Top of the big era

Chapter 2399 Be careful with backstabbing

Kurian repeatedly warned that he should be careful when cooperating with Adobe and be careful of backstabbing. Zhou Buqi had been ready for a long time. He wanted to stab Adobe in the back.

In the current market, Adobe's core products have no rivals. They are a giant in the fields of graphics processing and video editing.

This is a bit outrageous.

How does this work?

Others can't challenge Adobe, so Zhou Buqi wants to do it!

He has one of the most core resources in his hands, which is Lucasfilm.

Lucasfilm is the granddaddy of this industry!

Apple computers are very colorful, and the colors of Apple mobile phones are much higher than those of other brands of mobile phones. Why? Going back to the roots, it’s still because of Lucasfilm.

It's because of the classic science fiction masterpiece "Star Wars".

In the 1970s, in order to produce "Star Wars", George Lucas really integrated talents from both the film and technology fields, and established Lucasfilm between Silicon Valley and Los Angeles, making movies on one side and technology on the other.

This is the ancestor of graphics processing and video processing.

Adobe took some of it and created Photoshop. Later, George Lucas and his wife divorced, and the division of property was a big problem.

There is no other way, Lucas can only sell assets to raise money.

He sold the computer division of Lucasfilm to Jobs and renamed the computer division "Pixar".

At that time, Pixar was not a cartoon company. It was a technology company that studied image design, video processing, animation presentation and other fields. It had two major departments: hardware and software.

The hardware department specializes in selling computers that can be used to develop video processing, animation demonstrations and other projects. The price of a computer is as high as 60,000 US dollars.

The price was too high, the professionalism was too strong, and the sales volume was too poor, so it failed.

The software department is very similar to Adobe. The professionalism in developing this type of software can beat Adobe instantly. But it is precisely because of this that it failed because it was too professional and not popular enough.

In order to promote Pixar's hardware and software products, Jobs ordered Pixar to use its own hardware and software equipment to produce a set of animated short films to prove Pixar's technological strength to the market!

Later, it became very interesting. The flowers planted with intention did not bloom, but willows planted with no intention made shade.

Pixar's software and hardware products failed, but its cartoons became a blockbuster!

Pixar instantly became the world's top computer animation studio.

Jobs carried out a strategic transformation of Pixar and closed down the hardware business. As for the software business... it was mainly taken over by his other company NeXT.

Due to poor management, NeXT's hardware business was also stopped, and in the end only the software business (including operating systems) was left.

Later, Apple encountered business difficulties, the products lost their magic, and the operating system became more and more mediocre...Looking back, I found that Jobs' NeXT was very good. The products had delicate colors and exquisite designs, and the operating system was completely in line with Apple's. Apple compatible.

This led to Apple's subsequent acquisition of NeXT and Jobs' return to Apple.

It can be seen from this that Lucasfilm is the mastermind behind this field!

On paper, this is just a movie company.

In the fields of graphic design, video processing, animation rendering, etc., there are technologies that can instantly defeat Silicon Valley. The best special effects company in the world is Industrial Light and Magic, a subsidiary of Lucasfilm.

At that time, Lucasfilm only sold part of its business to Steve Jobs, and more of its business was in its own hands.

It's just that Lucasfilm mainly makes money from movies, not software.

In fact, the market acceptance is not good enough.

Lucasfilm's products are all professional-grade and even ordinary enthusiasts can't understand them. Although it can beat Adobe's products in terms of technology and effects, it is difficult to gain recognition in the market.

This is where Adobe's success lies.

The most important reason why Adobe can dominate the market in this field is to strike a good balance. The technology is better than Adobe, but the professionalism is too high and the popularity is too low; the technology is simple, convenient and popular, but the technology is not as good as Adobe.

Zhou Buqi was a little unconvinced.

I feel the need to do something big!

Within ten years, Ziweiyun relied on Adobe's products to complete the relevant industrial ecology. It is also within this decade that we will create an Adobe competitor in the market!

At the product level, there is definitely no problem.

Isn't it just to lower the threshold of use and make it easier for the public to use? This is the most basic product concept of Ziweixing over the years, and it can be continued.

