Top of the big era

Chapter 2375 Storage Media

Zhou Buqi is open-minded and studious, and asks for advice on what's going on.

Shen Xiangyang explained on the side, "Tape is a medium of choice for this kind of data storage. It seems to be very popular in Silicon Valley and is becoming a trend."

Zhou Buqi is not a pure novice either.

Ziweixing Global has a "glue transfer" project. In the past, old movies and TV series were all shot on film, and film data needed to be converted into digital data in order to survive in the digital age.

Film data cannot be used directly by the Internet platform.

The same is obviously true for tape data.

Film and tape are essentially the same thing.

Zhou Buqi said: "Doesn't this affect the reading of data?"

When Shen Xiangyang saw him asking in detail, he said a few more words: "In order to reduce hard disk costs, server data storage is now generally tiered storage. The so-called tiered storage is to store the latest and most frequently accessed data. In the fastest storage device. Put the oldest, least accessed data in the slower storage device."

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized: "The cost of hard drives that are frequently read is higher, and the cost of storage devices for infrequently used data is lower."

"Yes, usually the more frequently data is read, the greater the loss of materials, so this part of the storage equipment needs to have higher standards and the price will be higher. Through the classification of data, we can distinguish different storage materials .The lower the usage of the data, the lower the storage cost.”

“Tape costs less than hard drive?”

"Not only is the cost lower, but it also has a longer lifespan. The lifespan of this kind of storage tape can generally reach 70 years. The lifespan of hard disk materials of different materials is generally 30 years."

"Well, use technology to reduce costs."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

This is the original meaning of technological development, to improve productivity and reduce production costs.

It's just that using tapes, a storage medium from the previous era, to store data really surprised Zhou Buqi, just like when he first heard that using trucks to transmit data was the lowest-cost method of transmission.

However, there was still a doubt. Zhou Buqi asked again: "So all the data that is rarely used is stored on tapes?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "Yes, tape storage will be the bottom layer of tiered storage. The data stored on tapes is basically unused data."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "You have to use it after all, so why bother? Converting tape data into digital data takes time and effort."

Shen Xiangyang said with a smile: "So it is usually used as a backup."

"Oh, like this!"

This time, Zhou Buqi understood.

In addition to the "current" data stored in the server, any company's data also has a backup "dead date" data. Once the power is out, or the server is broken, or the data is deleted due to hacker attacks, etc., if such an accident occurs, the data can be extracted from the backup.

The probability of such an accident occurring is extremely low.

Therefore, data centers dedicated to storing backup data rarely encounter data reading, and most of them are constantly writing data.

These data are in a long-term dormant state.

There is no need to use expensive storage media for storage, tape is a good choice. Low price, easy storage, long life, and many advantages.

Shen Xiangyang continued: "Normally speaking, the lifespan of film can reach 500 years, and ordinary tapes are generally 10 years. The lifespan of improved tapes like eBay's can reach 70 years. If the tapes can be further improved, Using high-quality materials without increasing the cost, magnetic tape can indeed become an important basis for long-term preservation of human data."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "In the information age, the scale of data is getting larger and larger. Without a low-cost and long-term storage material, so much precious data may not be preserved. For future generations For our own sake, this matter should be resolved. The archaeological industry works so hard just to explore some ancient information, which shows how important the preservation of this kind of data is to future humans."

Shen Xiangyang didn't know how to answer the call.

The big boss is indeed the big boss.

The topic is always so big.

Zhou Buqi asked again: "Where is Zi Weiyun? Have we used the tape?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "Not yet. The material of the tape needs further exploration, and the stability is not enough. eBay... is somewhat risky. You can wait and see. In another year or two, storage tapes will be available After further improvements and the material becomes more stable, you may be able to choose.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "So transport these eBay tapes to Ziweiyun's data center, and then convert them into digital data and store them in Ziweiyun's servers."

Shen Xiangyang smiled and said: "Yes, this is the most convenient, cost-effective and efficient. After the data is transferred, bring the tape back to them."

Zhou Buqi said: "You can take this opportunity to ask eBay for some tips on tape storage."

Shen Xiangyang laughed.

The two of them were speaking in Chinese, and eBay's senior executives were standing next to them, looking stunned and laughing.

Driven by Boss Zhou, Ziweiyun has truly taken the first step in e-commerce services. Through eBay, it has successfully cracked a piece of the cake of e-commerce cloud services.

On the way back, it was fun.

eBay is also very happy.

Today, the official announcement was made about the cooperation between eBay and Ziweiyun. The market was very optimistic, and the stock price soared at the opening. The current increase is close to 6%.

Jiang Fan's reaction was very calm.

Everyone was sitting in a Toyota Coaster. Jiang Fan came over, changed seats with Shen Xiangyang, and sat next to Boss Zhou.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Amazon is doing streaming media business, you know, right? A very important purpose is to grab a part of the streaming media market for Amazon Cloud. But the effect is really not good. The vast majority of streaming media platforms choose Ziwei Cloud, and the technical aspects of Amazon Cloud are not here. Now you have a very heavy task, and we have to turn around and seize their territory."

Jiang Fan has great ambitions and obviously thinks so, "The e-commerce environment abroad is different from that in China. There are only a few giants in China. There are too many e-commerce platforms abroad. I took advantage of the opportunity to win eBay's If there is an opportunity, Ziweiyun can try to win cooperation with e-commerce platforms such as Walmart, IKEA, Target, Newegg, Best Buy, and Sears.”

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "Are they all customers of Amazon Cloud?"

Jiang Fan nodded, "Some are, some are not. There are too many e-commerce websites. In the US market alone, there are more than 100 e-commerce platforms with annual sales of more than 10 million US dollars. Ziweiyun should further expand sales. team to win over these customers. With eBay’s signboard, it won’t be that difficult for our salespeople to negotiate business.”

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi heard something of the meaning, "Kurian has a pretty large sales team, right?"

Jiang Fan said: "It's still small, we should attack faster and more decisively."


Zhou Buqi finally understood.

Previously, I only thought that Kurian was fierce enough and his style was daring enough to fight... That was only compared to those pampered white Americans.

Jiang Fan came from the domestic Internet market, and his style must be sharper and bolder.

Expanding the sales team means higher operating costs.

If you perform well and attract enough customers to Ziweiyun, this will of course be a good thing. I'm afraid that the team will expand, but it won't be able to attract any orders. Costs will increase but revenue growth will not be significant, which will become a burden.

This requires a good balance point.

Obviously, Jiang Fan's strategy is more radical.

"How about it?"

Jiang Fan seemed determined to do this, and he was extremely courageous.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Since you have an idea, just do it. The pressure doesn't have to be so great. If you return home if you don't do it well, there is always a way out."

Jiang Fan's eyes heated up and he was immediately moved, his heart filled with warmth, "I understand."

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