Top of the big era

Chapter 2233 Directors representing Yahoo!

Zhou Buqi's entry this time can be said to hit the pain point directly, but it also exposed all his ambitions.

Yang Zhiyuan took a deep breath, "So you really want to acquire Yahoo."

Zhou Buqi looked at him with burning eyes, "Do you think it's okay?"

Yang Zhiyuan laughed at himself, "What I said doesn't count."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What you say doesn't count, who has the final say? Even if you leave the board of directors, you are still the chief of Yahoo."

The changes in the past few years have made Yang Zhiyuan's mood no longer as high as it was in 2008. "Can I hear your reasons? This is no small matter."

Zhou Buqi said: "There are too many reasons. Just mention a few... As I said just now, talents are hard to find. It is really difficult for Yahoo to find a suitable CEO. But Thompson has been caught by others. The handle. Only I can suppress Carl Icahn and those guys. If I keep Thompson, I will keep Yahoo’s hope."

"How to suppress it?" Yang Zhiyuan was very surprised. "Isn't Carl Icahn's suggestion a backdoor listing? Is there any room for negotiation? You can't accept his suggestion, right?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "They just want to make money, just give them money. Especially Carl Icahn... I have seen through him a long time ago."

Yang Zhiyuan couldn't help but laugh, feeling that this guy was a bit cocky.

Zhou Buqi said: "Really, why does he want Ziweixing International to go public through Yahoo? Because he can quickly cash out and leave. If Ziweixing International completes the privatization acquisition of Yahoo, he can only get He has no interest in long-term holdings of the original shares of Ziweixing International."

Yang Zhiyuan nodded lightly, "There are such factors."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Now is the trough period for many industries. Didn't that guy buy a lot of Netflix stocks recently and is still fighting for control of Lionsgate Pictures? This is nothing, he is still To participate in the privatization and delisting of Dell. He now needs a lot of cash to run new projects. For him, it is best to keep Yahoo listed. But in the final analysis, it is still money."

Carl Icahn participated in Dell's privatization and delisting, not to hold Dell's shares, but to take advantage of the current extremely low Dell stock price to make a large sum of money and become a shareholder with a certain say.

Then when Dell started privatization and delisted...

Carl Icahn can use his own capital power to operate.

Either Dell paid him a large sum of money to buy all the stocks he held; or he worked behind the scenes to prevent Dell from delisting.

In fact, it is a threat.

Will Dell pay me?

If you don’t pay, don’t even think about delisting!

But this approach is impossible against Ziweixing International.

Dell is a listed company, and it is not an AB share. Every shareholder can participate in making things happen; Ziweixing International is not listed, and even if it is listed in the future, it will operate in the AB share model.

Once the AB shares come out, one Class A share vote is worth a hundred votes. By then, even if Carl Icahn holds more Class B shares of Ziweixing International, he will not have any say.

The competition for capital is ultimately a competition for power.

Yang Zhiyuan asked: "Can you make him give up his entanglement with Thompson?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "What's so difficult about this? Don't think so bad of others. They are here to make money. They will do things that harm others and benefit themselves, but they will not do things that harm others and benefit themselves. As long as the cooperation is achieved , after clearing out the Yahoo stocks in the hands of those people, what reason do they have to harm Yahoo? Do they come to offend me in vain? People like us are the easiest to be emotional and do things that harm others and do not benefit ourselves, but they will not."

Yang Zhiyuan nodded, "Is there more?"

Zhou Buqi said: "There is also the Yahoo crisis. Is there any better way to deal with it? Boss Ma is so anxious that he shaved his head."


"Yes, I have been unable to withdraw Alibaba's shares from Yahoo for a long time, and I have been getting angry. He will come over tomorrow, and you will know it when you see him."

"I was also implicated by Ali."

Yang Zhiyuan felt somewhat guilty.

He was criticized by the capitalist faction for being emotional. However, the biggest criticism is not that he loves Yahoo too much. He is the founder of Yahoo, and he should love and care for Yahoo. But his love for Asian assets is a bit too much.

This part of the Asian assets is Yahoo's 40% stake in Alibaba and 35% of Yahoo Japan's stake.

This also shows Yang Zhiyuan’s entrepreneurial attributes.

For Yahoo, people like Carl Icahn are the capitalist faction. The biggest purpose of the employer is to make money. The employer faction can balance the factions of the entrepreneurial team, so that the entrepreneurial team should not be too idealistic and engage in unrealistic projects, and there is no shame in making money. ! Minimize waste and create profits as much as possible.

For Alibaba, Yahoo is the employer faction.

According to normal logic, Yahoo should restrict Alibaba's strategy and restrict Boss Ma's decision-making. Don't let him engage in some idealistic and unrealistic projects, and let him go in the direction of making big money.

