Top of the big era

Chapter 229 Entering the Antivirus Market

In fact, the anti-virus software used in college students' computers is basically pirated, and they are all downloaded from the Internet and then cracked.

Pirated anti-software cannot be updated in real time, so even if Xiaonei communicates smoothly with Jiangmin, Rising, and Jinshan to let them add the security certificate to the trusted program library, it is difficult to have immediate results.

It's better to solve it from the school intranet.

Xiaonei posted a statement explaining it. And when the user downloads and installs the security certificate purchased by the member, there is an additional prompt function, which will advise the user to turn off the anti-virus software during installation to prevent accidental deletion.

Even so, Zhou Buqi was deeply shocked by the bullying in the soft-killing market.

Qihoo 360 is.

Zhou Hongyi started out as a search company, and 3721 and later Yahoo China were all in the search business. Later, he left Yahoo and came out to start a business. The first product he launched was the spider search for BBS of colleges and universities across the country.

Later, he was surprised to find that the computer of the college student was bundled with a lot of plug-ins by various unscrupulous software, so that his search plug-ins were useless.

Zhou Hongyi's hooliganism was revealed again, and he planned to help users clean up all other plug-ins and keep only his own. This was the prototype of 360 Security Guard.

In order to make the product look less rogue, 360 Security Guard has added some other functions, such as Trojan horse detection and killing, vulnerability protection, garbage cleaning, etc., which seem to be much taller.

However, checking and killing Trojan horses is tantamount to invading the traditional anti-software industry. In addition, Zhou Hongyi himself is a white hat, and there are a group of white hats and red hats around him, showing his ambition to do anti-virus.

The antisoft companies felt a huge threat, and each made a unique move, severely suppressing 360's products.

The method is very simple, killing, reporting errors, threatening warnings.

Zhou Hongyi, nicknamed Zhou Dapao, has a wilder personality than Zhou Buqi, and immediately became furious. After several trials and negotiations failed, the table was turned and a free 360 ​​antivirus was launched in 2008.

Completely killed the domestic antisoft market.

This kind of behavior, from the perspective of hindsight, can be said to be so wise, so discerning, and so on. But in fact, when Zhou Hongyi made this decision, he didn't think too much at all. The most thought in his mind was one thought: "Damn, don't be afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet, you're going to die together!"

Then, he did it without hesitation.

Just like the "3Q War" that he led later, they all took off their shirts and fought desperately.

Speaking of it, Zhou Buqi likes Zhou Hongyi's character very much, he is daring to fight and act vigorously. Moreover, he is bold and dares to tell the truth, which is different from the pure flicker of Boss Alima.

When he was just reborn, Zhou Buqi once had the idea of ​​investing in 360 because he missed the best time to invest in BAT.

Now, the negotiations between Yahoo and Ali are coming to an end, and gossip has been flying all over the sky.

Ali's acquisition of Yahoo China is a foregone conclusion.

And Zhou Hongyi, as the president of Yahoo China, will definitely resign... 360 company will be born soon.

Zhou Buqi's mind changed.

I don't want to invest anymore.

Last semester, the school intranet was attacked by hackers. He once asked Zhou Hongyi for help, but he didn't respond at all. It was a holiday.

More importantly, the situation has changed now.

The Xiaonei network has grown up, and the pattern of monopolizing the campus market has been set.

At the beginning of its establishment, Qihoo 360 also set its sights on universities, and wanted to launch search and security guards for university BBS... This is tantamount to invading the territory of Xiaonei.

Zhou Buqi can't just sit back and watch 360 get started, and he can't be stuck by software manufacturers!

Then there is only one way to go.

Do it yourself!

After thinking silently all night, he exchanged ideas with Wen Zhixia, and with the encouragement of her sincere words and soft body, he made a final decision.

More lice don't itch.

Even a PPT company like LeEco, relying on the little money they cheated, has successively developed more than 20 business territories, and it has become very popular, and it was once popular all over the country.

He conducts his business in an upright manner, neither stealing nor cheating nor robbing or making trouble, so why should he worry about it?

The next day, he called Wu Hanqing to his office and expressed his thoughts.

Wu Hanqing was taken aback, "Anti-virus? Boss Zhou, this... this..."

"What? No way?"

"'re not kidding me, are you?"

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

He is really angry.

The shareholding structure of Ziweixing Technology is that Polaris Venture Capital holds 55% of the shares, Zhou Buqi holds 20% of the shares, Zhang Yiming holds 12% of the shares, Guo Pengfei holds 12% of the shares, and Wu Hanqing holds 1% of the shares.

But Wu Hanqing's contribution to the company is really very little.

