Top of the big era

Chapter 2263 Why should coolies make things difficult for coolies?

After Zhou Buqi drank some wine, he found it difficult to restrain his tendency to be a teacher. He wanted to show off in front of girls, so he called everyone over and said with a smile: "Just give me an example. For example, you and I can cover up." House...forget it, Lao Zhang and Lao Wang, Lao Zhang and Lao Wang can both build houses. But Lao Zhang is better at building houses, and the house value coefficient can reach 10, while the value coefficient of the house built by Lao Wang is only 1. "

Sun Wanran raised her hand, "What is the value coefficient?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Listen first, you will understand in a moment! Now there is a piece of land with a value of 10. If this piece of land is given to Lao Zhang to develop, then the final output value will be 10 times 10, which is 100. If the land is handed over to Lao Zhang, the final output value will be 10 If it is developed by Lao Wang, the value is only 10. This is the meaning of resource allocation."

Putting it this way, it is more vivid. Sun Wanran said: "Giving this land to Lao Zhang for development can create more social wealth. Although it is unfair to Lao Wang, but considering the overall situation, it is better to give the land to Lao Zhang." Zhang is more suitable."

Guan Nanqing is also very smart and has followed this idea, "But fairness is missing. Why should a piece of land be given to Lao Zhang but not Lao Wang? Can one sacrifice oneself for the sake of the overall situation?"

Zhang Zetian added, "If it's just once, if resources are allocated like this every time, people like Lao Zhang will always get the best resources. As time goes by, Lao Zhang will become more and more The richer he becomes, the poorer he becomes, and the gap between the rich and the poor will become wider and wider.”

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's not that simple. There is a big misunderstanding here. We always say that hard work makes you rich, but does hard work make you rich? No. Hard work can create wealth, but hard work does not mean that you own what you create. The right to distribute wealth. The amount of wealth you ultimately obtain is determined by the distribution of wealth."

Sun Wanran nodded lightly, "Make the cake and divide the cake. Those who make the cake are all coolies. No matter how big the cake is, you are at best a high-end coolie. Those who divide the cake are the rich and powerful."

Zhou Buqi twitched his lips, "Am I a high-level coolie?"

"I didn't mention you." Sun Wanran smiled, "I'm just using a little metaphor, it's not very accurate."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "It's still Lao Zhang and Lao Wang. Because the land was allocated to Lao Zhang, it caused a certain degree of unfairness. Then in terms of wealth distribution, we should tilt it towards Lao Wang and allocate resources. I will make up for the unfairness of the time. Do you know how to use it?"

Sun Wanran, Guan Nanqing and Zhang Zetian blurted out in unison: "Taxation."

Next to her, Mai Feixue looked a bit embarrassed and looked awkward.

How embarrassing!

As expected, he is a college student from a prestigious school, but he is better than a second-year student like himself.

Look down again...

Mai Feixue now has confidence.

What is the use of prestigious schools?

She still has more material, and the material on her breasts is more attractive to men than the material in her belly.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, relying on a third-party platform to collect taxes and carry out secondary distribution of wealth. Compensate for the unfairness of the primary resource distribution through the secondary wealth distribution. Lao Zhang is excellent and gets the land Building a house creates 100% of the value, and corporate taxes, business taxes, consumption taxes, personal taxes, capital taxes, etc. can take away at least 50%. Except for some tax depressions, the world is basically around 50%."

Zhang Ze said with a sweet smile: "But since Lao Zhang has a small income, the tax rate is very low, and he can even be tax-free."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, let's count it as tax-free. Let's give a simple example. The data probably means one thing. Lao Zhang still has 50 left. For the other 50 tax, give 25 cents to Lao Wang. This way First, Lao Zhang got the land resources to build a house and had a value of 50. Through the secondary wealth distribution, Lao Wang could get a value of 25 without doing anything, which was even more than what he earned from using the land to build a house. , how could he be unhappy? This improves the inequality of resource distribution. As long as the distribution is appropriate, the gap between the rich and the poor will not become wider and social conflicts will not arise."

Sun Wanran said: "But the reality is that the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider."

Zhou Buqi said: "This is not the fault of the top student Lao Zhang, nor the fault of the poor student Lao Wang. It is the fault of the distribution mechanism. Just like Europe and the United States, why are the social conflicts in the United States so sharp? Europe...including Japan , South Korea, and Singapore, but the social conflicts are very small? The anti-rich sentiment is very high in American society, but there are very few in places like Europe, South Korea, and Japan."

Sun Wanran nodded lightly, "The distribution was not done well."

Zhou Buqi said: "The distribution method is usually not to give money directly, but through social welfare. High welfare is used to ensure the fairness of the social system. The social conflicts in the United States are acute because social welfare is not done well. Even free medical care for all can’t be achieved. Taxes collect a lot of money, but it’s not used on the people.”

