Top of the big era

Chapter 2335 Rectification

Zhou Buqi and Yang Zhiyuan had good cooperation on the acquisition of Snapchat.

The entire case was spearheaded by Yang Zhiyuan, the new executive director of Ziweixing International, which also gave him the wonderful feeling of returning to the front line of the Internet.

With this premise of happy cooperation, it is time for Zhou Buqi to start rectifying Yahoo.

What Xu Liangjie and Zheng Xiaoli did was to develop a new business under the existing Yahoo system, with as little collision as possible with the old system.

This is actually a shortcut.

In order to complete the acquisition of Yahoo, the total transaction volume exceeded 20 billion US dollars. Such a large amount of money did not come from strong winds, which required Zhou Buqi to inevitably start with the old system.

However, this matter cannot be rushed.

It should be divided into three steps.

First, business rectification;

Second, the reorganization of assets.

The third step is to cut the melons and vegetables. Close those that should be closed, sell those that should be sold, and lay off all those that should be laid off.

Now, Zhou Buqi and Shen Xiangyang came to Yahoo's research institute and research center in the capital. In fact, they wanted to start from the field of scientific research and reorganize Yahoo's scientific research institutions first!

When it comes to rectifying scientific research institutions, other countries should wait a while and start at home first.

It’s easier to do it in China. After all, this is Zhou Buqi’s headquarters. Even if conflicts intensify during the rectification process, leading to a large number of employees resigning... that doesn’t matter. With Ziweixing’s network and appeal, we can quickly make up for the loss. Come up.

First I went to the research center of Yahoo Capital.

The president of the research center is a Chinese named Zhang Chen. He is a doctor who returned from studying in the United States and has a very impressive resume. He originally worked at Yahoo's headquarters, but later Yahoo established a research center in China and sent him back.

This was Zhou Buqi's first meeting with CEO Zhang Chen, and he didn't give him a good look.

It's half past four in the afternoon.

The office area of ​​the research center is already mostly empty.

It's just annoying.

Even if this is a foreign company and they don’t work overtime at night, it’s not even close yet. Where have these people gone? This seems to be a sign of neglect of management, which will cause huge waste to the company!

In fact, not only Yahoo, but also the research institutes of foreign companies in China such as Microsoft, Google, and Oracle are almost in the same situation.

Everyone has no sense of responsibility.

Anyway, I am working for foreigners, and I can fish whenever I can. Moreover, the big boss is a foreigner and does not supervise in the country. The people in charge here in China are all Chinese and compatriots, and they don’t care about leisure and entertainment at all.

In the past, when Zhou Buqi saw this situation, he would find it quite funny.

It's so annoying now.

Yahoo is his company, and he will not allow the person in charge here to be so irresponsible and waste his money.

It must be rectified!

Zhang Chen, the president of Yahoo Capital Research Center, was also a little confused. Unexpectedly, Boss Zhou and Shen Xiangyang suddenly visited and there was a sudden attack!

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry to get off work today. It would be terrible if the big boss came and he left work early.

At present, Ziweixing International's acquisition of Yahoo has not been formally approved by the US authorities, and the legal procedures have not been completed. Strictly speaking, Zhou Buqi has no control over Zhang Chen for the time being.

However, everyone knows that this case has been settled and approval is certain. The main reason for the delay is that Yahoo is a listed company and needs to go through a very complicated delisting procedure, prepare funds, and buy back shares from retail investors.

Zhang Chen did not dare to neglect, so he quickly took his two immediate superiors to visit and demonstrated the success of his work.

This research center was established in March last year.

There are now more than 180 employees, mainly integrating technology and engineering and working in two general directions.

The first major direction is technology-led PC-side projects, including search, advertising, cloud computing, personalization, etc.

The second direction is the mobile Internet center, which should develop products in new models around terminal devices such as tablets and smartphones.

Zhou Buqi was not very satisfied when he heard it, "It has to be changed."

Zhang Chen was slightly startled, "Change what?"

Zhou Buqi was not talking to him, but looked at Shen Xiangyang next to him, "The PC and mobile terminals cannot be separated. This kind of organizational structure problem is very serious. There are still many technology companies continuing this wrong line. . You have to follow Ziweixing’s model.”

Shen Xiangyang nodded, "Yes, I have to change it."

Zhang Chen was confused, but felt very guilty. He then focused on introducing the three new projects he had led the research center to complete this year. Other businesses are all about assisting others and providing technical support, and they really can't show their own merit.

These three new products are the real “political achievements”.

Zhang Chen introduced the three products very hard, one is CORE technology for browsing personalized web pages, and the other two are mobile search tools AppSearch and AppSpot.

