Top of the big era

Chapter 2313 Safe Payment

In fact, not only foreign e-commerce consumers, but also the entire foreign e-commerce environment do not seem so "smart". This has allowed many "smart" people to seize the opportunity and defraud through cross-border e-commerce.

After those consumers were deceived, they had no idea who had deceived them.

Shi Jinglin said: "There will always be some impact."

Zhou Buqi smiled easily and said: "It doesn't matter much! Just be yourself, the market has a regulating effect. Foreign e-commerce markets are like cabbages. After they are attacked by domestic multinational e-commerce teams for a while, , it’s time to repair the position. By then, the market will be cleaner.”

Shi Jinglin glanced at him in surprise, "Are you very optimistic about this industry?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Watch it!"

Shi Jinglin asked: "Didn't you do it to coax me or appease my emotions?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course it has this purpose, but this industry is really promising. I have communicated with Boss Ma, and he is also very optimistic about this market and believes that it will become an important vertical category in the future e-commerce field. If I support my wife’s business start-up, then I must investigate clearly.”

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes at him.

There was a smile on his lips.

I feel quite comfortable.

Zhou Buqi said slowly: "In domestic e-commerce, it is almost impossible to surpass Taobao and Overseas, there are also two giants, Amazon and eBay. You are not willing to do something small. Small business. If you want to expand the scale and become a large and influential company, cross-border e-commerce is a good direction."

Shi Jinglin sighed lightly, "I have been paying attention to this field for two years, but I always feel that something is not right. The problem is not with e-commerce, but with the payment method."


Zhou Buqi can't underestimate her.

You know, back then she was the president of and the second person in charge of the school’s group buying.

Back then, Zhou Buqi started the on-campus group buying business from 0 to 1. Later, it was handed over to Shi Jinglin, who led the on-campus group buying business from 1 to 100, becoming the most popular online shopping platform on domestic university campuses.

When it comes to e-commerce, Shi Jinglin has never been an outsider.

Shi Jinglin said softly: "These foreign payment methods are too bad, including the famous PayPal, which is really far behind Alipay."


Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly, feeling that it was a bit exaggerated.

Seeing him smile, Shi Jinglin got a little angry, "Do you think I'm kidding? Huh! These foreign payment products, led by PayPal, are all about payment business. Alipay is different, Alipay is about safe payment. "

"Safe?" Zhou Buqi smiled, "Why are other people's products not safe?"

Under his leadership, Ziweixing International completed its financing of PayPal last year and holds 5% of the company's shares and a board seat.

Because this product is very important and is related to the future plan to promote PayPal to be separated from eBay and listed separately, Zhou Buqi worked tirelessly to personally come forward and serve as a director of PayPal.

So for Zhou Buqi, PayPal belongs to "his own" and Alipay belongs to "outsiders".

Shi Jinglin said in surprise: "Are you too stupid? You don't even know this?"

Zhou Buqi had a black line on his forehead, "I don't even know what you mean."

Shi Jinglin said: "Back then, Taobao defeated eBay in China. There were many factors for its success. One of the most important ones was safe payment..."

Then, she quickly explained the situation.

Taobao is modeled after eBay.

However, Taobao does not blindly imitate, but has upgraded its business to a large extent, checking for omissions and filling gaps, making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses, and Alipay is one of them.

Back then, when consumers were shopping on eBay, they would always find that after placing an order and paying, the seller would not deliver the goods.

Just report it.

Later I found out that there were hundreds of people who reported it, and then I realized that they had been deceived and they didn't even think about shipping the goods. After calling the police, it was difficult to pursue accountability according to the laws and regulations at the time, and there was nothing you could do if you were cheated.

At that time, the main payment method used by eBay was PayPal.

This is not a secure payment platform, it is a payment platform where money is transferred from buyers to sellers.

Taobao seized this opportunity and launched Alipay, a safe payment method, adding a third-party function. The money is not given from the buyer to the seller, but the buyer pays the money to Alipay's third-party custody account. After the seller ships the goods and the buyer confirms it, the third party will transfer the money to the seller.

In this way, the problem of consumer fraud is solved.

Shopping on Taobao is safe and reliable, and it is difficult to encounter such low-level scammers.

Of course Zhou Buqi knows this. Taobao's defeat of eBay is a classic case in the domestic Internet industry. Everyone who makes Internet products has studied, understood, deduced, and demonstrated.

But what Shi Jinglin said...

He suddenly had some enlightenment.

Shi Jinglin looked at him with a half-smile, "How's it going? Now you understand? Are they similar?"