Sun Wanran took a deep breath, "I seem to understand. No wonder Wanda's acquisition of AMC Cinemas, a good thing, is ridiculed by many people. This is actually a social conflict between the rich and the poor, just taking advantage of the situation."

Zhou Buqi frowned and said, "What we are discussing now is the United States."

Sun Wanran smiled and said, "Well, America."

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "The conflict between the rich and the poor in American society is not at fault with the rich, let alone the poor, but with the secondary distribution system of American society. They do whatever they want with the taxes they collect. Not to mention the insane amount of war and military expenditures, it would cost a black president $200 million to build a health reform website, which is simply shocking. Just find two college students and spend $20,000 to build that crappy website."

Zhang Zetian nodded lightly, "Well, I also saw the news. It seems that the contractor of the health reform website is the best friend of the black president's wife."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, taxes have increased a lot, and the rich have paid. But as a result, the money they paid was not distributed to the poor, and it was all messed up by the US authorities."

Zhang Zetian thought to himself and said: "So the the poor in the United States hate the rich. In fact, they hate the wrong people. As long as the rich pay taxes legally, they have fulfilled their social responsibilities and obligations. The poor should hate the White House." , it is the White House bureaucracy that has squandered too much money and appropriated the money that should have been allocated to the poor."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, that's what it means. But the White House can guide public opinion, and the people at the bottom of the United States don't understand the logic behind this. They think that the rich have exploited them, and they are doing it because the rich are rich. Getting poorer and poorer. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. The richer the rich, the richer the poor will be; even the rich can’t make money, and the poor will only have less money. This is the correct logic. But in this process A middleman emerges who can distribute wealth.”

Mai Feixue listened in confusion, and finally understood that it was the middlemen who were stirring up trouble, so she said bluntly: "Why not use the Internet model? Rely on the Internet to eliminate middlemen!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "It's not easy to get rid of this middleman. Do you know Bitcoin? That's more or less what it means. After a few years, various countries will understand what Bitcoin is about, and some Countries with strong middlemen will definitely ban them.”

Sun Wanran has completely figured it out, "The middlemen in Britain, France, Germany and Japan are well distributed, so the conflicts between social classes are relatively relaxed; the middlemen in the United States are relatively poor, so the social classes will be very antagonistic."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, in fact, what is the difference between rich and poor? They are all the same kind of cake makers. As you just said, poor people are low-level coolies who make small cakes, while rich people can only make big cakes. The high-level coolies who take the cake are all coolies, so why should coolies be difficult for coolies? The real source of conflict is the middlemen behind the scenes who share the cake."

Guan Nanqing has a feeling of clearing the air, "No wonder there are many haters of the rich, but few haters of the poor. Because the rich are aware of the existence of middlemen and know that there is no opposition between themselves and the poor. But the poor rarely realize that there are middlemen. Instead, they will trust middlemen more to focus their anger on the rich."

Sun Wanran sighed, "The poor in the United States are really miserable. They are just poor materially, but they are also fooled ideologically. They were sold to help others pay."

Zhou Buqi said: "It can't be so absolute. The United States is a country of immigrants. There are so many black people and the social environment is too complicated. I think Europe is terrible. Europe is becoming more and more left-wing. It is accepting refugees from the Middle East and North Africa on a large scale... …When this group of people has passed, they will not be able to obtain European citizenship or enjoy European social welfare. They will have to be similar to those in the United States, and they will have to direct the contradiction towards the gap between the rich and the poor.”

Although this topic is a bit deep, Zhang Zetian feels very spiritually satisfied.

It feels so good to be with Mr. Zhou.

Even if there is no further relationship in the future, it doesn't matter. Following Mr. Zhou, it's like you can clear away the fog and see all the things in the world.

Zhou Buqi looked at her with a smile and said calmly: "Now we can go back to your original question. I occupy a lot of social resources, which is unfair, but I have already used the unfair 50 % of the highest standard advanced tax and large-scale pledged donations to compensate those who have lost their resources. However, I can’t decide whether they can get these compensations. If they hate me, there is nothing I can do , I can only say that they hate the wrong person."

Zhang Zetian was convinced, "Mr. Zhou, you are so great."


Zhou Buqi's expression was indifferent.

I think she's talking nonsense.

However, the next moment Zhang Zetian's question became very tricky, "What about women? If a man has many women, or a woman has many men, isn't it unfair?"

Zhou Buqi's face changed slightly and he said in a deep voice: "Xiaotian, I have to criticize you. We are talking about social resources. Are women resources? People are not resources! Especially as a feminist, I absolutely cannot accept this. The erroneous view that women are social resources! I think your thinking is a bit too feudal. Go back and take a class on women's ethics to correct it!"

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