Recently, Alibaba is doing cloud computing.

That's really a shame.

Therefore, Yang Zhiyuan, as a corporate director stationed in Alibaba on behalf of Yahoo, should restrict this matter and not allow Alibaba to engage in such a large project with huge investment and waste of money.

Isn’t it great to make money through e-commerce honestly?

But Yang Zhiyuan is an entrepreneur.

He can understand Boss Ma's mentality and ambition very well, and he has a good personal relationship with Lao Ma...

This is emotional.

This has become the most dissatisfied point between Yahoo's employer faction and Yang Zhiyuan. You just care about Yahoo headquarters, but you can't be so sentimental as to care about the two Asian companies Alibaba and Yahoo Japan, right?

For Zhou Buqi, this kind of emotion can be exploited.

Of course Yang Zhiyuan does not want to sell Yahoo, but he also does not want his choice to affect the future development of Alibaba and Yahoo Japan.

There must always be an optimal trade-off point that can achieve balance.

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "Now Yahoo has no choice. Even Microsoft can't make another bid. Yahoo has lost its strategic significance to them. Other capital institutions are quoting Yahoo because they are interested in Yahoo's capital." Value. Only Ziweixing International is different. It focuses more on strategic value. Ziweixing International is focusing on online advertising business. If it cannot buy Yahoo, it may buy AOL."


Yang Zhiyuan burst into laughter.

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "This is no joke."

Yang Zhiyuan raised his eyebrows, a little unconvinced, "Really?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course it is true. This is even a higher political value than strategic value. Although Ziweixing has been split and reorganized, nominally, Ziweixing is a domestic company, and Ziweixing International is registered as the headquarters. An Internet company in Silicon Valley. But after all, the decision-making power of Ziweixing International is still in the hands of people like Lu Qi, Tang Binchen, Xu Liangjie, and Shen Xiangyang."

Yang Zhiyuan's eyes widened.

Somewhat unbelievable.

Is there such a way of thinking?

He has been in business for more than 20 years and has never considered this type of issue. Even when Yahoo came to China for development and later when Yahoo withdrew from the domestic market, it actually did not receive much policy pressure. It was entirely because of its lack of strength that it was squeezed out by domestic Internet companies.

Zhou Buqi said: "I am full of confidence in the future of Ziweixing International. The future strength of this company will not be much worse than Google. I must take some precautions in advance, and marriage is a good choice."


Yang Zhiyuan took a deep breath.

Now I really believe it.

Although AOL is not very good at the strategic and business levels, it has a great name. The company is called "America Online", using the prefix of the country's name.

Once Ziweixing International marries AOL and completes the marriage, it will be equivalent to having political and legal protection.

Just like medical insurance.

Seeing a doctor in the United States is extremely expensive, and the medical bills are sky-high. But if you purchase medical insurance, you can enjoy free medical care. If a foreigner gets sick in the United States and does not have medical insurance, it will be very miserable. It is best not to go to a doctor when you get sick. Ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

However, once you marry someone who has purchased medical insurance, you can enjoy the other person’s medical rights.

This is called "sharing of the rights of husband and wife."

Because of this sharing of rights and interests, many fake marriages have appeared in society to defraud the financial funds of various projects in the United States.

Of course Zhou Buqi wants to avoid some policy risks that Ziweixing International may encounter in the future by getting married. He has also given suggestions to ZTE before, so that ZTE's future development in the United States can be smooth, just like Lenovo.

It's a pity that the other party didn't dare.

The foundation of ZTE is a state-owned enterprise. They don't dare to marry a foreign wife... It is okay to take concubines, but concubines have no say, and the main wife must share rights and interests.

As a state-owned enterprise, marrying a foreign wife would be very taboo.

Ziweixing International has no such restrictions.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "If you really want to choose a marriage partner, the best choice is of course Yahoo. AOL is so ugly. It's wrong to be from a bad family. Not to mention being a wife, I'm not qualified to be a concubine."

Yang Zhiyuan couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, my heart was shaken.

He felt the importance of Yahoo to Ziweixing International.

A more important point.

This is not selling children for sale.

This is marriage.

It is an act of equality.

Zhou Buqi said: "Lao Yang, don't forget, you are not only a Yahoo chief who has been eliminated, you are also an independent director of Ziweixing International! You said yourself that in the past few years you have been an independent director, you have done a lot for Ziweixing International What contributions have you made? You can’t just receive a salary and not work, right?”

Yang Zhiyuan was angry and funny, "My independent director doesn't get a salary."

"No salary?" Zhou Buqi laughed, "It's not easy to earn a salary. How about you stop being an independent director and become a director? Directors are paid."


"On behalf of the directors of Yahoo."

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