

The alliance also needs to vote.

The result is no suspense.

Passed unanimously, Ziweixing International will take the lead in leading this mobile group on the HTML5 standard.

After Facebook withdrew, the prospects of HTML5 were frozen, which made many practitioners in this field panic. During this critical period, Ziweixing International bravely stood up, which made all practitioners in this field breathe a sigh of relief.

Apple and Google have also stated that they welcome Ziweixing International to join the big family.

Apple, in particular, seems to be particularly active and has already broken up with Adobe.

Google is relatively ambiguous. While it is actively adopting Flash technical solutions in many products, it is also actively promoting the development process of HTML5.

At this time, Zhou Buqi had already taken the bus south and went to Lucasfilm with Zhou Shaoning.

Not to see Lucasfilm's newly launched "Star Wars 7", but to see a series of digital imaging technology solutions used behind the movie.

Along the way, Zhou Buqi expressed his intention to get deeply involved in the field of creative design.

When Zhou Shaoning heard this, he agreed very much, "It should be! It should be! Adobe's products are really difficult to use!"

"Difficult to use?"

Zhou Buqi felt that what he said was a bit exaggerated. Even he felt that Photoshop was the best photo editing software and it was very convenient to use.

Zhou Shaoning said: "I'm not talking about graphics processing and image processing, I'm talking about Adobe XD, this design software. This is the most recognized design software in the industry, but it is still too inconvenient."


Zhou Buqi nodded, of course he knew AdobeXD.

The vast majority of products on the market today are almost all designed using Adobe XD. For example, designing a website, designing an App, designing a game, a mobile phone, etc. can all be completed using this software.

It will be very convenient.

Zhou Shaoning said: "When we first design products, we all use hand-drawn drawings. The designer has to draw the product concept, and then constantly revise it and finalize it to implement it. I have read the manuscripts of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, and their architectural works The drawings are all extremely beautifully drawn. However, no matter how precise the hand-drawn things are, how can they be compared with software?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is from Hollywood. The earliest cartoons were all hand-drawn, just like "Snow White". The hand-drawn manuscripts of that year have become Disney's collections. Later, computers appeared, and There’s really computer graphics.”

Don’t think that Hollywood only makes movies.

However, Hollywood was born half a century earlier than Silicon Valley.

When Hollywood was at its peak, Silicon Valley had not yet been born. It would be the 1980s before Silicon Valley became famous all over the United States, and after the 1990s when it became famous all over the world.

The application and promotion of many technologies come from Hollywood.

Zhou Shaoning agreed: "Yes, the emergence of software has brought greater energy to many industries... Well, in today's terms, it is empowerment. However, after decades of emergence of design software, it has also been biased. It’s traditional, so there must be new breakthroughs.”

"Oh? What kind of breakthrough?"

"Must go to the clouds!"

"Yes." Zhou Buqi nodded, "The next step for Adobe is to launch a cloud strategy."

Zhou Shaoning said: "If it's just going to the cloud, I don't think it's enough."


"The best product breakthrough, I think, is the change from Office to Weishu. Since using Weishu, I feel that this is the best office product in the world! It is much easier to use than Office!"

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