Top of the big era

Chapter 2315 Focusing on the core territory of Amazon Cloud

Because it is the direction that the big boss is paying attention to, Kurian, the president of Ziwei Cloud Business Group, appeared, and he was quite happy, because this is strengthening the strength of the cloud computing industry.

There are three major models of cloud computing, IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.

In essence, they are almost the same. They just create an online platform and create a variety of products on this platform, waiting for customers to come here to "rent".

In traditional IT, you buy whatever you need.

This is very expensive.

If you buy a lot of things and throw them away after using them only a few times, it will also cause serious waste.

Cloud computing turns this demand into rent.

Lack of servers and computing power?

Let’s use IaaS services and rent corresponding storage and computing resources on the cloud computing platform.

Doing IT projects requires relying on a large amount of data and further analysis through calculations and statistics. But what to do if there is no data?

Come use PaaS services and rent data!

The data coverage is too broad.

Before the data is obtained, no one knows whether the data is the data you want. It is very easy for you to buy it and find that it is not suitable at all, resulting in huge waste.

Cloud services will solve this need, come and rent it. Even if you rent wrongly, the cost of trial and error is very low. Once the lease is successful, it can be renewed for a long time. The platform is constantly updating and organizing relevant data, and customers can make their own business judgments through first-hand data in real time.

Another kind is software.

In the past, if you wanted to use software, you had to buy it.

After purchasing the software, install it on your local hard drive.

First of all, many professional software are very expensive; secondly, these professional software are very difficult to install; and the update, maintenance, and operation of these professional software are very complicated...

In short, it is a lot of trouble and is very unfriendly to small and medium-sized enterprises and individual users. It often takes a few days for a software to be installed and still not installed properly.

SaaS service means you don’t have to buy the software.

The software is installed in the cloud, and updates, after-sales and other services are also provided in the cloud by the platform's technical team. Customers can just rent it directly.

So all the trouble is saved.

What Shopify wants to do is this kind of "rental software" service backed by a cloud computing platform.

Nowadays, those who engage in cross-border e-commerce are basically small and medium-sized enterprises.

The technical strength of these companies is weak.

You can use this software for making e-commerce websites developed by Shopify to create a beautiful e-commerce website simply and conveniently.

It's exactly the same as what Ms. Ji Xiaqing, the product manager there, said to Zhou Buqi in the International Department of Ziweixing Magic City.

For cloud computing platforms, it is actually a "renter".

What kind of housewife makes money?

The more high-quality properties you have, the more customers you will have, and the more money you will make.

Therefore, for Kurian and Ziweiyun, of course, they must seize every opportunity to expand their strength and have as many high-quality assets as possible.

It can also cause linkage effects.

If a customer rents software on the Ziwei Cloud platform, he will also give priority to Ziwei Cloud when renting and purchasing resources such as servers, computing power, data, and algorithms on the cloud platform.

Cross-border e-commerce is indeed a new and promising future e-commerce direction.

Kurian was very excited, “Ziwei Cloud’s biggest rival is Amazon, and Amazon is an e-commerce giant. So in the e-commerce industry, they generally use Amazon Cloud services. We have to admit that Ziwei Cloud The services provided by the cloud in this aspect are indeed quite different from Amazon Cloud."

Zhou Buqi's satisfaction with his job can be described as 99%.

It's much stronger than land weapons.

Satisfaction with the land vehicle, up to 60%.

Among the core executives of Ziweixing International, the Indian-born Kurian is the most satisfactory. From a business perspective, he even does better than Tang Binchen.

Under his leadership, Ziwei Cloud has become the undisputed number one in the world, with a market share 8 points higher than Amazon Cloud.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Ziweiyun cannot conquer all fields. We have a near-monopoly advantage in the field of streaming media, or Amazon cannot go out of its way to make movies."

Kurian smiled and said, "Yes."

With the success of Netflix's self-produced drama "House of Cards", streaming media platforms around the world have launched a strategy of self-produced dramas, and Amazon is also following suit.

Why is Amazon doing streaming media?

Whether it is in the past life or in this life, the most important strategic value of this kind of decision-making is cloud computing. If we only consider it from a business perspective, Amazon's streaming media is dispensable and is a very marginal business of Amazon.

But one thing cannot be denied, streaming media is the general trend.

Streaming media requires powerful storage and computing resources.

Let these companies buy it. No one can afford it, not even YouTube.

Then you can only rent it.

Go to the cloud computing platform to rent related resources.

This is a technical choice.

Amazon Cloud lacks technical accumulation in this field, lacks understanding of streaming media, and does not handle some details well enough, causing the streaming media platform to frequently crash when traffic bursts.

Ziweiyun originated from China.

What the domestic Internet is best at is dealing with problems such as high concurrency and traffic bursting out in a short period of time. Its technical level is better than that of Silicon Valley, and it happens to fit well with the technical needs of streaming media. In addition, Ziweixing subsequently reached cooperation agreements with well-known streaming media platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube.

