Top of the big era

Chapter 2307 Scientists don’t move bricks

Obviously, Sun Wanran's understanding of the Internet has gradually improved after following Boss Zhou for a long time.

The Internet is a high-tech enterprise, there is no doubt about this.

But this is just a comparison of non-tech industries.

As far as this industry is concerned, 99% of the jobs are actually low-skilled, just like migrant workers carrying bricks on a construction site. Therefore, programmers are called "code farmers" in the industry, which means farmers who write codes.

This statement is very discriminatory, but it is indeed a bloody phenomenon in this industry.

And this has become a major advantage for the domestic Internet industry to compete with American technology giants.

Just like Google, its qualifications are so high, and the technical personnel it recruits are of extremely high standards, and all of them are technical experts. This is a truly technology-based company.

But there's a problem.

Everyone is going to do the kind of high-tech jobs that are awesome, and who is going to move the bricks?

This is why Helo has so many competing products in the market, but few rivals can really make an impact. Facebook has worked very hard, but cannot solve the dilemma of "scientists don't move bricks" that exists in Silicon Valley.

Just like Helo's business department, there are only more than 100 employees in the Silicon Valley headquarters. The work content of these employees is relatively high-end, and they are more in line with the identities of those "product experts" and "technology experts".

However, Helo is not actually a high-tech product, but a social product that is close to every ordinary person.

The technical content is very low.

Most of the work is actually of a "moving bricks" nature.

For example, Helo needs to get feedback from the market in real time, understand user needs, and carry out some product iterations and updates. Many of the iterations are very small details.

For example, move the position of an icon by one nanometer, slightly weaken the color of an icon, display the text size of reply messages, display the granularity of voice, display the display size of Moments posts, etc.

It’s all the little things.

All very inconspicuous.

It's just "moving bricks".

However, over time, you can see obvious effects.

Helo's iteration frequency can reach hundreds of times a year, and it is undergoing product reforms every minute. It relies on every effort to shorten the distance between the product and the user, and finally presents the product experience. You can achieve an unexpected effect.

The same cannot be said for many products from Silicon Valley tech giants.

Many products are not updated for several months.

Like the ones in Japan, some of them are not updated for several years.

As time accumulates, gaps will form.

In many aspects such as app functional design, product design and user experience, domestic apps can crush the apps of American technology giants.

Of course, there are huge sacrifices behind this.

Helo's team in the United States only has more than 100 people, but if it cooperates with Ziweixing's international department in Shanghai, the scale will be huge. The international department has a large team of more than 400 people, silently helping Helo do some " "Moving Bricks" job.

Those jobs that the Silicon Valley tech geeks disdain and are too lazy to do are all highly sought-after jobs in China. But even so, the domestic "brick-laying" team must continue to work overtime and work intensively in order to do a good job in the "brick-laying" work behind a world-class product like Helo.

In fact, it is not only the technology giants in Silicon Valley who will encounter such difficulties. Silicon Valley is just a microcosm of the entire American society, and the entire United States is like this.

Since the Clinton era, the United States has embarked on a series of overall plans to eliminate low-end industries. That is to move some low-end industries with very low profit margins abroad; only retain high value-added, high-tech industries and jobs in the country.

This trick really works.

Clinton led the United States to create an economic miracle that year.

But slowly the disadvantages became apparent.

Everyone in the United States is engaged in high-end industries, and no one is "moving bricks" anymore. No one is willing to "move bricks" anymore, the blue-collar class is suddenly out of service, and the social structure is missing.

Just like repairing a faucet, tearing down a floor, or installing a beam in an American home... I want to spend money to find someone, but I'm sorry, I can't find one. Even if you find it, the price is so high that ordinary families simply can't afford it. If you have no choice, you can only learn to repair it yourself.

App development on smartphones is actually not high-end at all.

High-end jobs may only account for 1%, and 99% are blue-collar jobs. The lack of blue-collar jobs is a hurdle that Silicon Valley giants find difficult to overcome when facing competition from domestic Internet giants.

Blue-collar workers who work overtime and make huge sacrifices are the greatest advantage of the domestic technology industry and the main reason for the rapid changes in domestic scientific and technological achievements in recent years.

If domestic technology companies all rush to do the 1% of high-end jobs and give up the 99% of blue-collar jobs that they are best at... it will be difficult. They will use their own shortcomings to compete with the strengths of their opponents. Except for a few technology giants such as Baidu, Alibaba, ZTE, and BOE, which may be able to grab a piece of territory from each other's market, most of them are just hitting the stone with an egg, and the entire industry will be wailing.

Zhou Buqi had already made overall arrangements for this.

The Ziweixing International Department located in Shanghai, led by M7 executive Liu Qing, is mainly responsible for "outsourcing" communication of domestic and foreign business, that is, to undertake tasks that cost a lot of money but cannot be completed well abroad.

Sun Wanran said softly: "However, if this kind of work is done by the International Department of Magic City, it may not be possible."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "What's wrong?"

Sun Wanran answered the question and said: "I would say that a product experience team should be established abroad. Not only to experience the company's products, but also to experience similar products on the market, make a summary, and analyze the big problems in the market. Make a record of the feedback from some users. In this way, you can know the advantages and disadvantages of which product, as well as the details of the user experience. It will form a reference during product design, and colleagues in the international department will not have to work behind closed doors. ”

Zhou Buqi praised: "What a great idea! This is how it should be! I have long been interested in setting up a chief product experience officer position here at Ziweixing International. We are a husband and a wife!"

"Really?" Sun Wanran smiled like a flower, her eyes narrowed into a line, "You didn't coax me?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Who coaxed you? I have a plan for a long time. It's just that in the past few years, the mobile app market is not mature enough. The apps of major companies are constantly improving in the process of exploration, and there is nothing to learn from." , just follow the ideas of me, the chief product director. However, as the industry matures, all product functions are becoming richer and more detailed, and it is indeed necessary to build such a product experience department."

Sun Wanran was very satisfied and said with a smile: "It seems that I am quite talented in the Internet."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, who says there isn't? If you ask me, being a secretary next to me would be too much for you. Why don't I give you some experience in a product department..."

"What are you doing?" Sun Wanran's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, fiercely, "I think you are tired of playing and want to replace me with someone new, right? Do you want secretary iterations like product iterations?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "What's the matter? You're just too worried."

Sun Wanran hummed: "I'm not leaving! I'm going to bed, good night!"

"What are the plans for tomorrow?"

"Go to London, those little fairies are waiting for food!"

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