Top of the big era

Chapter 2355 Matrix Mode

Following this topic, Shi Jinglin continued: "When the platform places ads, it must not only reduce repetitive and homogeneous advertising, but also try its best to use limited advertising resources at the same time and space for the sake of fairness. distributed to more advertisers.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Actually, it's also reducing repetition."

Shi Jinglin said: "Yes, if users always see the same merchant's advertisements, it will also cause discomfort and reduce the conversion rate. Therefore, for a platform like Facebook, it is always necessary to appropriately allocate the frequency of advertising. . However, there is another contradiction here. Repeated advertisements can produce a brainwashing effect, and after exceeding a certain threshold, it will actually increase the conversion rate."

This is another very deep knowledge in the field of marketing.

It's like "Giving gifts only gives melatonin".

This commercial is played on TV every day and it's annoying to death. In the early days, when everyone saw this advertisement, they would be very annoyed and tired of this kind of product, which had a strong negative effect.

But as time went by, the seeds were planted in my subconscious.

When this seed takes root and sprouts, the advertising effect will be reversed... Although users still hate such advertising, when it comes to consumption and gift giving, the first choice has really become melatonin.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Internet platforms are not good. This has to be a monopoly. The threshold you mentioned is too high. Repeated advertisements will greatly affect the platform experience. It may not have reached that threshold yet. The platform's Users will be lost. Domestic TV stations are monopolies, and you have to watch them even if you don’t want to watch them. Internet platforms dare not take this risk."

Shi Jinglin said: "Actually, it's not that complicated. Cross-border e-commerce products are more concerned with short-term explosive power. If you want to become a hit, you must spend a lot of advertising in a short period of time. In fact, you can innovate through new models , to overcome such obstacles.”

Zhou Buqi understood immediately, "Catch loopholes?"

Shi Jinglin thought for a moment, "It's not a loophole, right? Even if it is a loophole, it is an inadvertent loophole. Platforms like and Facebook are not that weak in resistance. As long as all advertisements are not repetitive , homogenization, and brainwashing will be enough. The occasional appearance of similar advertisements will not cause harm to the platform. The platform’s mechanisms and policies restrict all advertisers from doing this. Individual advertisers do this Yes, it’s also the default attitude.”

The purpose of the platform is to make money through advertising.

However, if the platform wants to make money in the long term, it cannot seriously damage the product experience due to the existence of advertisements, and must establish certain rules, regulations and restrictions on the advertising strategy.

This is actually a balance.

On any platform, whether it is a newspaper, magazine, radio, TV station, or Internet platform, the existence of advertisements will destroy the user experience.

The most important thing is to find a balance between making money and user experience.

For example, products like Helo and Facebook mobile version have very few ads because they are products for smartphones. This is a new thing and they are still slowly figuring out the balance point. It is better to make less money than to cross the balance point and affect the user experience, leading to user loss.

For some mature products of large companies, the moat is very high, and the elastic range of this balance point will be very large.

Just like this repetitive low-quality advertising.

It’s not that there can’t be.

Just don’t use this kind of ads on all platforms.

As long as such ads that do not comply with platform policies are within the elastic range of the balance point and will not seriously affect the user experience and cause user loss, it will be fine.

This is the "loophole" in the policy.

Whoever can understand the rules of the platform and master this balance point can transcend the limitations of the platform and survive well within this flexible range.

Shi Jinglin was previously the president of, and could easily obtain various materials for Ziweixing and Ziweixing International's platform products.

With both industry experience and industry data, it is too easy to make some judgments and analyses.

This is simply not comparable to other cross-border e-commerce players.

Zhou Buqi really didn’t expect that cross-border e-commerce could play like this.

Just like company management.

If everyone embezzles public funds, they will be dealt with seriously. This is related to the life or death of the company.

If an individual makes a small fuss and reimburses more phone bills, taxi fares, catering expenses, and clothing expenses, it is within the "flexible range", so he will turn a blind eye.

The cost of corporate expenses to deal with this kind of thing may be more than the little company public funds they are greedy for.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What exactly? What do you want to do specifically?"

Shi Jinglin said: "We can't build a cross-border e-commerce website. We need to build a group of cross-border e-commerce websites. We need to build a bunch of cross-border e-commerce websites that cooperate with each other. For example, websites like ABCDEFG. When promoting popular products It is necessary to smash advertisements, but if there is only one e-commerce website A, and they are all repetitive advertisements, they will be restricted by the platform. If they are separated and divided into ABCDEFG and these websites to advertise together, the restrictions can be bypassed. It is composed of different From the perspective of fairness, if the platform provides advertising space to A, it must also provide advertising space to BCDEFG."

