Top of the big era

Chapter 223 Microsoft

Zhou Buqi came forward, certainly not just for a WPS.

If you want to sign, you have to sign a big order.

At least in the next few years, when 360 is not rising, Kingsoft's software is still very necessary for the majority of users.

For this package of cooperation proposals, Lei Jun paid more attention to games.

The six mature models of today's Internet are games, search, e-commerce, online advertising, instant messaging and e-mail. Among them, the most profitable industry is the game, which is an absolute profiteering industry.

Originally, Xishanju Studio, responsible for developing games, was just a sideline of Jinshan. But after a few years, Xishanju has become Jinshan's most important business.

At a time when Shanda, Netease, Ninetowns, Penguin and other game companies are making a lot of money, Xishanju's "Swordsman Love Online Edition" and "Feng Shen Bang" have already become third-rate online games.

But even so, Xishanju also provides 70% of Jinshan's income source.

It can be seen that the income of the game business is high.

If there is the channel support of Xiaonei, the games of Xishanju may not be more popular among college students.

Once the tone is set, the next negotiations will be easier.

The two parties agreed that will set up a necessary section for installed software on the left column of the homepage, which will be in a parallel position with forums and group buying. For each download of Jinshan's software, Jinshan will pay a channel fee of 0.8 yuan to Xiaonei. If it is a Xishanju game, each download is 1.5 yuan.

The cooperation will officially start on June 1st.

The contract is for one year.

To observe the aftereffect.

According to a preliminary estimate, this one-year contract can bring at least 10 million yuan in revenue to Xiaonei.

This amount of money is nothing to Jinshan, which has an annual revenue of 300 million yuan, but it is very important to Xiaonei. You know, in a short period of time, Xiaonei and Ziweixing Technology, the parent company of Xiaonei, have no plans to raise funds.


The Xiaonei network is extremely efficient and swift and resolute.

There is finally a result on the friend network.

On the third day after the meeting with Jinshan, Zhou Buqi brought people to the 8th floor of Yingu Building again.

This time, the object of cooperation is Microsoft.

After so many days of negotiations, and Microsoft's package cooperation plan has been reached.

In terms of, it is necessary to provide a port, and independently design the page and typesetting method to fill the social section of the MSN Chinese website. Moreover, MSN has also opened a port for, users can directly and quickly log in to through MSN, and can also use MSN to bind with account.

This is equivalent to using the resources of to consolidate MSN users.

Maybe in the future, users of will not need to open the page to log in. Instead, log in to MSN, and then use the through-train button to log in to

Just like logging in to Qzone, you usually log in to QQ first, and then open the corresponding web page.

Of course, this kind of cooperation is more beneficial to

MSN has nearly 50 million domestic registered users, but is a new website. Even if all the users of are transferred in the future, it is far inferior to MSN.

From this perspective, is actually borrowing MSN traffic to develop its own new users.

In this era, MSN is synonymous with being tall.

80% of users are business people, and the remaining 20% ​​are college students. In large companies, QQ is banned, thinking that it is for children to play games, and MSN is the real instant messaging.

This bundled cooperation will definitely bring in the first batch of extremely high-quality user resources for

At the same time, Microsoft's Live Search became the only search platform for Youyou and Xiaonei...

However, in terms of payment methods, some absurd things happened.

The main cooperation method of the "Anti-QQ Alliance" lies in the MSN Chinese website. This portal belongs to MSN. Except for its own Live for search, all other business sectors are outsourced. The shopping section was outsourced to Taobao, the forum section was outsourced to Maopu, the game section was outsourced to Lianzhong, and the national information section was outsourced to Saidi...

QQ's portal network, all the content is done by myself.

Through this outsourcing method, MSN has recruited a large number of helpers to guide each other, support each other, and grow together.

However, many important business segments require payment.

For example, Lianzhong game platform, the benchmark is the QQ game platform, which is a very important business. In order to cooperate with MSN, Ourgame has to pay a cooperation fee of 6 million per year.

In the MSN Chinese website, the social section is on the far left column of the homepage, and there is a big poster that looks like a big envelope, mainly pushing friends.

It can be said that this is the most powerful and conspicuous position on the entire network.

Friends Network must be paid.

But it stands to reason that shouldn't have gotten such a favorable recommendation even if it paid for it. After all, Maopu is more popular now and has a higher number of users.

There is a very deep doorway here.

It is a management malady of large companies.

There are two heads of China's MSN business, one is Chen Yongzheng, the president of the Greater China region, and the other is the vice president in charge of the MSN business department in the United States.

The reason why the "Anti-QQ Alliance" has not made progress during this period is because there are two decision-makers, which is inefficient and chaotic in management.

Contradictions arise naturally.

Chen Yongzheng was very dissatisfied with this. He is the top person in charge of Microsoft Greater China. It is reasonable to say that all Microsoft-related businesses here have the right to say what he says. Unexpectedly, the MSN business department has repeatedly intervened.

