Top of the big era

Chapter 2257 Collective Commendation

Sohu Tower has left Ziweixing with too many wonderful memories.

Moreover, it is located in the Tsinghua Science and Technology Park, which makes it more convenient for Tsinghua students to come to Ziweixing for internships, so the office location here has been retained.

Now the three-story office building here is mainly used for the school network.

After returning to China, Zhou Buqi was busy without resting. He took Sun Wanran with him and went to Sohu Building for a walk.

Sitting in the car, Sun Wanran was very curious, "Is it appropriate for you to say that about Meng Houkun just now?"

Zhou Buqi asked: "Why is it inappropriate?"

Sun Wanran wrinkled her nose and said, "I think it's a bit heavy."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "It's not serious, let's divide it up. That person is a bit of a fool, so it's too easy to take it lightly."

Sun Wanran rolled her eyes at him, "It's not like what you said?"

Zhou Buqi said easily: "Don't worry, it's okay. We don't have any friendship. Don't even curse. Even if we get into a few fights, it'll be okay."

Sun Wanran asked: "Would it be a bit unfair to accuse him? I don't think Liang Rubo's rumors were caused by him."

"It doesn't matter whether it is." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Anyway, let him serve some snacks and handle this matter well. Do you think Liang Rubo cares about such rumors? What is important is whether there is something else behind these rumors. What's the meaning."

Sun Wanran looked confused, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said: "There are some discussions in the normal company. This is normal. I am afraid that some discussions represent some kind of signal. There are two main competing factions in our company."

Sun Wanran blurted out: "Zhang Yiming and Liang Rubo's faction, and Guo Pengfei and Meng Houkun's faction, these two groups are the strongest. From the current point of view, the president is Zhang Yiming, and he has more power. But behind Guo Pengfei and Meng Houkun, he is the founder of the company. You people have the final decision-making power of the company."

Zhou Buqi smiled, and then sighed softly, "As the company gets bigger, people's hearts become more and more complicated. As long as you don't gossip, it's okay. I'm afraid Liang Rubo will think too much and think that behind this..."

Sun Wanran suddenly understood and finally understood, "He may think that you think their power is too great and want to weaken it appropriately. This is what he is most worried about."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "He said he wanted to go to the United States to transform Yahoo. In all likelihood, it was just a test to see my reaction."

"So that's it." Sun Wanran had a feeling of clearing up the clouds, "That's it... I asked him why it's so weird that he's going to the United States... Well, that's it. If your attitude relaxes, don't say whether he will Joining Yahoo will change his mentality alone."


"So when you scolded Meng Houkun, you actually wanted Meng Houkun to express his attitude. Although Ziweixing is going to be listed and the cake will be divided, you can't do that kind of thing. If there is a cake, everyone will share it. Divide. To conquer the world, you must divide the ministers."


"Alas, this Liang Rubo's ideas are too complicated." Sun Wanran sighed arrogantly, feeling that Liang Rubo's nerves were really a bit sensitive.

Zhou Buqi said: "Call He Yang."

Sun Wanran was slightly startled, "Now?"

"Yes, now."


Sun Wanran quickly dialed He Yang's number and handed the phone to Zhou Buqi.

Zhou Buqi spoke concisely and said, "Lao He, Ziweixing's transformation to mobile Internet is almost complete, right?"

He Yang smiled and said: "At least it is being carried out in an orderly manner, and all the business has been basically completed. It will be easier for us to enter the market early."

Zhou Buqi said: "Then commend him."

He Yang was slightly startled, "Are you in such a hurry? According to the plan, there will be another collective promotion at the end of the year."

Ziweixing plans to go on the market next year.

After it goes on the market, many things become more complicated.

After going public, you must be responsible to the public. You cannot be too casual about promotions, salary increases, and option increases for senior executives. You must explain it to the shareholders' meeting and inform the public.

Especially salary increases and option increases are very troublesome.

If too much is added, the market will arouse criticism.

They will think that the salaries of the management are too high and eat up too much of the company's profits, leading to a decrease in the company's profits. If the company's profits fall, the company's stock price will fall.

The best way is to advance to a higher level before going public, increase salary, benefits and options, and share part of the benefits of going public.

According to the plan, Ziweixing will conduct a wave of collective promotions at the end of the year.

The reason is that Ziweixing's transformation from PC Internet to mobile Internet has been a great success, it has completed its most important strategic mission, and it deserves to be a feast for everyone.

However, many people, represented by Liang Rubo, seem to be a little panicked.

Zhou Buqi decided to advance the commendation plan a few months to give every Ziweixing hero a reassurance. He said: "I feel that the company is a bit uneasy now, which is not good. Ziweixing is going public. There will be no changes before and after the listing. The interests can be divided and the power can be shared by everyone as it is now."

He Yang pondered and said: "If we carry out large-scale promotions in advance, the work on the human resources side may not be able to be arranged, and there will be no time. It is better to work from top to bottom and select a few key people for promotion first. To cool down the slightly impetuous atmosphere in the company."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's good."

He Yang said: "Then let's promote the five kings first. They are all promoted from M7 to M8. The company's current M8 is just me and Cheng Binghao. It's awkward. They are like living targets. It's time to promote them."

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, that's it, Guo Pengfei, Liang Rubo, Zhou Feng, Ji Zian and Wang Xiaochuan."

He Yang said: "Okay, I will make arrangements."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's best to finalize this matter within three days. I have to go to the south. I have made an appointment with them long ago to go to the mountains to see Mr. Chu."

Zhou Buqi appeared at Sohu Building, and the employees were all excited.

They stopped working and crowded around.

I just wanted to get up close and personal with the big boss of the company and the legendary richest man in the world.

Boss Zhou doesn’t come here often.

Zhou Buqi was like a star, waving to everyone, shaking hands, shaking hands, shaking hands with a few employees who were close by... Then, he held a soft and delicate hand, and looked up... Wow!

What a coincidence!

Isn't this the milk tea girl assigned to Sohu Building?

"Boss is welcome to inspect the work!"

Her voice was delicate and sweet, and her eyes were bright and blinking.

Zhou Buqi smiled slightly and nodded.

Too many people.

I really can't pay too much attention to it.

Zhou Buqi's visit is more of a formality, telling the employees here that the big boss has not forgotten them and will come over often when he is free.

After all, this is Ziweixing’s “home”.

Many Tsinghua students who join Ziweixing generally started here and have interned here. Even an art girl came to intern.

As for the specific work, Zhou Buqi really couldn't handle it randomly.

He has no idea what kind of business is carried out here.

It acts more like a mascot and comes to exhibit for everyone to see.

There are three floors in total.

Zhou Buqi walked up slowly.

Wherever he went, there was thunderous applause; wherever he passed, there were pairs of adoring and excited eyes.


When Zhou Buqi smiled and waved to everyone, he was slightly startled and found that he had an extra little tail without knowing it.

On such an occasion, Sun Wanran did not approach.

Unexpectedly, another girl came over and took her place, following closely behind Boss Zhou, just like his personal secretary.

It's none other than Milk Tea Sister.

This subjective initiative is really strong!

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