Top of the big era

Chapter 2367 Technology changes the world

I met Carl Icahn and had a great time communicating with him.

A very important reason is that he made huge profits from investing in Netflix. Originally, he wanted to join Netflix's board of directors, but was strongly rejected by Zhou Buqi.

Then Carl Icahn sold off Netflix stock.

But even so, Netflix's continued rising stock price made him a lot of money. Last year, "House of Cards" was launched and became a global hit. This year, HBO's epic drama "Game of Thrones" was finally launched on Netflix after several twists and turns, which once again caused a carnival in the market.

Having this experience really made Carl Icahn realize that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

You can really make a lot of money by working with this guy Zhou Buqi!

As for who is the leader and who has the right to speak in the cooperation process... Carl Icahn doesn't care about this. In order to make money, he doesn't even have to lose his face and is not afraid of notoriety.

Zhou Buqi's influence is growing.

Samsung Prince Lee Jae-yong was also having business talks in New York at this time. Hearing that he was present, he invited him to attend a charity dinner to support hearing-impaired children in the evening.

After going there, I heard the expected news.

Samsung's acquisition of Yahoo Korea for US$760 million in cash has been officially confirmed.

For Zhou Buqi, this is a deal that can solve an urgent need.

Very happy.

US$500,000 was donated at the charity meeting to help some hearing-impaired children with financial difficulties and help them hear the sounds of the world. This is actually quite shocking. The organizers put a lot of photos on the big screen, as well as many videos taken on site.

Many babies are born with hearing impairment and cannot hear sounds. After the staff put on professional hearing aid equipment for him, the child was frightened and cried.

Li Zaiyong sighed, "Unfortunately, this kind of equipment can only help some people with weak hearing and those with no defects in the auditory system. Many people even have no auditory system at all and will never hear any sound in their lifetime."

Zhou Buqi was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly, "Not necessarily!"


Li Zaiyong glanced at him.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "How fast technology develops. Twenty years ago, there were no such advanced hearing aids, and many people with severe hearing impairment could not hear anything. But now they can."

Li Zaiyong said: "Then you must at least have ears, right? There must be an... auditory system that receives sound waves, right? If you don't have this auditory system, how can you receive sound waves?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not just about receiving sound waves, it doesn't necessarily rely on the human body's auditory system. Maybe we can use artificial ears."


Li Zaiyong was a little funny and found it incredible.

Zhou Buqi was not joking at all, "Technology changes the world. This is something I have always believed in. Artificial intelligence is very powerful now. Do you know what the logic of the core algorithm of artificial intelligence is now?"


Li Zaiyong was a little speechless.

Zhou Buqi saw that he was such a layman, so he could only give guidance as an expert, "It is based on a neural network algorithm, which uses computers to simulate human neural structures to complete self-thinking."

Li Zaiyong didn't understand what he meant, "Then what?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This shows that human technological progress has developed in the direction of connecting with the brain system. Humans can hear sounds by relying on the auditory system to receive sound wave signals, and then convert the sound wave signals into brain signals, and finally It’s up to the brain to decide what is ultimately heard.”

Li Zaiyong was stunned, "You mean to rely on artificial ears to directly connect with the brain nerves?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is very likely to be an idea. We only need to use artificial intelligence to analyze and summarize the brain neural responses of various sound wave signals. Then we can artificially simulate and create relevant brain signals. . The prosthetic ear receives real-life sound wave signals, and then uses artificial intelligence to directly simulate and convert them into brain signals through neurons and transmit them to the human brain, so that the person can hear the sound. In this way, the obstructed auditory system can be bypassed. "

Li Zaiyong took a deep breath and said in awe, "This is a great project! This is really changing the world!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "However, this requires relying on powerful artificial intelligence. This concept is not uncommon and has existed in the past, but the traditional artificial intelligence algorithm is still too backward. Ziweixing is working on solving this matter and must first give the future Artificial intelligence determines the next right development direction."

Li Zaiyong said sincerely: "Ziweixing is a great company!"

Zhou Buqi was not modest and nodded, "However, there is still a long way to go to achieve such artificial intelligence. Currently, Ziweixing is making a product for playing Go. You know, artificial intelligence in the past , already chess and chess, only Go is left, AI has never been a match for humans.”

Li Zaiyong nodded and said with a smile: "I know, I read some reports. I am also a fan of Go, and the Go league is sponsored by Samsung. But... is this possible?"

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, "What's possible?"

Li Zaiyong said: "Can artificial intelligence really beat the national Go players when playing Go? The complexity of Go is equivalent to the entire universe... I also asked many national players, and they didn't believe it."

Zhou Buqi felt a little helpless.

The more people love Go, the less they believe it. Like many industries, what technology breaks through is not the limitations of manpower and the human brain, but the limitations of human cognition.

Zhou Buqi said: "It doesn't matter, our product is expected to be officially released in June next year. At that time, we will hold a grand event and invite several Go masters to play."

Li Zairong was very excited, "Okay! I'll help you arrange it!"

In the current Go industry, Korean players are the most powerful, and several young guys have emerged in the country who are particularly good and have great potential to overtake them.

However, in terms of popularity, Korean chess players are still greater.

The greater the popularity, the easier it is to heat up the topic.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, then the first game can be arranged in Seoul."

Yahoo Korea was successfully sold.

US$760 million is enough to keep MSI going for 3-4 months.

But this is not enough.

Zhou Buqi still has to work hard to find money. The best way now is to sell the remaining Facebook shares and withdraw about US$6 billion.

When the money arrives, all problems will be solved.

After returning to Silicon Valley from New York, Zhou Buqi worked non-stop to find Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg didn’t know whether he was deliberately making things difficult or was really making things difficult. He muttered: “Facebook’s stock price is not low, and it is undergoing some business adjustments recently, as well as the layout of the mobile Internet... This has made many investors skeptical. Facebook's future is fraught with worries."

Zhou Buqi refused to listen to his strong arguments and said, "Let me ask you one thing, can you take over this stock?"

Zuckerberg said in embarrassment: "Yes, it is possible, but the price..."

"Impossible!" Zhou Buqi waved his hand and interrupted him directly, "Just calculate it based on the current stock price, no discount!"

"This is unrealistic."

Zuckerberg's attitude is also very firm, and he seems to be convinced.

Ziweixing International is a bit unable to digest it now. Many financial media have described it in detail, including Yahoo Finance, which has also verified this fact.

The more money you are short of, the harder it is to get it.

Zhou Buqi frowned and glanced at him, "Before the end of the year, I hope to complete the transaction. If it cannot proceed smoothly, there is no need to sell. Wait for the stock to be lifted and sell it in the market."

Zuckerberg spread his hands and said, "This is your freedom."

Two close comrades once fought side by side to create a new era of global social networks. As time passed, the two became direct competitors, which was somewhat disappointing.

But this is the most normal thing in Silicon Valley.

The essence of Silicon Valley culture is betrayal and antagonism.

The original close comrades suddenly parted ways, and then each established a technology company... The small community turned into a big industry, competing with each other, improving each other, and innovating each other, promoting the development of technological levels.

The essence of being gentle, courteous, thrifty, and public order is stability.

This is clearly not in Silicon Valley’s DNA.

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