Top of the big era

Chapter 2395 Market exchange for technology

A transaction of this scale cannot be decided by one person within Microsoft, let alone Ballmer, not even Bill Gates.

It must be approved by the board of directors.

The specific transaction process is that the management submits the application to the executive director, the executive director submits it to the board of directors, and then the board of directors decides whether to initiate the acquisition.

If agreed, the board of directors will also provide a basic license price.

For example, 100 yuan.

The management needs to follow the instructions of the board of directors and negotiate within the range of 100 yuan.

If the negotiation is good and the price is low enough, the management can get a large bonus; if the negotiation is not good and the price exceeds 100 yuan... then it will not work and the deal will be ruined.

Unless someone like Jobs, Zhou Buqi, or Zuckerberg can become a "dictator" in the company and decide everything with one word, then they can really do whatever they want.

Just like Apple blocking Flash, the impact is too bad.

To suppress Flash, this is not mentioned.

For a tax-based platform economy, the taxes levied by one's own companies are all core taxes, while the taxes levied by others are all about squeezing the working people. The emergence of the Flash platform has added more exorbitant taxes to the market.

But directly banning Flash and even all Adobe software is a bit too much. It is suspected of monopoly and will cause Apple to be sued.

But Jobs has such influence.

Even after he passed away, Cook, who took over, did not forgive Adobe for his betrayal, and continued Jobs's thinking.

Ballmer obviously does not have such power at Microsoft.

Zhou Buqi didn't know what kind of agreement he had reached with Microsoft's board of directors, but judging from his reaction, the price of US$5 billion was definitely higher than the board of directors' permission.

After talking for half an hour, there was no result.

Ballmer is going back to coordinating the board.

Zhou Buqi was not idle either, and he received a visit from his second CEO that day, Shantanu Narayan, CEO of Adobe.

The other party's attitude was very friendly.

Full of interest in cooperation.

Zhou Buqi adopted the same negotiating attitude as Ballmer, which was simple and direct, "Adobe is a giant in the software industry, and I look forward to the cooperation between the two parties."

Narayan was very happy, "I think that a long-term and solid strategic cooperation between the two companies can be established! I heard that you and eBay are currently carrying out comprehensive cooperation, covering various fields. Adobe also has Such interest.”

For some traditional technology companies, the transition to mobile Internet has been slow.

This is a bit out of date.

It just so happens that Ziweixing International is the best-developed Internet company in the field of mobile Internet in the world today. Its products such as Helo, Ucgram, Snapchat, YikYak, Tita, Evernote, EverDrive, and EverZoom are all well-received and popular.

Cooperating with Ziweixing International is an excellent solution to help them transition to the mobile terminal.

Not only that, but also Zi Weiyun.

Zhou Buqi fell in love with Zi Weiyun and said bluntly: "I don't know much about technology, but I also know that Flash has many hidden dangers and many loopholes that can be exploited by hackers..."

Narayan said: "I have ordered the product department to make improvements immediately!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand. If they could change it, they would have changed it long ago. "Flash is a product of the previous era, and Ziweixing is a company facing the future. Between the choice of Flash and HTML5, we must conform to our own needs." Values.”

Narayan had already received some information before and was very puzzled by this, "Why? Hasn't Ziweixing always opposed the HTML5 route?"

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes and started to tell lies, "Objection? No, we have never been opposed to it. We just prefer independent apps between native independent apps and HTML5. This does not mean that we deny the future of HTML5. In Between independent apps and HTML5, we choose to develop independent apps; between HTML5 and Flash, we choose HTML5."

Narayan shook his head, "Why always choose the more complicated way?"

Compared with developing independent apps, HTML5 is much simpler. The language is simple and easy to understand, the development cost is lower, and developers do not need to have an in-depth understanding of the underlying implementation of various languages ​​and libraries.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

It is difficult for HTML5 to implement some complex functions, and its performance and stability are also slightly worse.

Therefore, for super apps like Facebook and Helo, applying HTML5 technology will be useless and prone to failure.

