Top of the big era

Chapter 2296 Platform-neutral perspective

In the summer, it is very comfortable to take a cool and soft Yuanyang bath.

The only drawback is that Zhao Li Muge and Yan Qiqi made too many bubbles in the bathtub. Girls seem to like this and find it particularly romantic.

But it blocked Zhou Buqi's view of the beautiful scenery.

I can only experience it, but I can't take a closer look.

Holding her in your arms and whispering softly is quite comforting.

Yan Qiqi snickered and said, "Senior, I think Zhang Zetian is very anxious."

"No hurries?"

Zhou Buqi lay in the bathtub, closing his eyes and relaxing.

Zhao Li Muge responded quickly: "Don't touch her. She told me just now. Let me persuade you to call her over and take a bath together."

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes and glanced at her, "You agreed?"

Zhao Li Muge hurriedly said: "No, how could I dare? She has poor charm, so she can't blame others."

Yan Qiqi blinked, a little strange, "Is the charm bad? I think it's's not bad in all aspects."

Zhou Buqi said: "She is different from you guys. She is a rich young lady with a high temper. If she doesn't smooth out her temper and take her in casually, she won't dare to play with me. Then we won't be able to do anything." Even if I am good, I will bully you."

Zhao Li Muge snorted: "Bullying me? Don't even think about it. They are all concubines. Who is better than the other?"

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Want to be a concubine? Have I approved it?"

"Then I'll behave well." Zhao Li Muge smiled, "Where's Qiqi?"

"Ah?" Yan Qiqi was slightly startled and whispered, " too, but...but..."

Zhou Buqi asked: "But what?"

Yan Qiqi whispered: "Senior, I'm telling you secretly, don't talk nonsense. I talked to Yao Yao once, and she said she didn't want to stay here forever. If she stays here for ten or eight years, she will get enough Momo’s stock, she left.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Everyone has his or her own ambitions, that's normal. As long as you follow the rules, you can choose whatever you want."

Zhao Li Muge kept his own thoughts, "Just like bidding ranking, if you follow the rules like Weidian, there is actually no problem, it is just a business strategy. But if you don't follow the rules, something bad will happen easily." matter."

Zhou Buqi was immediately amused by her, he held her left hand and moved it up, pinching her delicate face, "Do you understand again?"

Zhao Li Muge's face turned red, "I don't quite understand."

She actually wanted to compliment the big boss.

When Zhou Buqi was talking to Liu Qing and Boss Ma today, she was also present and heard some criticisms about bidding rankings. However, Ziweixing’s Weidian Search also uses a bidding ranking mechanism.

As long as it is a search platform, as long as it is operated commercially, it is basically the same model all over the world.

If we criticize PPC, doesn’t that mean we are also criticizing Wei Dian?

She took it upon herself to put Wei Dian outside the rules.

Zhou Buqi said: "The bidding ranking is actually an advertising mechanism. The content is advertising. In essence, it is no different from the advertisements on TV stations, magazines, and newspapers. Whoever pays more will have their advertisements placed." The best location. In the past few years, all the major TV stations have been advertising for Ant Power God. Is there anything worse than this? It just stopped like this."

Yan Qiqi didn't have that much thought and said frankly: "But on platforms such as Baidu and Weidian, some PPC links are really annoying..."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's for sure. It depends on how you look at it. After all, not everyone is Boss Ma and has ways to fight against the bidding rankings of search platforms. Mechanism. Not to mention ordinary people, even Amazon’s Bezos has suffered greatly and is helpless.”

Zhao Li Muge was curious, "Is Google like this too?"

"It's all the same!" Zhou Buqi knew this all too well, "If you search for law firms on Google, the price of the top few law firms can reach $50 with one click. There is no real difference. A consultation is not a deal, but as long as someone clicks on that link, the relevant law firm will pay Google $50 in bidding ranking promotion fees."

Zhao Li Muge said: "Lawyer fees in the United States are very high."

Zhou Buqi said: "Whether it is high or not is another matter. We need to understand the logic behind this matter. Once we understand the logic, we will not be deceived by the guidance of bidding rankings."

Zhao Li Muge and Yan Qiqi became very concerned.

There are not many opportunities to be able to accept the guidance of a big boss with all your heart, and you only get such opportunities when you are honest with each other, right?

No wonder Zhang Zetian was so anxious.

She probably wants to learn knowledge from the big boss.

