Top of the big era

Chapter 2310 Anonymous Dilemma

After all, Zhou Buqi is a professional. Knowing the meaning behind Xu Liangjie's words, he pondered: "Yes, users who do not log in are anonymous users. This is a huge economic loss for Yahoo."

No matter what the form of advertising is, the underlying logic is always the same.

If you want to bring out the effectiveness of advertising, you must deliver it accurately.

But in order for ads to be delivered accurately, the platform needs to understand each person's information and tailor ads for them, so as to achieve customized ads for thousands of people.

If the user does not log in, they will exist as anonymous users, which will be troublesome.

The platform doesn’t know who you are, so it can’t tailor it to you.

We can only place useless ads in large quantities.

The conversion rate of advertising will be very low.

After advertisers see the data, they will be disappointed and gradually stay away.

Xu Liangjie said: "Yahoo is gradually marginalized, mainly from the perspective of user growth and profit levels. In the British and American markets, Yahoo has a large number of existing users, so it is not surprising at all that there are few incremental users."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The number of Internet users on the PC side has grown relatively slowly, but it is different on the mobile side. With the development of the times, the decline in Internet fees and the popularity of smartphones, everyone has a smartphone, and on the mobile A large number of new users can appear on the terminal.”

In fact, this principle is simple.

In the past, the total number of Internet users was 100, but Yahoo started working early and accumulated 80 Internet users early, leaving only 20 room for growth.

Facebook has only been around for a few years. It started from scratch and has grown from 0 to 80. Its annual growth can reach more than ten times that of Yahoo.

At this time, the significance of mobile Internet appears.

Smartphones have greatly lowered the threshold for accessing the Internet.

The number of Internet users doubled several times, from 100 to 500. This creates a huge potential market, and Yahoo has new opportunities to develop in the incremental field.

If Yahoo wants to recover, it must give the market confidence.

In fact, it depends on two data.

The first is user growth, and the other is profit growth.

The traditional PC side really has no chance.

It just depends on the mobile market.

Xu Liangjie said: "Let's not talk about other countries. Looking at the British and American markets alone, Yahoo's traffic is not bad at all. I have seen relevant statistics. Yahoo's traffic is only 17% less than Google and only 1% less than Facebook. From From a traffic perspective, Yahoo is still on the same level as Google and Facebook. But from a revenue perspective, the gap is too big. With the same traffic, Yahoo’s advertising revenue is only one-tenth of theirs.”

Zhou Buqi said: "This is the key point!"

Xu Liangjie said: "Normally speaking, the higher the traffic, the higher the revenue. But behind this is the conversion model of commercial realization. Yahoo has done so poorly that it has been unable to solve the problem of anonymous users for so many years."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "Where's Yahoo Mail?"

Xu Liangjie said: "Yahoo Mail is indeed a very good product with a large user base and is very popular in the market. However, the users of Yahoo Mail only account for one-tenth of the total users, which is far from enough. This is similar to Google's YouTube. It’s not a product of the same level at all. What’s more, Google also has many related game products, such as Google Mail, Twitter, Google+, etc.”

This is the strategic impact on products.

This is also the reason why Yahoo has been constantly buying and selling in order to save itself over the years, and has come up with all kinds of messy products.

If Yahoo wants to regain its appeal to advertisers, it must launch a mechanism for precise advertising.

But users basically use Yahoo to read news.

No login required.

Everyone is basically an anonymous user, and they leave after reading. There is no trace when you come, and you don't take away a cloud when you leave, which makes Yahoo very distressed.

Yahoo Mail can solve this problem to a certain extent.

Yahoo Mail and Yahoo are integrated.

If the user uses Yahoo Mail, they must log in. Once you log in to Yahoo Mail, it means you are logged in to Yahoo, which can solve the dilemma of anonymous users to a certain extent.

But the user scale of Yahoo Mail is really small compared to Yahoo's huge anonymous user group.

Therefore, Yahoo's team has always wanted to create a popular product like YouTube to attract users to log in and use it.

When you log in, you naturally log in to Yahoo.

YouTube is now popular all over the world.

The total traffic is not much worse than Facebook, and it is truly the largest streaming media platform.

The YouTube account and the Google account are connected. Logging in to YouTube is equivalent to logging in to Google. Including Google spending huge sums of money to acquire Twitter, it also has such strategic intentions.

Account interoperability and data interoperability.

You can better understand users, and you can deliver ads more accurately. Your advertising conversion rate will be greatly improved, and your advertising revenue will also increase.

But Yahoo has been searching hard for so many years, but has never been able to find such a hot product.

Zheng Xiaoli sighed and said helplessly: "Look at Google's strategic plan, it can really crush Yahoo. Google is a search platform, and it stands to reason that it can rely on search keywords to carry out advertising. But Google is not satisfied, and Therefore, a product matrix with YouTube and Twitter as the core was built. Over the years, Yahoo has made mistakes again and again. It has made many attempts in this area, but none of them have been successful."

Zhou Buqi said: "The PC market is already very saturated, and it is very difficult to do something interesting in this field. Fortunately, the mobile market has emerged, and new opportunities can be captured."

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "Yes, on the traditional PC side, there is really no way to solve the dilemma of anonymous users. Unless we tighten restrictions and prohibit anonymous users from using Yahoo, this is obviously not possible."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "News products like Yahoo do have huge hidden dangers of anonymous login. Not only Yahoo, but also domestic Sohu, Sina, and NetEase. In order to guide users to log in, they all have their own tricks. Sohu The current enthusiasm for Sohu Video and Sohu Weibo has some strategic meaning, by guiding users to log in to Sohu Video and Sohu Weibo, so as to log in to Sohu."

Xu Liangjie smiled and said: "We have Helo, Ucgram, and YikYak, which all help promote the interoperability of accounts on the mobile terminal and encourage users to log in to Yahoo."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Jump login, quick login with Helo account, quick login with Ucgram account, quick login with mobile phone account, etc. are all very convenient."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How to guide users to log in to the Yahoo App? You can't force it, right?"

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "As long as the login process is simple, smooth and convenient, and guides users to log in, it will be easy. There are many methods... Even if you don't log in, you can still use technical means to achieve precise delivery."


Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "As long as the user downloads and installs Helo and Yahoo on his mobile phone at the same time, it means that the users of the two products are the same. Even if the user does not log in when using Yahoo, we can still know who this person is. A number in his database."

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