But for some niche apps, such as simple apps that record running time, calendar, weather, and memos, adopting the HTML5 model will be more convenient, more cross-platform, and more cost-effective.

Ziweixing International is in the stage of "doing big things" and wants to seize the market and occupy territory in some core areas. It does not need to pay too much attention to some fragmented small products.

Just like calendar apps and weather apps.

How competitive can this thing be?

There is no moat at all.

In the future, when mobile phone manufacturers become more powerful, they will start to operate their own products in the field of small apps that are simple and have no barriers to entry. They will directly pre-install their own products, leaving little room for third-party products to survive.

Compared with HTML5, this still needs research at least. Flash is even simpler. Adobe has prepared each module and you just need to call it.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to discuss technology with him. This was not his strong point. He said sternly: "There is no need to say more. There is no way Ziweixing will give up HTML5 for Flash."

Narayan refused to give up, "Facebook has withdrawn from HTML5..."

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "It is precisely because Facebook has withdrawn that Ziweixing should unswervingly explore in the direction of HTML5. Zuckerberg may have some other ideas, I don't know. But Ziweixing is committed to It’s all about technology and futurism. In the face of interests and technology, I will definitely choose technology.”

Narayan said solemnly: "Adobi could have launched a series of cooperation with Zi Weiyun."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's why I invited you here today."


Narayan raised his eyebrows, feeling unhappy.

He came here this time to discuss Flash's cooperation plan, but the other party kept him at arm's length. What nonsense was this? It is simply treating people like monkeys.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Apart from Flash, Adobe's other software is very powerful, especially in the fields of picture modification and video editing. It is the industry leader. If Adobe can cooperate with Ziweiyun, it can improve the sales model." By changing to a subscription system, we can rely on Ziweiyun to find a larger application market and generate more stable cash flow."

Narayan shook his head and said flatly: "Adobi's software is very popular in the industry. Microsoft has communicated with me many times and wants us to join Microsoft's platform. Amazon Cloud has also communicated with me many times. Software is our greatest competitiveness, and it is also an important bargaining chip for Adobe and Ziweixing to cooperate in the Flash field."

"That doesn't make sense."

Zhou Buqi didn't seem anxious at all.

Narayan said: "If we can't cooperate in Flash, then there is no need for both parties to cooperate in the software field."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said, "Besides Ziweiyun, who else can you look for to cooperate? The whole world knows that Ziweiyun is the best cloud computing platform in the market now. Not only does it have the highest market share, but it also has the most powerful technology. .You don’t want to find the best company to cooperate with, but you want to find some second-rate cloud platform?”

Narayan laughed and said: "Microsoft Cloud is not a second-rate platform, right?"

Zhou Buqi said: "If you want to learn, learn from the best! Cloud computing has become a general trend, and major companies are launching their own cloud computing platforms one after another. Adobe is not a small company, and will also launch its own Cloud computing platform, right?”

"I haven't considered it yet."

Narayan's face did not turn red and his heart did not beat.

But this doesn't fool anyone.

With Adobe’s strength, it will definitely build its own cloud platform sooner or later. Put Adobe's products on someone else's platform, and then let the other party share and collect taxes. What's the point?

It's definitely more cost-effective to do it yourself.

Zhou Buqi said kindly: "Adobi's software has absolute market competitiveness, and there are almost no substitutes. Such an advantageous position can fully support Adobe's cloud platform."

"What are you..."

Narayan was also shocked by Boss Zhou's repeated moves.

Zhou Buqi said: "As a cloud platform, Adobe needs to promote its own cloud computing platform as quickly as possible. There are actually two ways. First, acquisition, to acquire an excellent cloud computing company in the market. But the price is too high. The second way is to find a partner to learn from, which is cheaper."

Narayan narrowed his eyes, "You mean... Adobe can learn from Zi Weiyun?"

Zhou Buqi didn’t hide anything and said bluntly: “The market replaces technology.”

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