Zhou Buqi looked at it and remained calm.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "The research center has a new product development team with about 50 engineers. I divided it into two parts, one for the PC side and the other for the mobile side. The CORE technology for personalized web pages was created by the PC side development team , and the other two search tools are handled by the mobile development team.”

This can't fool Zhou Buqi.

In more than half a year, this development team of more than 50 people has accomplished this?

In small countries like Spain and Chile, this is about the same. The level of IT technology is not enough, and foreign engineers are working as foreigners. If 50 people can achieve such results in half a year, it is about the same.

But something is wrong in China.

With this amount of work, 50 engineers can basically complete it in one month.

They did it for more than 7 months!

Domestic Internet companies can defeat foreign technology giants that have come to China to develop. One of the important reasons is workload and work efficiency, which makes domestic companies more competitive in the market.

In the past, Zhou Buqi was complacent about this. Not anymore. Yahoo is his company, and he really can't stand this laziness.

Zhou Buqi focused on the so-called CORE technology for personalized web pages. He couldn't understand the complex technical principles the other party said. He could only ask the product, "Has this technology been applied?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "It's applied. Personalized web pages and personalized advertising recommendations are now popular. Yahoo is also following up. At present, this technology has been applied in the South American market."

"What about Europe and America?"

Zhou Buqi basically understood that this was using the South American market as a testing ground.

"Not yet." Zhang Chen shook his head, and then showed full confidence, "However, this is a general trend in the industry. Yahoo must reform and develop towards personalization in an all-round way."

Zhou Buqi asked a very pointed question: "But most of Yahoo's users are anonymous. How can we display personalized pages?"

Zhang Chen talked eloquently and talked about several ideas.

Nothing too nutritious.

After leaving here, Shen Xiangyang asked strangely: "Why don't you look at those two special search tools?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "What's there to see? No chance!"

Shen Xiangyang laughed and said: "How can you be sure? This is a product that serves the mobile terminal."

Zhou Buqi said: "It doesn't matter which end of the service is used. There is no vertical market in the search industry!"

This is a bit arbitrary.

There are still some, such as movie resource search, novel resource search, etc.

Sometimes you may not be able to find scarce resources using general search platforms like Google and Baidu, so you need to use this kind of vertical search tool.

However, the market share of this kind of vertical search is very small.

Ignore the small amount.

For some small companies, it is quite satisfying to develop a vertical search tool, have a small share, and earn hundreds of thousands a year.

But how can Yahoo do such a thing?

This was once the world's largest search company, and almost all online information was searched through Yahoo. Later, Google appeared, various competitors appeared, and Yahoo was reduced to developing in the field of vertical search...

It's simply embarrassing.

Even if he could do it, Zhou Buqi was too lazy to do it. He said angrily: "This is the wrong direction. The general direction is wrong. The two search tools developed by Zhang Chen are not good no matter how good they are. There is nothing to be done about it." Look, it’s a waste of time.”

Shen Xiangyang shook his head and sighed, "That's a pity. The new product development team he recommended so hard has made zero actual contribution in the past six months. It's hard to say for Yahoo, but it's really nothing for Ziweixing. significance."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Isn't the technology for personalized web pages good?"

Shen Xiangyang was very disapproving, "What Ziweixing made three or four years ago is better than his."

Zhou Buqi twitched his lips, "Is this for the European and American markets? Are there cultural differences?"

Shen Xiangyang said with a smile: "Cultural differences need to be considered when presenting products. How can there be any cultural differences in technology? The CORE personalized technology he mentioned is actually the multi-head algorithm of Toutiao... Anyway, it is a technical direction that Toutiao abandoned at the beginning. ."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's the reason?"

"The reason for scale." Shen Xiangyang briefly explained this again, "I don't believe Zhang Chen doesn't understand. He deliberately used tricks there. As you just said, most of Yahoo's users are anonymous. So in Yahoo In most cases, there is no need to apply this kind of personalized page. This CORE technology will only be applied when the user is logged in and it is well documented."

Zhou Buqi understood immediately, "When the scale was small, the CORE technology he developed could be applied better. But once the scale is large and all Yahoo users are logged in, this technology will not work."

Shen Xiangyang smiled and said: "Yes, that's what it means. It's the reason why Toutiao gave up this route in the first place. The load capacity is not enough. Once there are too many users online at the same time, it will occupy a huge amount of memory. If the server load is too large, it will easily cause the page to fail. Flash crash. I think he just saw that Yahoo couldn't do personalized applications and couldn't solve the problem of anonymous users, so he chose such a relatively easy technical route."

Zhou Buqi said decisively: "If it's time to rectify it, rectify it, and if it's time to replace it, replace it!"

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