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "How can we get around this? Advertisement A is advertising clothes, and Advertisement B is also advertising clothes. Isn't this a duplication?"

Shi Jinglin said: "It's repetitive, but it can be bypassed. The review of repetitive advertisements is only for individual advertisers. Otherwise, it violates fair competition. Companies like ABCDEFG pay the same advertising fee, so why should A's advertisement be used?" If you can advertise, other companies can’t? Platforms can only acquiesce. Look at Facebook, Amazon and eBay in order to compete, they all bid for similar product advertisements. It’s similar in China.”

"It really is."

When Zhou Buqi heard what she said, the fog disappeared.

This is really the case.

Especially domestically.

For example, the competition between and is really fierce.

Wherever's products are advertised, immediately follows suit and advertises almost exactly the same. When the prices of Suning's products are lowered, immediately adjusts to ensure the prices are lower! even secretly sent a large number of "secret agents" to watch's offline stores every day, always paying attention to the pricing of each other's products.

They stick together like a follower and quickly gain a competitive advantage.

At this time, advertising on Internet platforms really cannot be restricted.

If you advertise for, you must also advertise for, even if the advertisement is repetitive for the exact same product. At home, it is a favor that cannot be avoided; abroad, it is a threat of lawsuits for fair competition.

Zhou Buqi said: "The idea is clear, okay!"

Shi Jinglin said with a smile: "However, I have not thought about challenging Facebook's platform principles too much. Build a group of cross-border e-commerce sites, one dedicated to selling T-shirts, one dedicated to selling underwear, one dedicated to selling shoes, and one dedicated to selling Pants...are the same kind of advertisements, at least not completely repeated. At the same time, these advertisements are all related to each other. When you enter website A, you can provide product recommendations from website B; when you enter website B, you will also be provided with product links from other websites. In short , which is to let the traffic flow. If website A advertises on Facebook, no matter how much advertising money it spends, it will be restricted by the platform mechanism and it will be difficult to introduce too much external traffic. You can help through BCDEFG related websites. They can introduce all the traffic to website A..."

"Yeah! Matrix mode, reliable!"

After saying this, Zhou Buqi immediately came to his senses and applied his foresight experience.

Isn’t this the model of the content matrix in the short video field?

After the rise of the short video industry in later generations, many big Vs must buy more traffic and gain more exposure in order to capture more fans.

But short video platforms also have this anti-duplication mechanism.

It is difficult to repeatedly recommend this account to users.

what to do?

The matrix pattern comes out.

For example, how can the account "Zhou Buqi Talks Business" gain a large number of fans as quickly as possible? It’s not enough to just rely on one account to buy traffic, you have to do what Shi Jinglin said.

It is necessary to create a bunch of derivative accounts, such as "Zhou Buqi talks about business", "Zhou Buqi talks about economics", "Zhou Buqi talks about business", "Zhou Buqi comments on business management" and other similar accounts.

By buying traffic for each account and striving for exposure, you can bypass the "duplication" restriction.

Relevant content can be pushed to users frequently, and it is easy to gain the attention of a large number of fans. And these accounts are related to each other and connected to each other.

The model is now working.

When it comes to cross-border e-commerce, it is to establish a matrix group of cross-border e-commerce, relying on the assistance and exposure of many related websites to increase the power of the individual. By increasing the strength of a single entity, the growth of the overall strength is promoted.

It would be difficult to compete with e-commerce giants like Amazon and eBay alone. It is very difficult to even stand out in the cross-border e-commerce field.

This matrix model is different.

Dozens of brothers and sisters are created at the same time, and everyone goes into battle together...

Ziweiyun has acquired Shopify and has a powerful e-commerce website template. Relying on this template, you can quickly and simply build many cross-border e-commerce websites, which together form a matrix group of cross-border e-commerce.

Seeing that she had gained his approval, Shi Jinglin was very happy, "Yeah, yeah, you're right, it's the matrix mode! This word is really good!"

Zhou Buqi had a hunch, "The model you mentioned is likely to lead the cross-border e-commerce industry in the future."

Shi Jinglin was full of confidence, "Does it need to be said? This model also has the greatest safety benefit!"

"Huh? Security level?"

"Cross-border e-commerce is so dangerous. If a product is found to be fake and is inspected by the customs, or if the product explodes and is out of stock, the order cannot be sent, or if the product is over-exaggerated and the product quality is low, the product is not the right version, etc. Once it is released, If these problems are solved, they will be closed down decisively. Anyway, each website is independent. Closing one avoids responsibility, and other websites can continue to operate as usual."

"I go!"

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