In comparison, the person in charge of the Live search business department is very good, let Chen Yongzheng do whatever he wants, and even if there is a disagreement, he will prevail.

This led to Chen Yongzheng's emphasis on business, which was divided into priorities.

He pays more attention to Live search than MSN.

It stands to reason that has obtained such an excellent position in the MSN Chinese website, and should pay a "recommendation fee" every year, at least 5 million yuan per year. The and use Live Search, which is a big favor to Microsoft and does not require money.

The practical results were just the opposite.

The statement given by Microsoft China is that the cooperation between MSN Chinese Network and Friends Network is equal and fair, and there is no problem of who helps whom, and there is no need to pay referral fees. wants to use the Live search service, and has to pay Microsoft a service fee of 5 million yuan per year.

The left and right are 5 million, and there is no difference for

Not so with Microsoft.

This is to transfer the income belonging to the MSN business unit to the Live business unit.

At present, Microsoft's emphasis on search far exceeds that of instant messaging. Microsoft's number one enemy is Google, and Tencent can't be ranked at all.

The success of the Live search will undoubtedly greatly increase the headquarters' recognition of Chen Yongzheng, the president of the Greater China region.

This is playing power!

If a company is doing things with this kind of thinking from top to bottom, how can it still have vitality? How can there be innovation? This is the same as a state-owned enterprise, destined to sink step by step.

At the end of the meeting, Zhou Buqi asked with a smile: "President Chen, tell me the truth, your MSN Chinese website... How much can you spend on advertising in a year? Is it really 70 million?"

Chen Yongzheng said without hesitation: "Of course, just a little bit more!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

MSN Chinese Network adopts the business outsourcing and advertising sharing system. occupies the most advantageous position on the MSN Chinese website, and is a big player in attracting traffic... Then when it comes to advertising, not to mention 10 million, there should be seven or eight million.

In the final analysis, this package cooperation between and Microsoft will not only capture a huge amount of traffic, but also generate an additional cash income.

No matter how many tricks there are in Microsoft, it is good if has benefits.

"Happy cooperation!"

"By the way, I heard that you went to Jinshan a few days ago?"

"Ah... yes, ha ha." Zhou Buqi was not guilty at all, and told the truth, "Jinshan and Xiaonei will have some business cooperation in the future."

Chen Yongzheng frowned, and said bluntly: "Mr. Zhou, you should know that Kingsoft and Microsoft... compete in some businesses."

Zhou Buqi said: "I know, WPS and Office."

"So, you've taken care of everything properly?" Chen Yongzheng asked with questioning eyes.

This is the case with commercial cooperation. If it is such a package of in-depth cooperation, it is an ally. Since it is an ally, there is no reason to cooperate with an ally's competitor.

In this regard, Microsoft is a giant with a lot of confidence.

Even knowing that Jinshan and may have signed a contract in advance, they can force to shake off Jinshan.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "No, Xiaonei will help Jinshan and provide download support for WPS."

"Huh?" Chen Yongzheng frowned suddenly, his voice was very serious, "Mr. Zhou, is this the sincerity of your cooperation?"

Zhou Buqi said: "My sincerity is data."


"Yes, the data of Xiaonei. I know that since entering the Chinese market, Microsoft has always attached importance to the group of college students, and has been deliberately cultivating their usage habits in various fields. It just so happens that Xiaonei is a website for college students. Its group buying and forums , as well as the upcoming installed software downloads, web page navigation, and services such as meal ordering and bicycle travel that will be launched in the future, will generate a large amount of data. These are the first-hand data of contemporary college students.”

Chen Yongzheng didn't quite understand, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "If the data and information are used well, we can grasp some of the online habits and living habits of contemporary college students, so as to carry out targeted product development and marketing. It is a pity that the strength of the school intranet is limited and it is unable to handle it. With such a large amount of data, it is better to cooperate with Microsoft Research."

Zhang Yiming explained in a low voice next to him: "If Microsoft has mastered this part of the data, it can properly analyze users' preferences and consumption habits, which can be used in the promotion of Office."

Chen Yongzheng's eyes lit up suddenly.

Think not of business, not of competition, but of power.

It is true that he is the president of Microsoft China, but it is difficult for him to reach into Microsoft China Research Institute. The dean is at the same level as him, both at the level of Microsoft's global vice president.

After promoting the cooperation between Xiaonei and the research institute, he had the opportunity to reach out.

Chen Yongzheng said happily: "Well, this proposal is good, why not add it to our package cooperation agreement, and the two sides will carry out all-round and in-depth cooperation."

"Then have a good cooperation?" Zhou Buqi smiled.

"Happy cooperation!"

Chen Yongzheng was straightforward.

Zhang Yiming, who was sitting by the side, looked up at the ceiling, speechless.

Boss Zhou this time is really evil.

Obviously using the data as a bait to go to Microsoft Research Institute to poach people, these words can make people applaud happily. As expected of being from the Northeast, each one is better at fooling around.

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