1% of the shares may not seem like much, but how much is Ziweixing Technology now? It owns and, and the valuation of 200 million US dollars is considered small.

If you don't squeeze him hard, I really don't know how he can afford so many shares.

Wu Hanqing swallowed sharply, and said in a trembling voice, "Boss Zhou, really... Really make anti-virus software?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not just an anti-virus software, but also a security guard. I have already named it, and it's called Jinxing Security Guard and Jinxing Antivirus."

Naming the product is also unique.

Some companies like to be named after fruits, some like to be named after animals, and some like to be named after company brands...

Zhou Buqi's habit is to name celestial bodies and planets.

Wu Hanqing misunderstood, nodded and said: "This name is quite good, Jin Xing... is the combination of Jinshan and Ruixing. By the way, what do you mean by security guard?"

"Anti-virus software is mainly used to check and kill viruses, while security guard is more of an auxiliary function, which can check and kill Trojan horses, check and kill rogue plug-ins, help users uninstall rogue software like Rising and 3721, clean up garbage, fix bugs, etc. "

"Okay, I get it now."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How about it, this task is entrusted to you, can you do it?"


Wu Hanqing looked troubled.

Zhou Buqi was very angry, "You can't do this little thing well? Aren't you very skilled?"

Wu Hanqing said with a bitter face: "It's really not a technical problem. To be honest, this kind of anti-virus software is not technically difficult. Things like virus databases have been made public on foreign forums. Moreover, it is a personal anti-virus software, far less complicated than an enterprise-level one. .”

"What's the problem?"

"Boss Zhou, this is making software. Making software is not the same as building a website. It is a client to be loaded on a PC, and it needs to be low-ratio, low-energy-consuming, and run in the background."

"Just ask for it."


Wu Hanqing thought of something and sighed.

Zhou scolded angrily: "Wu Hanqing, can you do it? If you can't, get out, I'll replace you! It's just a broken anti-virus software. Five-tier IT companies like Jiangmin and Rising can make it. We can't do it? "

After being scolded, Wu Hanqing immediately turned serious and said loudly, "I have conditions!"


"I need a mature software development team, not a part-time college student."

"Then go recruit people."

"If you recruit people now, it will take a lot of time to integrate the team and unify the concept. Making software is different from making a website. A website can be built in pieces, but software needs to be set in a unified framework..."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Buqi glared at him angrily, "I don't understand what you said, so just say it, what do you want to do? Within this year, I will push Venus Antivirus to every A college student's computer!"

Wu Hanqing said in a deep voice: "Time is so tight... Then we can't recruit people now. There is a gap of 300,000 network security talents in China, and we can't recruit them. We need to acquire a mature software company."


Zhou Buqi hesitated.

Acquiring a mature software company is not something that can be done with tens of millions.

Although Wu Hanqing is very young, he is definitely an expert in the field of domestic network security. His greatest ambition is to build a platform to provide the most stable and safest network protection for enterprises and users across the country.

When Boss Zhou said he wanted to make anti-virus software, he couldn't be more pleasantly surprised.

However, as a veteran, he knows how risky it is to enter the antivirus industry.

"In addition to spending huge sums of money to acquire a company, we also have to bear the corresponding security issues." Wu Hanqing took a deep look at Zhou Buqi with a vigilant expression.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Isn't what we're doing in the security field..."

"No, what I'm talking about is not network security, but personal security." Wu Hanqing said seriously.

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide, stunned, "What do you mean by that?"

Wu Hanqing said coldly: "Rising's rogue habits are not only reflected in the software. Boss Zhou, you may not know some things, but I am a professional in this field. I know everything about the network security circle."

"what happened?"

"Do you know Dongfang Weidian?"

"A company?"

"Yes, it's a company that makes antivirus software."

Zhou Buqi looked at him suspiciously, "The company you said you want to acquire is Dongfang Weidian?"

Wu Hanqing sighed for a long time, and said slowly: "The founder of Dongfang Weidian is Liu Yu, and he is a domestic network security expert whom I particularly respect. Rising Antivirus was designed and developed by him back then, and he is also The first expert in my country to discover and solve the CIH virus."

"Rising?" Zhou Buqi was a little dazed, confused by him.

Wu Hanqing said: "At the beginning of this year, he resigned from Rising. Then he mortgaged the real estate, borrowed money everywhere, raised 10 million yuan and founded Dongfang Weidian, and brought his own team to launch Weidian antivirus. Now the antivirus software in the world is It is a passive defense. And the micro-point antivirus he developed is an active defense, creating a precedent in the industry."

Zhou Buqi frowned, with a puzzled expression on his face: "How can we buy such an industry expert and world-class anti-virus product? Even if we can afford it, will they sell it?"

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