Top of the big era

Chapter 2385 Murderous Intent

Although it is just a choice of technical route, it is not a small matter, because it is related to the life and death of Flash. Flash is the core product of Adobe, and Adobe is a world-class software giant.

This is important.

Unless absolutely necessary, don't offend someone for nothing.

Especially the "giant" Adobe.

Zhou Buqi's current attitude towards life is to have many good relationships, many friends and many paths. Ziweixing and Adobe didn't have any deep hatred. Unless it was absolutely necessary, there was really no need to dig up someone's ancestral grave.

But after such communication with Lu Qi, we can basically judge that HTML5 replacing Flash seems to have formed a trend. HTML5 is open, free, and belongs to all mankind; Flash belongs to Adobe, and others can only adapt, but have no say.

How to choose?

It was really hard for Zhou Buqi to make rash decisions for a while.

Try not to take things too personally.

Seeing Boss Zhou's delay in responding, Lu Qi continued: "Adobi has built a platform for Flash, which is a bit like... a bit like Apple's AppStore, a bit like our Steam."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, "No way? Flash is not free?"

Lu Qidao: "Using Flash technology to produce related products, there are free and paid versions. The platform I'm talking about is the income after using Flash technology to develop products."

"Flash wants a commission?"


"When did it happen? Why didn't I hear about it?"

"Uh..." Lu Qi was a little helpless, "Maybe this is a trivial matter for Changyou. Maybe Changyou is busy expanding the territory and doesn't have more energy to take care of logistics."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is the Flash platform attacking games?"

Lu Qi said: "Yes, we have already started. Flash has been provided for free in the past few years, which has led to the inability to make ends meet. Last year, more than 700 people were laid off. A new policy will be launched this year. Service fees will be charged. The first step is to attack the game industry. For Those who use Flash technology in their games must pay 9% of their total revenue as intellectual property fees to Adobe."

Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand the specific technical details. "How's the coverage? Are there games like "Dragon Babu"?"

Lu Qi said: "Ask Changyou about the specific situation. I guess... I guess it shouldn't be a big problem. Adobe has just launched this commission policy, and it will definitely not be too mature. The main problems it faces are There are some Flash games with Flash as the core. Large games like "Dragon" can be bypassed even if Flash's intellectual property is used in some modules."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

This should be.

If a game of the level of "Dragon" had to give 9% of its revenue to Adobe, it would be terrible. The entire game industry would have to rebel. Changyou would have reported such a serious matter long ago. .

However, serious signals have now been released.

Flash is going to be charged!

This is serious.

Once the Adobe plan is really realized and the Flash platform is established and expanded from small games to all games, with a commission of 9% on all games... it will be a huge blow to the gaming giant Changyou. !

No wonder Changyou's stock price rise has slowed down recently.

Is it related to Adobe's mischief behind his back?

Establishing a platform and relying on commissions to ensure revenue during droughts and floods... This is definitely the best business in the world. It is just like establishing a country. The ruler actually does not have to do anything. He just holds a gun in his hand and collects taxes every day.

Just like the Apple store, there is a 30% tax.

If any app disagrees or dares to circumvent the 30% commission system, Apple will unceremoniously take out a sniper rifle and hit it with accuracy.

Another example is Steam, the game platform owned by Ziweixing International. It has become the world's largest game platform with 130 million users and more than 6,000 games, including those fully released official versions, early trial games and those that purely make money. It’s a cheating game where you can make money and run away with a gimmick.

For all game purchases completed on Steam, the platform will charge a commission of 30%.

In the first half of this year, the total commissions on the Steam platform reached US$620 million, which has become like a cornucopia.

This won't work.

The Steam platform already charges 30% commission to game manufacturers, which is enough. If Adobe relies on Flash technology to take another 9% commission, how can game manufacturers survive?

It is okay to collect taxes, but if there are too many excessive taxes and the people will rebel, this is not okay!

Apple is resolutely cracking down on Flash and refusing to be compatible with Flash from the system level. This may also be a consideration at this level. It’s enough for the Apple store to take a 30% commission, but other platforms should be prohibited from oppressing game manufacturers.

The Steam platform is for client games, and the Apple Store is for mobile games.

Each manages his or her own territory.

There are some similarities.

At this time, Zhou Buqi really became murderous towards Flash.

