Top of the big era

Chapter 2286 Bundling of business models

If you want to start the "Internet + movie" business, you still need to overcome several difficulties.

Unexpectedly, after a trip to Japan, I was inspired by Jingtao’s blind box unboxing activity and found a solution to the problem of coupon issuance format.

Next, I will go back to China and have a brief discussion with Wanda’s boss Wang to promote in-depth cooperation between Fandango and AMC Cinemas. This will be no problem. If AMC Cinemas wants to go from bankruptcy to glory, it really needs some courage to stand firm.

Zhou Buqi and his party stayed in Japan for less than 24 hours before embarking on their return home.

Then, he went to the company and paid attention to the development process of the two apps, Good Voice Karaoke and WiFi Master Key, which he had directly participated in.

He also held a meeting with core executives such as Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Wang Xiaochuan, Liang Rubo, and Zhou Feng, and also elaborated on his ideas for "introducing" traffic based on mobile Internet.

If an App wants to be prosperous for a long time, it actually only needs one hard indicator—traffic.

Other data are often generated based on traffic. When the traffic is high, the data of other categories will be high; when the traffic is low, the data of other categories will be low.

Almost all data revolves around traffic and shows a positive correlation.

If you want the App to have sustained high traffic, it is obviously not enough to rely solely on the innovation and iteration of the product itself. This requires some other means to increase the traffic of this product.

In his previous life, Zhou Buqi still couldn't understand some things. He always felt that the market was absurd, and many operations of Internet giants were baffling to people.

Now that it was his turn, he gradually realized the profound meaning of it.

It's not that smart people are stupid, it's that stupid people think they are smarter.

Just like shared bicycles.

Many giants will spend huge sums of money to invest in shared bicycles. This thing is basically a business with no profit, and it is almost impossible to make money. But the smartest people will always throw money into it in different ways.

We need to continue to provide subsidies in order to maintain this business.

The most generous subsidies are of course Alipay and WeChat.

Now that I see it this way, I understand.

What people value is not whether the bike sharing business can make money at all. In fact, they are spending money to buy traffic. What is subsidized is not shared bicycles, but traffic.

Tao-style bicycles can only be paid with Alipay, and Penguin-style bicycles can only be paid with WeChat.

Because shared bicycles are used frequently, bicycle traffic is introduced to Alipay and WeChat, greatly increasing the activity of these two products.

When shared bicycles have become a necessity in many people’s lives, how can other similar products compete?

Among financial products, only Alipay can scan the QR code to pay for shared bicycles; social products are indeed diverse and innovative, but only WeChat can scan the QR code to use shared bicycles.

This strong moat and competitiveness are reflected.

This is the metaphor Zheng Xiaoli said, relying on marriage to tie users up, and using daily necessities in life to make users unable to leave even if they want to leave.

In this way, the status of the two giants was established.

The battle between Alipay and WeChat Pay has gone back and forth... Looking back, you will find that the third place is far behind and you can't see who it is.

It’s only late June 2012, so it’s still early.

Zhou Buqi's concept was stated once in the United States, but few responded, so Zheng Xiaoli could only be entrusted with an important task. It's different here in China. He made the beginning and gave a general idea, and others could follow this idea.

This is actually the different understanding of Internet products between China and the United States.

The American side values ​​innovation more and attracts the market through innovation; the domestic side cares more about business models and binds the market through business models.

From this point of view, Jobs is more like a Chinese.

The early iPhone did gain worldwide attention through innovation. But innovation is something that can only be met by chance, and even Steve Jobs himself will have times when his inspiration runs out and innovation stagnates.

This needs to be bundled by the business model.

Jobs established a complete and closed product ecosystem and business model for the iPhone, so that even if the iPhone became less surprising later, it would be difficult for iPhone users to leave this complete product ecosystem.

There are many Android users who convert to iPhone users, but there are very few iPhone users who convert to Android users. A very important reason is that the marriage-like bonding relationship on Android phones has not been established.

After the small meeting, Guo Pengfei stayed and said with a smile: "The United States has launched cooperation between online platforms and offline movies. Do we want to do it in China?"

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment, "Xu Baihui told me that she wanted to do this kind of online ticket purchasing website."

"Ah?" Guo Pengfei felt that it was not reliable, "Can she do it?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What's wrong with this? It's not that difficult. It's just a movie ticket purchasing website. She also wants to further strengthen Jieyu Media's leading position in the industry."

"Oh, by the way, it seems that some kind of was acquired." Guo Pengfei then remembered, "Then let Ziweixing stop doing it now? Give it to Jieyu Media?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't we have Douban? Let's give it a try in a small way. If Jieyu Media really doesn't get started, Douban can quickly step in. But in China, don't worry too much, Jieyu If the media is not good, there is also Zhang Yinlei’s They do group buying, and the movie ticket business is definitely indispensable."


Guo Pengfei nodded.

He is not optimistic about Jieyu Media doing this, but if does it, it may do better than Ziweixing. After all, is a company that specializes in this kind of O2O business.

Zhou Buqi said: "Anyone can do it anyway. Ziweixing doesn't make money from movies."

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "Whether it is Douban, Jieyu Media, or, they must support WeChat payment and introduce traffic to Ziweixing's WeChat."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, the U.S. side is still different from the domestic one. The domestic side is so deep-rooted, and there are so many resources that can be mobilized. If you just make some tricks, you can defeat those competitors. There are many in the U.S. You still have to do things by yourself, little by little.”

"Leave this task to Zheng Xiaoli?"


"This is enough to keep her busy."

Guo Pengfei also felt some sympathy and admiration.

What a coincidence.

The two of them had just talked about Zheng Xiaoli when Ning Lu came over with her cell phone and told Zhou Buqi that it was Zheng Xiaoli's call, which was another piece of good news.

"It seems that there is no need to worry about the QR code..."

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