Top of the big era

Chapter 2284 Product Psychology

This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise. When Zhou Buqi arranged for Mr. Mitsui to join Jingtao's board of directors, a very important reason was the binding of interests.

Let him invest in Jingtao at the price of the original stock and become a director to form a deep bond of interest.

In this way, Zhou Buqi would feel more at ease in his future dealings with him.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually did something practical!

Although the Mitsui family no longer has the ability to control thunder and lightning in Japan as they did twenty or thirty years ago, after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse and can mobilize unimaginable social resources.

Chen Dong said with a smile: "The stock price of Jingtao has risen so fast during this period. There are actually two reasons. One is that the blind box unboxing business has become popular and has become a social phenomenon; the other is that Mr. Mitsui is doing it behind the scenes. Some capital operations are enthusiastic about this stock."

Zhou Buqi asked: "The market value exceeds 20 billion US dollars?"

Chen Dongdao: "About US$20 billion."

“Higher than Yahoo Japan?”

"No, Yahoo Japan's stock price has been rising recently...well, it seems to have something to do with you."

"Share buyback, right?"

Zhou Buqi immediately thought of something.

Chen Dongdao: "Yes, SoftBank will buy back 20% of Yahoo Japan's shares from Yahoo. In this way, Yahoo Japan can almost completely get rid of Yahoo's control. This makes the market and investors feel that Yahoo Japan is full of opportunities. , it seems that if we get rid of Yahoo, we can do something big."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's really wishful thinking."

Chen Dongdao: "Among the Internet companies in Japan, Jingtao's market value should be second only to Yahoo Japan, ranking second. Rakuten's market share is higher than Jingtao, but Rakuten is doing diversified development, and it also has Strictly speaking, industries such as real estate, foreign trade, finance, and manufacturing are no longer Internet companies. Profits are very high, but PE is very low."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The disadvantage of a small country with few people."

It’s the same in Korea and Japan.

People's spending power is very high, but the market size is too small. Just like Rakuten Market, it is already the largest e-commerce platform in Japan. If you want to pursue something bigger... there is no chance.

The e-commerce market is so big. If you want to make more money, you need to find more profit growth points.

That leaves only two options.

One is to develop vertically overseas and become a global e-commerce company, which is almost impossible; the other is to develop horizontally locally, expand into more fields, conduct more businesses, and create more profits.

Whether it's Samsung, Hyundai, Sony, or Panasonic, they basically follow this route.

In fact, it is similar in China.

Later, when the domestic Internet market became saturated, the subsequent development of those Internet giants was challenged.

Either invest overseas, but foreign exchange investment is too restricted, and there are both policy risks of asset transfer and interest risks of investment failure; or you can diversify your investments domestically and try your hand in various fields. But in this way, too many industries will be covered in the country, and it will be considered a disorderly expansion of capital.

There is no other way but to reduce the scale of investment.

If these giants are unable to increase investment, small and medium-sized companies will follow suit. Even big companies don’t dare to invest. Who dares to invest in small and medium-sized companies? That’s why they don’t dare to invest.

Even the outstanding managers who run companies no longer dare to invest randomly, and ordinary people even dare not spend money randomly. This will lead to all the people working hard to save, and no one will dare to invest or consume.

Economic enthusiasm will plummet.

Japan and South Korea have gone through this road a long time ago. After combining practice and theory, they can only choose the lesser of two evils. In the end, they still feel that economic vitality is the most important, employment opportunities are the most important, and ordinary people can The most important thing is to make a living, so you can only acquiesce to giant companies such as Samsung, Hyundai, Sony, and Lotte getting involved in all walks of life. As long as you are willing to invest in your country, you can invest in whatever you like!

Zhou Buqi actually doesn't have much such burden.

He had already arranged it.

Ziweixing has been split up.

Everyone mind their own business, don't disturb each other.

Following Chen Dong, I went to Jingtao Company. Of course, the first thing I did was to listen to a detailed report on the blind box unpacking activities, mainly on product concepts, user psychology and marketing strategies.

There are many forms of products, but the ultimate form is actually not business concepts such as products, markets, and marketing, but psychology.

Just like iPhone.

The iPhone can be popular all over the world. A good product is only one aspect. The most important thing is to visualize this product. If you want to keep up with the trend of the times, you can only use the iPhone.

Because for the public, they can only accept simple concepts.

It's too complicated.

The iPhone is a very complex product with many innovations. However, relying on innovation to attract the public is a method, but it is not the most effective method.

As a marketing genius, Jobs obviously couldn't follow the rules.

The public's thinking is not concrete, but figurative, and it is easy to exaggerate and fall into extremes. Because of this, if you want a certain concept to have an effective impact on them, it must be dressed in a figurative coat.

Not only the iPhone, but also Jobs himself has been visualized under this marketing strategy, as if he just wears a turtleneck and blue jeans every day, and this image has even formed the unification of product promotion conferences in the technology industry. Dress attire.

So in the end, it no longer mattered whether the iPhone was innovative or not.

This product does not rely on innovation to have sustained appeal among the public, but its own inherent image, which can be regarded as the biggest legacy left to Apple by Jobs.

The activity of “unpacking blind boxes” is also the image of Jingtao to some extent.

The blind box itself also has very complex psychological factors.

Wen Zhixia looked at the relevant materials translated into Chinese and felt somewhat enlightened, "By the way, maybe this can solve one of your problems."

Zhou Buqi was absent-minded, sitting in Chen Dong's office, also reading and learning the experience of blind box disassembly business summarized by Jingtao, "What's the trouble?"

Wen Zhixia said softly: "Aren't you talking about the combination of Helo and the film business? There are still several thorny issues to be solved, such as the form of coupon issuance, strategic cooperation with Wanda, the promotion of QR codes, etc."

Zhou Buqi glanced at her and said with a smile, "Yes, when I return to China this time, I just want to see Lao Wang."

Because Chen Dong was also present, Wen Zhixia felt a little embarrassed. For fear that she had said something wrong, she leaned over and said in a low voice: "I think coupons can be issued using this idea."


Zhou Buqi blinked.

Wen Zhixia pointed to the materials in his hand, "The idea of ​​dismantling the blind box."

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