Top of the big era

Chapter 2265 Sweet and Sour Life

At the branch, Zhou Buqi met an old acquaintance named Yan Hongzhe, who was also an old employee of and had participated in the establishment of a job search website for fresh graduates.

I couldn't help but chat a little more.

After asking, I was surprised to find that Yan Hongzhe's current level is only M3, a grassroots manager. After so many years, he has made little progress and is now just a business director of

The current president of is Luo Ji, M5 level. He is a veteran employee of and has been very close to Zhou Buqi for a while. There is nothing to say about this. Luo Ji did not support Yan Hongzhe, which shows that this person may not have made much progress.

Yan Hongzhe didn't seem to be reconciled. When he met Boss Zhou, he didn't want to miss the opportunity and said he wanted to change his position and work for UC Group.

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Where to go? UC?"

Yan Hongzhe said: "Yes, I think browsers will make a big difference on the mobile side."


Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth, it was hard to say anything more.

Why must he sell UC Group?

This is not just prophetic.

This is also the judgment of mobile Internet in this life.

In the mobile Internet industry, there is a "choose one of two" route choice: first, the browser; second, the App.

This has been debated in the industry for several years.

Many people believe that if the Web can implement most of the functions of Apps, the browser will be the only container, whether on a mobile phone or a PC.

Especially in recent years, Google has been heavily promoting Google Chrome, and has also launched new HTML5 technologies based on the browser Web. On top of this, the performance capabilities of the browser will be greatly enhanced.

There are many mobile terminals in the market now, and there are also many platforms with various operating systems.

If you make an app, you need to adapt it one-to-one to each mobile terminal, which will be a huge workload and very troublesome. This is not necessary if it is a browser.

For example, Google Chrome or UC Browser only requires the browser to adapt to the terminal platform. Application services developed based on Google Chrome or UC Browser do not require any changes.

What's the future like?

No one knows.

So for big companies such as Google and Microsoft, the so-called "choose one"... forget it, don't choose. If you choose the wrong one, won't the future be ruined?

It is best to choose both paths, both as a browser and as an app.

No matter which direction is right in the future, you can always get the results you want, thus ensuring that you don’t have to be left behind in the future.

UC Group is now taking the browser route.

This is of course wrong.

The future is dominated by apps.

As smartphones become more popular, the App route will become more and more powerful, and the browser route will become weaker and weaker. There will be fewer and fewer debates in the market, and more and more people will understand that Apps are the only It is the general trend.

In other words, sell UC Group quickly before the market reacts.

It is more strategic at this time.

If the situation of the mobile Internet becomes clear in a few years and the direction of browsers becomes marginalized, even if Microsoft will acquire UC Browser, the strategic significance will not be so strong, and the acquisition price will not be so high.

Zhou Buqi had already made a decision within Ziweixing to move unswervingly in the direction of App. Therefore, UC Group has always been outside the Ziweixing system, because the business of UC Group itself is not in line with Ziweixing's strategic positioning.

For example, UC Paradise, a social product that UC Group is promoting recently, is developed based on the browser, which is a bit like Facebook on UC Browser.

This is completely contrary to Ziweixing's strategic decision-making.

Taking advantage of Google Chrome's strong harvest of the market, Microsoft was vague but felt pressured to sell the UC Group quickly... If it missed this opportunity and sold again, it might not be so easy.

For large companies like Microsoft and Baidu, the more they enter the transformation stage, the more anxious they are, and many large-scale purchases will occur under the urgent mentality.

Unexpectedly, Yan Hongzhe actually wanted to be transferred to the UC Group... He actually didn't agree with the Ziweixing headquarters and took the direction of the browser.

If you choose the wrong direction in life, you will really be depressed in the future.

Zhou Buqi wanted to give some advice.

Yan Hongzhe seems to have his own independent thoughts and does not believe in authority. "Boss Zhou, I think you are right. The future is cloud computing. I often communicate with colleagues in the cloud computing business."

Zhou Buqi was a little confused, "You want to transfer to cloud computing?"

Yan Hongzhe said: "No, in the choice of browser and App, the advantage of the browser lies in the 'cloud', which lies in the cloud server; the advantage of the App lies in the 'end', which lies in localization. If the cloud's capabilities cannot be met, what else can we do? If it stays at the conceptual stage, then the browser route will indeed not work. But Ziwei Cloud is developing so well. Cloud services, cloud technology, and cloud space are all developing rapidly."


Zhou Buqi was really choked.

There is some logic in what the other party said.

Yan Hongzhe said: "When it comes to strategic choices, there must always be coherence and consistency. Since you firmly believe in cloud computing, you should choose a browser; if you don't believe in cloud computing, then you should choose App. You need both cloud computing and App. That in itself is contradictory. I think the era of cloud computing is coming."

Zhou Buqi is a little irritable.

Depend on!

