Top of the big era

Chapter 2237 Not afraid of clouds covering your eyes

Zhou Buqi is in London now, so he went to the Codemasters studio to ask.

The situation is actually not complicated.

This is a small company that mainly develops English versions of car games. Its core markets are the United Kingdom and the United States. There is no problem in the UK market, the problem lies in the US market.

There is something wrong with the operations.

Operators in the United States have reduced the intensity of promotion and publicity of their games. As the country with the richest car culture, the United States has car games from all over the world, and the competition is very fierce.

Once advertising goes down, sales will inevitably drop.

This is a traditional computer game developer whose revenue model is mainly based on selling genuine game software.

If you don’t provide traffic, it will be a bit draining.

Unless it reaches the level of popularity of "Tomb Raider" and has the reputation of a movie, players can take the initiative to buy this game without advertising.

Florin, the head of Codemasters studio, told Zhou Buqi that if this situation does not change, the company's revenue in the US market this year will be reduced by at least 50%, and it will be difficult to exceed US$10 million. In the past year, the studio's revenue in the US market reached US$15 million, and its net profit reached US$7 million.

After hearing such data, Zhou Buqi felt a little dazed.

What the hell is this?

It's just a big business issue!

Is this worth a call from Lao Zhang specifically to talk about this matter?


Zhou Buqi immediately thought of something and asked: "Who will operate our game in the United States? EA?"

Florin smiled and said: "It's not EA. EA has its own "Need for Speed", which is a competition."

Zhou Buqi didn't believe it, "It's not EA. I should have a deep business relationship with EA."

Florin nodded, "That's true. Originally, EA wanted to acquire Codemasters to deepen their competitiveness in the racing game circuit. It was through our relationship with operators in the United States."

"No more running!"

Zhou Buqi now understood what was going on.

That's awesome.

That CEO of EA is really broken.

Florin looked suspicious, "Is EA exerting pressure behind it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It should be like this. How about it? Can you withstand it?"

Florin said: "It's okay. The agency contract is signed every two years and expires this year."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "That's OK. Changyou will complete the acquisition of take-two soon, which can open up the operation channels of major European and American game markets. When the contract expires, we will operate it ourselves."

Florin was surprised and said: "Is the acquisition completed?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The preliminary intention has been reached. It is estimated that the United States has already released the news."

Florin said: "If this is the case, then it is better to terminate the contract."

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "How much is the termination fee?"

"20% of the previous year's transaction volume, about US$3 million."

Florin thinks this is a huge sum of money, but in front of a gaming giant like Changyou, this is just scratching an itch.

Zhou Buqi said simply and neatly, "Then terminate the contract! We want to become the largest developer of racing games in the world. Don't be distracted by such trivial matters. Don't be afraid of the clouds covering your eyes, because you are at the top. "

He read a poem.

Fortunately, Wang Banshan's poetry style is relatively primitive and simple, the meaning is relatively simple, and the wording is relatively straightforward. It can be expressed straightforwardly in English, and there is no threshold for understanding.

Florin said with a smile: "Take-two's flagship game is "Grand Theft Auto", which is currently the highest-selling racing game in the world."

Zhou Buqi said: "The two parties can combine. There is also a well-known sports brand '2K' under take-two. Codemasters happens to have the F1 trademark here. We might as well combine it with the 2K brand and revamp the "F1 Racing" series. For "2KF1 Racing"."

The second half of the sentence was left unsaid.

Just like "2KFIFA Football".

Making products is at the business level; making brands is at the strategic level.

Boss Zhou is of course more concerned about building the "2K" brand. Just like many domestic Penguin games, they all have the "QQ" brand.

In the early days, we relied on QQ’s traffic guidance.

After it develops, it will no longer be simple traffic support, but brand guarantee. For the same type of games, QQ games are better than other games.

Slowly, the "QQ" game brand was built. As long as the game has the title "QQ", it can often achieve certain results in the market.

Players' good understanding of the QQ brand in the past has extended to the new QQ series of games.

Zhou Buqi made the decision to "terminate the contract" and the matter was basically resolved.

However, this is just a business aspect.

There is also an emotional level!

If it were a capitalist like Carl Icahn, there would be no more operations, without any emotional factors. If someone slaps you in the face, if it is profitable, slap him back; if there is no benefit from being slapped back, then don't slap him. The most taboo thing in capital operation is to act on impulse, and the thought of revenge is too low. You must be cruel and cold, not only to others, but also to yourself.

If slapping someone back would harm your own interests, then you can't retaliate.

Zhou Buqi is not that kind of capitalist.

If an entrepreneur only measures everything by profit, then he is definitely not a great entrepreneur. Acting on impulse is both a shortcoming and an advantage.

The most important thing is to seize the advantages and avoid the disadvantages.

This time, Zhou Buqi doesn't have any shortcomings.

Next, Zhou Buqi and Florin visited a new racing mobile game project of the studio - "Fast and Furious" licensed from Universal Pictures' famous racing game brand.

Development is still in its early stages.

If all goes well, the beta version is expected to be launched in September-October this year.

Zhou Buqi stayed here for more than an hour and then left.

He had other things.

It's April. For some large companies, this is the time when all financial reports for last year have been sorted out and shareholders' meetings are being held.

Ziweixing Digital Media will also be opened.

This is not a listed company, so its operation is very simple. It is more of a formality. Send a written notice to some important shareholders inviting them to attend the shareholders' meeting.

The other party responded that he would not attend for the time being.

Behind closed doors, I still talk to myself.

If it is a listed company, it will be a little more troublesome, and there will be many shareholders who overestimate their capabilities and rush in. It is clear that their suggestions are all bullshit, have no say or influence, and cannot be passed at all, but they will still chatter endlessly while fulfilling their legal shareholder rights.

Ziweixing Digital Media has not yet been listed on the market. In addition to the entrepreneurial team and company employees, the shareholders are a few well-known large European capital institutions. This kind of shareholder meeting will be very easy.

Then, Zhou Buqi set off for New York.

Gu Zanli still has some unfinished ideas.

Last night, she stayed at the big boss's new home. It was like a palace, magnificent and full of antiques. Sometimes she had to be careful when serving tea and pouring water, because the teacups might be a hundred years old.

Gu Zanli didn't have enough fun, and said sincerely: "Three thousand beauties can't fit in this palace, but three hundred beauties are more than enough!"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "You want to exhaust me to death? It's enough to deal with you guys every day. You're all a little busy. There are three hundred beauties... I'm going to New York. I'll have another chance in the future. Come again."

On the plane, Zhou Buqi asked Ning Lu to calculate the time difference.

I chose the time of eight o'clock in the morning, Korean time, and spoke to Zheng Mengzhun, the boss of the modern Zheng family.

Without even opening his mouth, Zheng Mengzhun understood what he meant and said with a smile: "What about the FIFA trademark? I told you, it's a trivial matter. I haven't communicated with them yet. If you need anything, please tell me and I'll contact you temporarily." Just say it over there.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Then as soon as possible, try to finalize it this month."

Zheng Mengzhun was a little surprised, "So urgent? There is a European Cup this year. It is best to wait until the European Cup is over before finalizing it. It would be a bit rushed to finalize it now, right?"

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "It's better to hurry up."

If you are in a hurry, you will be caught off guard.

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