Technology accumulation is getting stronger and stronger.

In the cloud service market in the field of streaming media, Ziweiyun already dominates the world, with a market share of more than 85%. Even adult websites have come to purchase Ziweiyun's services.

Amazon Cloud will be very anxious.

If you want to compete with Ziweiyun, you must make breakthroughs in the technical direction of streaming media cloud services. At least some basic problems must be solved at the technical level, and then you can stand on the same level as Ziweiyun at the business level. Compete on a horizontal level.

How to do a good job at the technical level?

Theory alone is not enough, it must be practiced and put into practice.

It’s definitely not possible to rely on others.

Amazon is doing streaming media on its own. Doesn’t the market not believe in the level of Amazon Cloud in the field of streaming media cloud services? Okay, I'll show it to you!

In fact, Zhou Buqi concluded that the platform economy must be inseparable from the theory of "self-operation + third party".

Amazon will build Amazon Video first, and then build its own streaming media business!

When self-operation is started, technical problems are solved, data resources and industry experience are summarized, industry prestige is established, and market competitiveness is gained.

Amazon Cloud's system in the field of streaming media cloud services has also been established.

Only then would it be possible to attract more "third-party" customers and poach Ziweiyun.

The competition between Amazon Cloud and Ziwei Cloud has become increasingly fierce, resulting in more and more collisions.

The core territory of Amazon Cloud is e-commerce. When all e-commerce companies use cloud services, they will give priority to Amazon Cloud. This is the biggest advantage of Amazon Cloud.

Ziweiyun's core territory is mainly streaming media and social networking.

Now, Amazon Cloud has started to move into the field of streaming media. It will start with self-operation and hopes to compete with Ziwei Cloud in the future through a long-term layout.

This time, with Boss Zhou’s focus on cross-border e-commerce, Ziweiyun finally found an opportunity to attack the core territory of Amazon Cloud.

Kurian has long been eyeing the e-commerce industry, but he is a little worried. “I have also been eyeing cross-border e-commerce for a long time, including Shopify, an e-commerce company in Canada that provides SaaS services. However, this industry seems to be very controversial. big."

Zhou Buqi was a bit embarrassed.

If there are disputes in the field of cross-border e-commerce, probably 70% to 80% of them originate from China.

On the one hand, some cross-border e-commerce teams are using fraud to make money. Others are even more violent, directly completing the flow of funds at home and abroad through false cross-border transactions, which is similar to money laundering. Therefore, the cross-border e-commerce model is not officially recognized in China.

Zhou Buqi coughed, "This is a new market after all, so there will inevitably be some industry chaos."

Kurian said: "Amazon seems to have been promoting global cross-border e-commerce business last year, but it was very restrained and the relevant policies were very tight."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "If you tighten it tightly, there will be more opportunities. All new markets are inefficient at first. Whoever can solve the problem of inefficiency can lead the industry."

Kurian took a deep breath, "Shopify's e-commerce template can indeed create a beautiful e-commerce website efficiently and quickly."

Zhou Buqi said: "Amazon is doing e-commerce. They are on the front line and will definitely be conservative in their strategies. What we do is to build a platform for e-commerce websites. Others mine gold mines, and we sell gold mines." shovel."

"That's true..." Kurian has been hesitant, "I'm afraid this is just an inconspicuous market, just like the group buying market. It was booming for a while, but soon the popularity faded, and the entire industry faced a crisis Collapse. The collapse of the group buying industry caused Amazon Cloud to lose a lot."

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Really? How much was lost?"

Kurian said: "I estimate it will not be less than 500 million US dollars. When the group buying wave came, they all used Amazon Cloud services, and they all used deferred payments. Later, it collapsed, and Amazon Cloud could not recover a penny. ”

"This..." Zhou Buqi immediately thought of China, "Where is Ziweiyun? I mean, is Ziweiyun's mainland business also damaged? The collapse of the group buying trend in our country is more serious than that in the United States. "

Kurian smiled and said, "That's okay."


Zhou Buqi breathed a sigh of relief. He had indeed not heard in China that the collapse of the group buying trend had an impact on Zi Weiyun. It would be a bit unreasonable if he didn't know about it if he suffered serious losses.

"In the United States, Amazon Cloud has launched a deferred payment strategy in order to compete with Ziweiyun." Curry settled for a moment, "To be precise, this is my strategy. Ziweiyun has always been in the field of e-commerce. None of them are rivals of Amazon Cloud. Then I saw the opportunity for emerging e-commerce companies such as group buying. Ziweiyun launched a series of support plans. If the group buying website uses Ziweiyun's services, they can defer payment, etc."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but laugh, "Amazon Cloud was worried about being robbed of the market, so it followed up?"

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