You, a mere M3, are just talking nonsense about the company's strategy, and you are also implicitly criticizing Boss Zhou's route choice.

Zhou Buqi doesn’t want to say anything more, just go wherever you like.

By noon, everyone came, including Zhang Chaoyang, Liu Qiangdong, and Wang Shi, who had returned from Harvard at the end of the semester. In addition, Zhou Buqi also called Ma Pingshan from Bajixing. A total of five entrepreneurs went to Kunming together.

Just think of it as a summer vacation.

There were quite a few people. Zhou Buqi was surrounded by Sun Wanran and Zhang Zetian, as well as a driver, bodyguard and assistant, two men and two women. The same goes for everyone else, everyone has a companion by his side.

There were 18 people in the group.

I flew to Kunming, where I was received by the local leaders and had a social gathering in the evening.

The next morning, everyone took a passenger car arranged locally and went straight to the depths of the mountain.

Mr. Chu is definitely the most famous entrepreneur in the southwest region and has made important contributions to the local economy. When he was in charge of Hongta Group, the profits and taxes generated by his company were more than the annual fiscal revenue of half of the provinces in the country.

Wang Shi has a good relationship with Mr. Chu. He has been here before and briefly introduced each other's situation.

Although I have read about it in many reports before, it is still quite sad to hear Wang Zhen’s personal statement.

At that time, the Yuxi Cigarette Factory was just a local cigarette factory. It was not popular at all and was not taken seriously by the province. The quality of the cigarettes produced was so poor that they were kept in warehouses and could not be sold.

After Mr. Chu became the director of Yuxi Tobacco Factory, he quickly turned around the situation and became the first in the province in three years, the first in the country in six years, and the first in Asia in ten years.

At that time, the domestic cigarette market was dominated by foreign products, especially Marlboro, which was very popular among smokers.

This is really a big waste for the country.

Because cigarettes are heavily taxed goods.

But there is no way, domestic cigarettes are just not as good as foreign cigarettes, and smokers don’t like domestic cigarettes. Later, Mr. Chu focused on creating "Hongtashan" cigarettes, which almost dominated the entire market.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Hongtashan sold for 9 yuan and Marlboro sold for 8 yuan.

But even if the price is higher, Hongtashan is unbeatable in the high-end cigarette market, occupying 80% of the domestic market share. Domestic cigarettes have finally surpassed foreign cigarettes.

However, to achieve such results, he also took huge risks.

Good tobacco must have good tobacco.

However, tobacco is sold exclusively by the National Tobacco Company. Cigarette factories cannot purchase tobacco privately and can only wait for the tobacco company to distribute it. The quality of the tobacco they receive is too poor, and it is impossible to make good cigarettes.

Boss Chu was very fierce and made three moves.

First, they gave up the tobacco quality standards of tobacco companies and developed their own set of standards to compete with foreign cigarettes in terms of quality according to their own standards;

Second, cooperate with farmers and grow tobacco according to their own standards;

Third, circumvent tobacco company monopoly restrictions. How to avoid it? This was so fierce that he acquired the local tobacco branch and tobacco monopoly company and directly merged them under his own command.

Then, Hongta Mountain came out.

Foreign cigarettes were defeated by local cigarettes.

Then, the General Tobacco Administration gave up its own quality standards and switched to the Yuxi Tobacco Factory's quality system... At this time, Mr. Chu reorganized the Yuxi Tobacco Factory and became the Hongta Group, and began to expand into overseas markets.

Sell ​​domestic cigarettes overseas.

However, it was the 1990s, and there were huge constraints on investing overseas. Mr. Chu thought of some risky ways to circumvent the restrictions, and succeeded. He quickly opened up the market in Southeast Asia and made tens of millions in one year. US dollar foreign exchange, becoming the world's fifth largest tobacco group.

Then something happened. He embezzled 1.7 million US dollars in overseas business. His wife used the cigarettes from the cigarette factory to buy many precious trees from other companies and planted them in front of the cigarette factory. It was considered to be speculation...

The legendary story of a generation was interrupted when the whole family was arrested.

Hongta Group gradually faded away, not to mention all overseas business was lost. Hongtashan, which was originally a leader in high-end cigarettes, gradually became a mid- to low-end cigarette.

However, awesome people can continue to be awesome as long as they are given a chance.

After he was released from prison, instead of retiring, he started a new struggle and started farming. His family all thought that he had contracted dozens of acres of land and could just do it for fun. After all, he was in poor health and was over 70 years old.

As a result, he immediately contracted thousands of acres of land and began to plant fruit trees in an industrialized manner.

The famous "Chu Cheng" came out.

With the success of Chucheng, this orchard has gradually become a place of worship for many entrepreneurs. What they eat is not oranges, but the sweet and sour taste of life left by the changes of time.

On this day, Zhou Buqi also came.

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