Zhou Buqi said: "In those well-known law firms in the United States, every lawyer is very busy. There are countless cases every day. They have to go through layers of screening before accepting orders. In order to ensure the success rate, they don't I will accept any order. But some law firms have a very low success rate in litigating cases. The quality of the lawyers is not very good and the fees are high, so few people go to them.”

Zhao Li Muge blurted out, "So these bad law firms have to advertise!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's right! The more top law firms are, the more they can spread word of mouth in the industry. They don't have to worry about clients at all. It's enough to spread the word in the niche circle of big cases. Only junk law firms can Spend a lot of money to buy bidding rankings and attract customers through public Internet platforms like Google.”

Zhao Li Muge then reacted, "So for those of us who understand the mechanism of PPC, the existence of PPC is actually very valuable. The meaning of PPC is not to recommend, but to avoid."

After hearing her analysis, Yan Qiqi suddenly realized it and clapped her hands, "So that's it! I understand!"

Zhao Li Muge frowned slightly, "Top law firms don't need bidding rankings to advertise, which means that the recommendations for bidding ads on Google are of lower quality. Is this right?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Google just built a platform for third-party customers to settle in. Google is not a prosecutor's office. As long as third-party advertisers hold legal licenses issued by the state, they can advertise. Yes, It is not illegal; if it is not allowed, it means that Google treats some law firms with some kind of discriminatory distinction, which will violate the fair nature of the Internet, and this is suspected of being illegal."

Yan Qiqi said: "Even Google is like this, but in China..."

Zhao Li Muge quickly glared at her.

Yan Qiqi stuck out her tongue and quickly shut up.

My own company’s micro-search also plays the same trick.

Zhou Buqi said nonchalantly: "So now you understand why I always say that Boss Ma is a great Internet entrepreneur, right? He leads the e-commerce industry and bypasses search platforms, which means he gets rid of bidding. Ranking has a negative impact on this industry. In domestic online shopping, some disputes often occur, which is normal, but there are really few cases where an order is not shipped and the money is taken away. Especially after the group buying trend failed. , the e-commerce industry has undergone a collective transformation, and there are even fewer similar things. If you are in the United States, there are too many such things. A very important reason is that the bidding ranking of search engines has eliminated too many low-quality niche e-commerce companies. The website is recommended to users.”

Yan Qiqi is her school girl and has a more direct personality, so she asked more pointedly, "What about the medical field?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Then it depends on whether there is a Boss Ma in the medical field, or whether Boss Ma is willing to get involved in this industry. If he enters, it will definitely be a huge help to the people who have difficulty in seeing a doctor. Because it is related to life and health, PPC is particularly sensitive in this field, and Micropoint has greatly reduced the promotion of the pharmaceutical industry."

Zhao Li Muge was really quick-thinking and said slowly and thoughtfully: "Just like the Magic City, really good big hospitals don't need to advertise at all. There are so many patients every day. I read the news that because there are too many patients, some Doctors are so tired that they vomit blood because they work too hard. But some rubbish hospitals have fewer patients, so they have to advertise to attract customers."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's right!"

Zhao Li Muge said softly: "Just like those hospital advertisements on the search platform, if I understand the logic you mentioned, it will be easy to judge. The bidding ranking can reflect the positive meaning. If you come to Shanghai to see a doctor, you can search Search on the platform and write down all the hospitals that advertise. Then, you can’t go to all these hospitals. The remaining hospitals that don’t advertise are basically more reliable.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, this is the meaning of platform neutrality. Provide the same content, some people will see positive things, and some people will see negative things. If you understand this principle, in It is much easier when dealing with many things. For example, if you are going to stay in a five-star hotel on a business trip, the meaning of bidding ranking is to select the worst local hotels. For a foreigner who is not familiar with the place, It serves as a warning."

Zhao Li Muge said with a smile: "It's so funny. It should be from this perspective. Just like some places have issued a document saying that they want to improve workers' treatment, but in fact they are saying that the current treatment of workers is too poor. Some places say We must respect private enterprises, but it actually means that private enterprises have been treated unfairly too much. Some places say that entrepreneurs should be protected, but in fact it means that too many entrepreneurs have been wronged."

Zhou Buqi thinks she is very clever. Among the small secretaries in the office, she really stands out, much better than Guan Nanqing, Gu Zanli, Yan Qiqi and others.

She has the potential of a secretary-general.

Well, I don’t know how Zhang Zetian is doing.

Although she has nominally entered the secretariat of the chairman's office and has become a glorious little secretary, after all, this is only in name.

The actual relationship hasn't happened yet.

It will be investigated slowly in the future.

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