Zhou Buqi exclaimed, "Damn it!" "These domestic gangs are trying to deceive people through cross-border e-commerce. They can no longer do it at home, so they are starting to cheat in China!"

Shi Jinglin hummed and said: "You just realized it? This kind of deceptive trick of cross-border e-commerce works well because these foreign payment tools are point-to-point and have no security properties. Buyers transfer money directly It’s given to the seller. After the seller collects the money, he takes the money and runs away, which is impossible to prevent even if you want to.”

Zhou Buqi twitched his lips, "It's already 2012, PayPal hasn't solved this problem yet?"

Shi Jinglin said: "PayPal is a product of eBay!"


"The same goes for Amazon. Amazon has also launched a payment tool, and its share is quite large. It does not have this kind of security attribute. Let me tell you... they may have done it on purpose."

"Uh..." Zhou Buqi understood what she meant immediately, "Isn't that true?"

Shi Jinglin curled her lips and said: "I think that's it! Amazon and eBay are both e-commerce giants, and they have strict reviews of their stores. They have deposits and transaction insurance. There are multiple ways to ensure the safety of transactions. There is no need for safe payment. The same cannot be said for those small and medium-sized e-commerce websites, which lack such a protection mechanism. When consumers shop on small and medium-sized e-commerce platforms, because there is no guarantee of safe payment, they often encounter consumer fraud. They will lose confidence in small and medium-sized e-commerce websites. Slowly, consumers will recognize big companies like Amazon and eBay."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's possible."

Shi Jinglin asserted: "That's it! I have evidence. After Taobao launched Alipay, it relied on its reputation for safe payment to take the lead in the industry. eBay also discovered the problem and quickly improved it, integrating its Anypay and PayPal has upgraded its functions, and now has the third-party transfer attribute, so it can make safe payments. However, this is only domestic. Overseas, PayPal is still the same, and it is still a point-to-point transfer."

Zhou Buqi pondered: "This is the sales strategy of the e-commerce platform, and the payment tool is only an auxiliary."

Shi Jinglin said angrily: "What? Do you understand? This is the reason for the payment tool. It is whether the payment tool has a port for third-party accounts. For example, if Dangdang wants to use Alipay, if both parties cooperate, Alipay can Dangdang's supervision account opens a port. When a buyer pays a seller, the money is first transferred to Dangdang's third-party account and then to the seller. The overseas version of PayPal does not work. It does not have such a function and can only be peer-to-peer. "

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "So PayPal must be spun off and out of eBay's control. Only in this way can PayPal open similar third-party supervision functions like Alipay, so that small and medium-sized e-commerce companies can The platform is safer when trading online.”

"Yes, that's what it means!"

Shi Jinglin has been paying attention to cross-border e-commerce for a long time. But if you study deeply and enter, you will encounter obstacles everywhere. One of them is payment tools.

If eBay suppresses small and medium-sized enterprises in order to develop its own business, it will definitely not agree to PayPal developing more secure payment functions for small and medium-sized e-commerce platforms.

This not only undermines the healthy development of the e-commerce industry, but also damages PayPal's interests.

PayPal's small shareholders are constantly working hard and fighting to be separated. They are also fed up with eBay's many actions that harm the interests of small shareholders by using the control of major shareholders.

"This is the pattern!" Zhou Buqi couldn't help but sigh, "Boss Ma's role in promoting the development of the domestic e-commerce industry is really extraordinary. If it were replaced by Amazon's Bezos and eBay's People like Meg, it is estimated that the domestic e-commerce environment is still full of scammers and all kinds of people are involved."

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes and snorted, "You ask me to do cross-border e-commerce, and I will listen to you. But what about the payment method? Can you handle the safe payment issue for me? Otherwise, You should work hard to separate PayPal from eBay, and then make the overseas version of PayPal open to third-party supervised accounts like the domestic version."

"How can it be that easy?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Carl Icahn has been working hard for several years to promote the spin-off of PayPal, but there has been no movement."

Shi Jinglin was helpless, "What should we do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's just self-employment."

"Only self-employed?"

Shi Jinglin frowned slightly. If it was just self-employed, it would not be able to grow on such a scale.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Don't be so ambitious. Don't think about building an e-commerce giant with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars. How can there be such a big market for you? Aiming for a market value of 10 billion US dollars, that's enough That’s it. For this goal, self-employment is enough.”

Self-operation means that there is only one seller, which is the platform.

The platform is both a seller and a regulator.

In this way, you don’t have to worry about online shopping fraud.

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