Top of the big era

Chapter 2331 Third-party custody account

There are some things that Liu Qiangdong doesn't know very well, but as Chen Dong's absolute direct descendant, he knows it very well. He knew that Shi Jinglin was pregnant and expected to give birth, and he also knew that she might not return to Yuanwei Group after her comeback and would choose to start a new business.

The direction of starting a business is probably cross-border e-commerce.

When he was on the school network, Chen Dong's rank was very low and he was just a subordinate of Shi Jinglin. He had seen the majesty and character of the "big devil".

If the "big devil" wants to do cross-border e-commerce, he will definitely not do it in a small way.

To this end, Chen Dong must also contribute his own strength and express as much as possible his understanding of the domestic and foreign e-commerce industry, so that the old boss, the "big devil," can take as few detours as possible when starting a business in the future.

Chen Dongdao: "Abroad is all about peer-to-peer payment. The existence of this kind of third-party supervision account in China does make up for the trouble of the lack of credit system, but the more important significance is the protection of merchants."


"There are many pirated products in China, and there are also many fake and shoddy products. If punitive clauses against counterfeiting are set up like in Europe and the United States, it would be too severe, and many online stores would not be able to survive at all. Another point is that lawsuits can also be dealt with very effectively. If Consumers bought pirated and counterfeit goods and sued the merchant. There is a legal loophole to exploit, because the merchant did not receive the money and the money was in the third-party account. As long as the third-party account returns the money to the consumer, this is equivalent to The merchant gives the consumer a fake product for free, and there is no commercial interest dispute, so he can be exempted from punishment and can use this gray space to make the online store live better."

"There are so many tricks."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing.

Liu Qiangdong was very disdainful of this, "Those are all strategies created by Taobao to shirk responsibility for their fake products. Jingdong only sells genuine licensed products, everything is operated legally, and we are not involved!"

Chen Dong said seriously: "We must pay attention to this matter. Foreign e-commerce companies do not have third-party supervision accounts. This is a very important reason. In China, economic development is the center, and to a large extent, it is to protect merchants." interests, and cannot allow businesses to collapse and employees to lose their jobs. Foreign countries are more about protecting the interests of consumers. If you encounter fakes or fake and shoddy products through similar online purchases, it will be very serious, and it will be difficult to play such a sideline. . At that time, the third-party custody account is likely to be held responsible for this and be subject to punitive fines."

Since it is a supervised account, it must bear responsibility.

Once problems arise in a transaction, the regulator will also be punished and compensated.

This was like a splash of cold water on Zhou Buqi.

He also plans to use this as an entry point to break through Amazon's current model.

Chen Dong said with a smile: "However, the existence of this kind of supervision account does have great positive significance. It can protect the interests of buyers and sellers through supervision and make transactions more fair. As long as the terms are set well and the differences between different countries are done well, Legal advice."

Liu Qiangdong said: "In European and American countries, the main thing is to decentralize power. Power must be decentralized but not concentrated. You cannot be a referee and an athlete at the same time. Third-party supervision accounts can exist, but if they exist, it is really A third party, a third party that actually has nothing to do with Party A and Party B, cannot be the platform party. For example, Jingtao cannot sell goods by itself and then supervise itself. If fake goods are sold, they will definitely be responsible for the lack of supervision. If it is a third-party financial institution, they only supervise the flow of funds and do not supervise the authenticity of the goods, so they do not have to bear similar responsibilities."

Chen Dong smiled and said: "The country is also operating in a formalized manner, gradually clearing up gray areas, and even Alibaba and Alipay have been separated. But in my opinion, the separation of Alibaba and Alipay is not thorough enough. If it is in the European and American world "If Alipay wants to assume this kind of third-party supervision function, it must completely cut off its relationship with Alibaba and become a real third party."

Zhou Buqi took it seriously.

Or maybe they are professional in e-commerce. This is really clear!

The analysis of Alibaba and Alipay is also thorough enough.

Although Alibaba and Alipay are now separated, it is only in name. In actual management, they are still one company. Several core executives of Alipay are partners of Alibaba.

Later, it didn't work anymore, and the state took action to force the transplant. Alipay's senior executives should be appointed by Alipay's board of directors, not Alibaba's partners' meeting.

Liu Qiangdong nodded, "Well, if you want to do cross-border e-commerce, you can actually start from the perspective of third-party supervision accounts. The current chaos in cross-border e-commerce is actually caused by loopholes in the peer-to-peer payment system. . Whichever cross-border e-commerce platform can plug this loophole and provide the best shopping experience, it will be easy to stand out in this field."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Ziweixing does not do cross-border e-commerce, it does Ziweiyun. The Ziweiyun platform should provide cloud services for merchants who are committed to cross-border e-commerce."

