Top of the big era

Chapter 2271 Peeping on the Internet

Yang Zhiyuan said: "The Internet has memory, and this pattern has become more and more obvious now. Many things that people posted several years ago are now taken out, which will give people the feeling that their history is being peeped at." Feel."

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized, "This is really the case!"

Yang Zhiyuan said: "In many cases, it can even cause great controversy, just like some celebrities in Hollywood who were exposed for the content they posted on social media a few years ago. Once the content at that time was biased, it would easily lead to controversy."

"That's right." Zhou Buqi nodded, "The Internet doesn't seem to give people the opportunity to grow and correct mistakes. No matter how a person is now, he will always take some things from back then and continue to ferment them."

If nothing else, a movie "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" invested by Jieyu Media has encountered this kind of trouble. After the movie was released, the heroine Ni Ning became famous immediately.

Then someone uncovered some private photos she had posted on the school website a few years ago.

Some scales are larger.

It suddenly became a hot topic and became a black spot in her life.

It had a very bad impact.

Yang Zhiyuan said: "Many people don't like that the content they publish will be labeled with inherent labels. People are changing, and the past and today are not the same person. The Internet has a sense of history, and it is easy for others to use past labels. Come and get to know yourself.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "You are right, this is a sense of voyeurism in history."

This time, he seemed to understand something again.

After all, he is not a product guru.

I don’t have a deep understanding of the details and logic of many products.

For example, WeChat in the previous life, after dominating smartphones, suddenly launched a new function in Moments - "Friends only display the Moments in the last three days."

Many people have used this feature.

Before this, Zhou Buqi didn't understand the value of this function at all.

I get it now.

In fact, many people don’t like the feeling of having their history peeped at.

And this is the biggest advantage of Helo's Moments compared to Facebook.

Facebook has been around for many years.

The sense of history is already strong.

The new generation of young people are no longer as addicted to this product as the previous generation.

At this moment, Zhou Buqi figured out something in his mind in a blink of an eye—Snapchat that burns after reading!

Snapchat can become popular in Europe and the United States. It turns out that this sense of historical voyeurism that has been avoided is the core of the product!

Coincidentally, this is what Yang Zhiyuan was going to say. He said with regret: "Yahoo actually had a chance to acquire Facebook back then, but we made some mistakes and the deal failed to be concluded. However, I have never lost focus on social products since then. . Avoiding the voyeuristic feeling of history has become a new demand for social products to a certain extent.”

Zhou Buqi's expression was a little strange, "So, have you discovered anything?"

Yang Zhiyuan said: "It really does exist. I have paid attention to a product called Snapchat. I feel that it is modeled after Helo and Ucgram. It is a combination of the two, and it is an instant messaging mainly based on picture exchange. However, This product adds a soul mechanism.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Burn after reading."

"Huh? Do you know?" Yang Zhiyuan's eyes lit up, and communication became much easier. He smiled and said, "The idea of ​​a product that disappears after reading actually appeared more than ten years ago. But at that time, it was a very big idea. There is no market for failed ideas. But things are different now. The Internet has developed and social networks have been around for many years. Many users have formed their own historical records. This kind of memory attribute of the Internet has become what many users want to know. Let go of the biggest worries and pitfalls of the past.”

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "So the opportunity has come."

Yang Zhiyuan nodded, but he had lost the high-spirited confidence in his early years, and his tone was a little restrained, "At least that's what I think."

Zhou Buqi has long been concerned about the concept of burning after reading.

This idea was even mentioned at internal product meetings.

However, his understanding of "burn after reading" is too shallow and based only on foresight, which makes it difficult for him to convince the management team. If things are going well at home, Zhou Buqi won't say a word, and everyone will slap their thighs and follow the big boss's instructions as if they were stunned; overseas, it's still a bit worse, and these foreigners are not easy to deal with.

Of course Zhou Buqi can use his status as the boss to force the team to do this.

But he has never liked this kind of use of power to suppress others.

He prefers that the team can take the initiative to do something from the heart, rather than being passively ordered to do it.

Now after listening to Lao Yang's words, the problem is solved.

Here comes the key point!

Although the concept of "burn after reading" is an old thing on the Internet, the timing was not right in the past few years and it could not develop. Now with the popularization of the Internet and the development of social networks, the trend of "burning after reading" is about to come.

Of course, pornography, gambling, and drugs are also indispensable.

When using social products to spread information, the more borderline and cross-border it is, the more attractive it will be. Normal social products with records are more limited. "Destroy after reading" is different. After reading, it will be automatically deleted, so you can send messages to the other party without any mental pressure and feel confident and bold.

Zhou Buqi said: "To be honest, I also follow Snapchat."

"Oh?" Yang Zhiyuan was very interested and had a sense of like-mindedness. "Then why didn't you participate in the investment? Yahoo originally wanted to participate in the A round, but at that time... you know, something happened at Yahoo, and it was a mess internally. I I left the board of directors again, and it’s a pity that I missed out on Snapchat’s Series A round.”

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "I didn't participate."

Yang Zhiyuan frowned, "Didn't participate?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Investing is not interesting. I have the same idea as you, but I am more convinced than you of the prospect of disappearing after reading and the new forms of social products that may exist in the future."

Yang Zhiyuan understood what he meant immediately and took a deep breath, "You want to acquire?!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, acquisition."

Yang Zhiyuan pondered and said: "Then when do you want to acquire it? After Ziweixing International is listed? That will be two years later. I am afraid that the opportunity will slip away, so it is best as soon as possible."

Zhou Buqi is so busy working every day that he actually never pays attention to Snapchat at all.

When he has free time every day, he just browses the Apple Store on his iPhone.

Take a look at the rankings.

Once you discover a familiar product, notify the company to invest or acquire it.

However, the current Snapchat is still a very niche product and has not become popular yet. It is not visible in the rankings, so it is naturally difficult for him to pay attention to it.

Now that the conversation has come to this point, Zhou Buqi is no longer modest and says to himself: "I have been paying attention to Snapchat for a long time and have wanted to acquire it for a long time. However, I have been too busy during this period and all my energy has been lost." It’s used to acquire Yahoo, so there’s no distraction. But now that Yahoo’s case is settled, the next step is to take action against Snapchat.”

Yang Zhiyuan smiled and said: "That's why I came here this time! I want to give you a suggestion, but I didn't expect that you would pay attention to it already."

Zhou Buqi was also very happy, "What a coincidence, the heroes see the same thing!"

Boss Zhou was too lazy to get started with the specific operations.

When he looked at Lao Yang, there was a hint of Lao Zhang in his eyes.

You might as well leave this task to him!

Zhou Buqi tentatively said, "How about you take the lead and take charge of this case?"

"Which one?" Yang Zhiyuan was slightly startled, "I'll do it? Acquire Snapchat?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, you are the most suitable to come forward. As the most famous Internet entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, is there anyone more suitable than you to come forward to convince the Snapchat entrepreneurial team?"

After Yang Zhiyuan quit Yahoo at the beginning of the year, he even faded out of the Internet circle and became a second-tier figure.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, Zhou Buqi appeared and brought him back to the front line, making him the executive director of Ziweixing International.

An important acquisition task was also assigned at this time.

Yang Zhiyuan didn't feel hard.

On the contrary, he felt that it was a bit harder. People always have to find something to do in their lifetime.

Yang Zhiyuan took a deep breath, "If you believe me, then I will do it!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "How can you not believe it? That's it, come on!"

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