On a technical level, with the presence of Lucasfilm, this is no longer a problem, it will only be stronger than Adobe!

Even now, Lucasfilm and Adobe are having intellectual property disputes.

In terms of channels, that's where it gets interesting.

Ziweiyun will rely on Adobe to attract merchants and users in the creative design field to Ziweiyun and build a relatively complete industrial ecosystem.

There is a channel.

Then, use this channel to focus on launching Adobe’s competitors!

Kurian has always been worried. He feels that Boss Zhou has a pure heart and is young and inexperienced, so he can easily be played by Adobe.

Just like they did to young Steve Jobs.

But he didn't know that Zhou Buqi was an ordinary person?

Who is playing tricks and who doesn’t know yet!

Get off work early in the afternoon.

Zhou Buqi went to the airport to pick someone up. Ning Yameng came from China, and she was accompanied by a girl, her cousin Ning Qiaoqiao.

At first glance, this is a bit scary.

It's not that she's not beautiful, on the contrary, Ning Qiaoqiao is pretty enough, especially her eyes, which are lively and lively, with a kind of cleanliness and purity that has not been contaminated by the world.

What shocked Zhou Buqi was her age...

It feels so small!

Just like a young girl in the rainy season.

This is not possible!

The United States has very strict regulations here and has incredible protection for minors under the age of 18. Minors can only get along with minors. If they get along with adults... the adult is likely to be targeted and face huge fines or even jail time.

Even if the minor consents, it won't work. If the relevant minor protection association stands up and speaks out, the whole society will be affected. It probably means "I protect you, it has nothing to do with you."

This makes Zhou Buqi cautious in the United States.

Ning Yameng saw his caution, so she quickly cleared up her doubts and said that Qiaoqiao was 19 years old this year... Because her family was in a rural area, many social customs were different. She got married when she was 17, but she was not married yet. The legal age for obtaining a certificate.

She gave birth to a baby in February this year.

As soon as they met, Ning Qiaoqiao's face turned red. She lowered her head and did not dare to look into Zhou Buqi's eyes. Following her cousin's instructions, she said shyly: "First...Hello, sir, I am Qiaoqiao."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Well, since I came to the United States, let your sister take you around and have fun. One thing that's good about the United States is that you don't have to spend money to see the scenery, and you can enjoy the gifts of nature as much as you want. "

"Well, I understand."

Ning Qiaoqiao is a distant relative of Ning Yameng. It seems that she is three or four generations older. She lives in a rural area and has no education or experience. It seems that she has not even finished junior high school.

This made her really don't know how to face this rich man she had never heard of.

Zhou Buqi waved, "Let's go! Get in the car and go home!"

After getting in the car, Ning Yameng naturally leaned into Zhou Buqi's arms and said coquettishly, "Brother-in-law, I miss you so much."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I'm here to greet you tonight?"

"Okay, I'll call my sister." Ning Yameng blinked, then leaned over and whispered in her ear, "How about asking Qiaoqiao to come too? Let's enjoy the tenderness of the three sisters."

Different people should be treated differently. Zhou Buqi hardly needed to cover up in front of sisters Ning Yaxian and Ning Yameng. He whispered: "Are you a little anxious? Why don't you let her get used to the environment first? I think she is a bit familiar. born."

Ning Yameng nodded gently, "That's fine."

Seeing her cousin admitting she was a stranger and sitting timidly across from her, she got out of Zhou Buqi's arms and sat across from her. She took Ning Qiaoqiao's hand and said with a smile, "It's okay, there are no outsiders." . When you get home, be sweeter and call everyone sister."


Ning Qiaoqiao was dizzy.

He turned to look out the window, full of curiosity about this strange world.

Suddenly, she turned around and asked softly: "Sister Meng, what does Linxing mean?"


Ning Yameng couldn't laugh or cry.

Ning Qiaoqiao was obviously not pretending not to understand. Her eyes were clear, innocent and innocent, and she whispered: "Sir, what did you mean when I said you were lucky enough to meet me just now?"

Ning Yameng leaned over and whispered a few words in her ear.

Ning Qiaoqiao immediately covered her mouth.

Water seemed to overflow from his flushed face.

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