Top of the big era

Chapter 2241 Relying on Google to raise money

Zhou Buqi met Zuckerberg in New York and further communicated about Facebook's listing, mainly focusing on the stocks in his hands.

Ziweixing International holds about 140 million shares, and Zhou Buqi personally holds about 42 million shares.

The IPO price has also been determined and is $38.

Regardless of whether it is a company or an individual, the stocks held are original stocks and have a lock-up period and cannot be sold. To cash out through an IPO, you must apply for sufficient quotas.

In other words, during Facebook's IPO process, the board of directors will have a discussion with the investment bank and come up with a plan to confirm how many shares will be issued during the IPO process.

Too little, not enough to sell, and too little funds raised; too much, and not being able to sell, will cause the stock price to plummet and the IPO to fail.

So there must be a certain number.

Investors in original stocks cannot privately sell stocks in the secondary market to affect the progress of the IPO.

The total plan for this Facebook IPO is to issue 420 million shares.

Among the 420 million share quota, 240 million shares are from Facebook's additional stock issuance... In other words, these 240 million shares, priced at US$38 per share, total US$9.12 billion will belong to Facebook.

The remaining 160 million share quotas mainly went to major capital institutions.

There is a difference.

If it is a bad company, the capital institutions will be eager to ask for more quotas and take advantage of the IPO opportunity to cash out quickly. Many companies are at their peak when they go public. After a few years, the original shares can be released, and the stock price has fallen to an unknown place.

Capitalists will compete for such quotas.

There is also an excellent company with bright prospects and good future development trends. Most investors want to hold it for a long time and are unwilling to get quotas and are forced to sell their stocks at the IPO stage... This requires negotiation. If negotiation fails, it will be forcibly diluted proportionally.

For Facebook, Ziweixing International is the employer.

Too many holdings.

The two sides are competitors, and neither of them should hold so many stocks, either emotionally or rationally.

Zhou Buqi did not make things difficult for the other party. Of course he knew that Facebook's stock would rise sharply in the future, but at this time, it would be unreasonable not to cooperate with Zuckerberg in reducing his own stock number.

If it was enforced, the scene would be too ugly.

More importantly, he needs money now!

Ziweixing International wants to acquire Yahoo.

In addition, Alibaba repurchased 20% of the stock from Yahoo... The total cost will exceed US$7.5 billion. Alibaba cannot afford so much money, so Boss Ma can only find "foreign aid" to help.

After the "foreign aid" obtains Alibaba's stocks, it must sign an agreement to transfer the voting rights of these stocks to Lao Ma.

Zhou Buqi is Boss Ma’s biggest “foreign aid”.

Take advantage of the opportunity of Facebook's IPO to get quotas and raise funds.

Zhou Buqi and Zuckerberg have communicated in emails many times about quotas, and the plan has been revised many times.

A final solution has now been reached.

Of the 160 million quota, 92 million shares are exclusively available.

Among them, Ziweixing International's allotment is 70 million shares, and Zhou Buqi's personal allotment is 22 million shares.

After Zhou Buqi got Carl Icahn and Zuckerberg in New York, he returned to Silicon Valley, called together the senior executives of Ziweixing International, and held a financial meeting.

If you want to complete the acquisition of Yahoo, you must have enough financial space.

Previously, the company had US$850 million in cash on its books.

During this period, some Google stocks were sold one after another, cashing out US$1.25 billion, leaving US$8.2 billion worth of Google stocks. Most of these stocks were obtained from selling Twitter, and a large part of them have not passed the lock-up period and have not yet been lifted.

The sale of Facebook stock, 70 million shares, is approximately $2.65 billion.

A total of $4.75 billion is on the books.

The cash on Yahoo's account is less than US$200 million, but Yahoo is about to sell 20% of its shares to Alibaba, which will cash out at least US$7.5 billion.

The two combined are enough to complete the US$10 billion in cash needed to privatize and delist Yahoo.

However, this will hollow out both Yahoo and Ziweixing International.

Fortunately, Boss Zhou has a solution.

Next he is going to see Masayoshi Son.

The reason why Ziweixing International has not been listed for a long time is because the big boss has a very strong ability to make money, which can support the company's large investments in many projects.

When I got home in the evening, Aunt Xue, Bao Shan, Shi Jinglin, Zhen Yu, and the children all came from China, and it immediately became lively.

I had a financial meeting in the company, and I wanted to talk to Senior Sister Zhen Yu about it when I got home.

Zhen Yu is already 7 months pregnant and looks a little put on. She has gained more than 20 kilograms. Her eyes are shining brightly, "I don't have enough money!"

Zhou Buqi asked: "How many are there?"

Zhen Yu said softly: "I sold the European debt and made a profit of 450 million US dollars. Now I have about 2.9 billion US dollars in my family's account. However, after deducting the 550 million US dollars of principal and interest to be paid this year, another 200-300 million US dollars are left. household spending, only $2 billion is available."

Zhou Buqi said: "Boss Ma has already agreed that Alibaba will buy back 20% of the shares from Yahoo, and we can bear 10%, which is US$3.7 billion to US$3.8 billion."

Zhen Yu's mind was like a ledger, and she said softly: "Yes, the gap is quite big. I calculated that if I sold the Microsoft and Apple stocks that I bought with scattered money in the past three years, I could cash out about 350 million. Dollar."

"Where's Google?"

"That's a lot. The stock price has risen very fast. The stock is now worth more than 1.5 billion US dollars."

"Either apply for another loan or sell the Google stock. It doesn't matter."

Zhou Buqi made a decision decisively.

A few years ago, he invested in three projects: YouTube, AdMob and Twitter. Later, they were all acquired by Google, and his personal holdings became Google stocks.

Worth a fortune.

Money issues shouldn't be an issue.

When Facebook went public, the money I cashed out was used to repay the loan I took last year to acquire the San Francisco Giants. After all, if you want to raise enough funds to operate Alibaba's stocks, you can only continue to build up debt or sell Google's stocks.

However, the process of applying for a loan is a bit complicated.

Or is it easier to sell stocks.

Zhou Buqi glanced at the pregnant Senior Sister Zhen Yu and couldn't bear her running around anymore, so he said, "Then cash out Google's stocks! I didn't expect that Google would become a key player."

Zhen Yu blinked, "Why don't you cash out the Jie Yu Media stocks? Bao Shan and I both hold so many shares, so it's inappropriate. Bai Hui is running the company..."

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't worry, we'll talk about it in two years!"

What Senior Sister Zhen Yu said is actually correct.

Always consider Xu Baihui's emotions and give her the status of the largest individual shareholder so that she can be more justified.

But there's no rush.

When the bull market comes in two years, it won't be too late to start trading Jieyu Media's stocks.

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