Liu Qiangdong immediately caught up with the idea and said in agreement: "Yes, that's good! Although it is difficult for Amazon and eBay to have a dominant position in the domestic market like Taobao and in overseas markets, they want to shake their The status is also almost impossible. At best, you can only survive in the cracks and make some small money. For Ziweixing, making such small money is of little significance. It is better to use cross-border e-commerce as an entry point to grab Amazon Cloud's e-commerce position What’s the market for the industry?”

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, that's what I think."

The global cross-border e-commerce industry is still in chaos. Large companies, small companies, regular teams, and gangs of scammers are all messing together to grab territory, and no consensus "rules" have been formulated.

The main responsibility for this should be borne by Amazon and eBay.

These two e-commerce giants are not good enough and cannot cut through the chaos quickly to unify the world. This has led to constant murders and chaos in this world, which has seriously harmed the interests of consumers.

A few years later, it will be Amazon that truly dominates the world.

Amazon Cloud originally wanted to do cross-border e-commerce on its own, but after trying it, it found that it couldn't do the vertical products in the market, such as Shopify.

There was really no other way, so Amazon had no choice but to use its trump card and launch an acquisition of Shopify. If the acquisition fails, then give up your huge interests to achieve in-depth strategic cooperation.

Amazon Cloud gave up its own business and connected all resources in this field to the Shopify platform. It also allowed Shopify stores to be affiliated with Amazon's e-commerce system and share Amazon's traffic.

After integrating Shopify, Amazon finally unified the world. As the leader of the martial arts world, it became the market for cross-border e-commerce. The market became stable and the chaos was calmed down.

Amazon has firmly controlled the emerging market of cross-border e-commerce, and Amazon Cloud has become the largest service provider for cross-border e-commerce independent stations.

This life is different.

Ziweixing International has completed its acquisition of Shopify.

Next, it’s time to set the rules!

Taking advantage of the lack of status of Amazon and eBay and their failure to quickly dominate the world, take action as soon as possible and formulate the rules of cross-border e-commerce belonging to Ziweixing!

Rules are the right to speak.

In the previous life, many domestic cross-border e-commerce stores on Amazon were collectively blocked by Amazon because of fake reviews. They could not get their deposits back and suffered huge losses.

In fact, it is the lack of voice.

In the field of cross-border e-commerce, the whole world can participate, and the main business is import and export trade. The largest exporting country is actually China, which means that China has a very important position in this field.

Who will protect the interests of these small and medium-sized shops in China?

Speaking more broadly, Zhou Buqi feels that this is his unshirkable responsibility for his family and country. The greater his ability, the greater his responsibility.

On a smaller scale, this is the long-term strategic value of Ziweixing International.

It is almost impossible to compete with Amazon as an e-commerce company. Zhou Buqi does not think he is an expert in e-commerce. If we can focus on the entry point of cross-border e-commerce and use Ziwei Cloud to occupy a place in the e-commerce industry, it will also be a huge improvement to the brand value of Ziweixing International.

Only Ziweixing International can compete with Amazon in the e-commerce field.

This is fame and popularity.

Developed countries in Europe and the United States all have a voting system. Behind the votes are ordinary people, and small and medium-sized enterprises are the places that provide the most jobs for ordinary people. If we serve small and medium-sized enterprises well, we can have the greatest preferential advantage in policies.

Chen Dongdao: "Anyway, I think the idea of ​​third-party supervision accounts is good, and it can fundamentally solve the troubles of point-to-point payments. Once this system is completed, it will not only unify the current chaotic cross-border e-commerce industry, but also prevent similar problems in the future." Emerging markets can also be entered quickly. You cannot rely solely on credit, the system is the best choice. The existence of a third-party custody account is the most effective system."

Liu Qiangdong smiled and said, "Yes, you can still learn from the old horse. If those small and medium-sized enterprises have no money, you can still lend to them and make another profit."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "I've never considered whether it's profitable or not."

Chen Dongdao: "However, it is difficult to find a third-party supervision company. It must be an independent third party, and it cannot be the referee and the athlete like Alipay and Alipay. Ziweixing cannot do this kind of thing directly."

However, this kind of purely making wedding clothes for others has never been Boss Zhou's style.

Chen Dong smiled and said: "As long as there are divisions at the company level, you can personally invest in this third-party company and you will not suffer too much loss in terms of profits."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, that's what I thought too."

"Oh? Do you have a goal?"



"This time when I go to the United States, I'm going to meet Carl Icahn."

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