Lu Ji said: "Adobi's strategic change towards Flash has just begun. Currently, it is mainly targeting Flash games. But once they get started, it will be very possible to unify the PC Internet and mobile Internet. Expand coverage. Dynamic advertisements on, Today's Headshot, and Yahoo must all apply the intellectual property rights of Flash. Once Adobe takes action on dynamic advertisements, it will take a commission from every dynamic advertisement. That will be a big problem for us. It was just a huge blow.”

For Ziweixing and Ziweixing International, the core profit model is advertising.

If Adobe relies on Flash to take a commission on advertising revenue, it will really be a disaster.

This land weapon's ability to engage in slander is really strong.

Zhou Buqi hadn't wanted to break up with Adobe at first, but after analyzing it like this, it seemed that he had to roll up his sleeves and fight.

However, he was calm.

There are many Silicon Valley giants.

Now Apple is the only one who has come out to openly oppose Flash, and it’s because of its deep grudge with Steve Jobs.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What are the reactions of other companies? Google, Amazon, Facebook? What about Oracle, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, and SAP?"

Lu Qi said: "There is no action at the moment."

"Why not?"

"The current situation is not too clear yet. Although HTML5 technology has made great progress in the past few years, it may still be necessary to establish this new standard and replace many traditional standards to establish a new order for the Internet. It’s a long way to go.”

"Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Zhou Buqi's reaction was relatively calm.

The strategies of these technology giants are the safest.

Now that Flash is gaining momentum, the best choice is to rely on Flash to make good products, adapt to the market, and develop steadily. Going against the trend, trying to innovate or reform, is risky.

For example, Apple's products, whether they are computers, mobile phones, or tablets, have been complained and criticized by consumers.

Part of the criticism is that there is something wrong with the product and it deserves to be criticized.

There are also some criticisms that really have nothing to do with Apple, but they are all placed on Apple's head.

For example, the problem of fever.

If an App is too large and takes up too much memory, it will cause heat, whether it is a computer or a mobile phone, iPhone or Android.

However, some apps do not occupy much memory, but once used, they will cause the iPhone to become seriously overheated... It is very possible that the app uses Flash-related technologies in order to reduce development costs and improve product stability.

The incompatibility between Flash and Apple's software and hardware systems has caused the product to experience freezes, heat and even crashes. Consumers don’t know that the problem is with the App software, they only think it’s a quality issue with the iPhone, iPad, or iMac.

In other words, in order to change the ecosystem of the software industry, Apple has made a great deal of self-sacrifice and endured a lot of unwarranted infamy.

This is the price that must be borne by reform.

If the years are quiet, it will be much more comfortable.

For example, Google, which has a lackluster response, has made Android compatible with Flash. Android phones will not be subject to such groundless accusations due to software factors, which can improve user experience and reduce user dissatisfaction.

Products are credit, brand, and income!

Who dares to joke about this kind of thing?

It’s better to just adapt to Flash honestly!

As for whether Flash will dominate the world in the future and whether it will come up with some self-interested standards... we will talk about the future!

If you use other people's intellectual property rights, you have to pay patent fees to them. This is natural.

Boss Zhou was silent again.

He had murderous intentions towards Flash, but he didn't dare to use the knife.

Everyone has their own reasons.

Lu Qi knew that this was not an easy decision to make, and said: "You can find a few more people to understand the situation. My attitude is to support HTML5, but this is not necessarily right. Even if it is right, at this moment The time may not be right either. You should think about it again and analyze the pros and cons in a comprehensive way.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, this matter is really complicated."

"Then I'll let Adobe dry first?"

"Well, let's let it dry!"

"Strategic decisions can be considered slowly, but technology research and development cannot be too far behind." Lu Qi is very worried that Ziweixing International's current rejection of HTML5 will lead to the company being decoupled from the times. "Now we must immediately establish a development team Research group for HTML5 related technologies."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, as long as you don't rely on HTML5 technology to make a browser, and then you can beat the independent App model. Google spent 10 billion US dollars to develop Google Chrome, this is just a penny of money back." You can’t see it, and you won’t be able to see it in the future.”

Lu Qi said solemnly: "If you are so sure, then the negotiations between Microsoft and UC Group cannot be delayed any longer."

"Well, I will start to deal with this matter when I return to the company next month."

Zhou Buqi agreed very much.

Relying on HTML5 technology to build a browser, the existence of this technical route can greatly improve the strategic value of the browser in smartphones.

This is also the reason why Microsoft is eyeing the UC Group, mainly because of its expectations for the UC Browser and its optimism about the prospects of HTML5 technology.

These things are all connected.

Might as well solve it all at once!

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