Top of the big era

Chapter 2227 Schubert


Ning Yameng walked over lightly and said with a smile: "My sister asked about how many more days we would have to stay."

Zhou Buqi said: "After all, I have to finish reading "The Peony Pavilion"."

Ning Yameng nodded lightly, "Have you met Bai Xianyong?"


"Did you give money?"

"He said he should go back and think about it and look at the ledger."

"He is an honest man."

Ning Yameng couldn't help laughing.

This Mr. Bai Xianyong is really a scholar. He seems to have a hard time talking about money. Boss Zhou has already visited your home. How much money do you need to ask?

Go back and look at the ledger.

Even if there is an opportunity to make money, I can't seize it.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yeah, he's too honest. How can he live such a hard life? He asked people to borrow money, and he only asked for money from rich people on the treasure island. How much money is that? If nothing else, in In mainland China, some wealthy people are invited to watch a show and then beg for alms on the spot, raising tens of millions casually. Who among the truly rich people doesn’t have some cultural sentiments? Even the ones in my hometown who collect protection fees still I will build a temple in my hometown and give gifts to nursing homes and orphanages during the holidays.”

Ning Yameng said angrily: "Who is as smart as you?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Yes."

Ning Yameng pursed her lips and said softly: "Kun Opera is too niche. Let alone other people, even you, have you ever heard of "The Peony Pavilion for Youth" before?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "No, I only know "The Peony Pavilion", which was introduced in middle school textbooks."

Ning Yameng said: "That's right, the threshold is too high and too niche. Even if you want to promote it, it is difficult. So when this project was launched, the first thing to do was to tour universities. First train college students and let them go Only those who pay attention to Kun Opera and like Kun Opera will have a user base when "The Peony Pavilion Youth Version" is commercially performed in the future."

Mentioning this, Zhou Buqi remembered, "Yes, they not only toured domestic universities, but also toured colleges and universities in the United States. They performed more than fifty shows, and each one was sensational. Tingqi In this way, they are eyeing the American drama business market."

Ning Yameng said softly: "It's not surprising. Broadway is the center of the world's theater culture."

Zhou Buqi said: "In the final analysis, it is still related to money."

Ning Ya dreamed: "Yes, money. Once you have money, you will have experienced the usual ways of entertainment and leisure, and then you will pursue more elegant ways. This kind of lifestyle cannot even be in New York, it must be in New York." Manhattan is a place where you can be extremely rich."

Zhou Buqi agreed, "Yes, art has a lot to do with experience. When most people have time to relax, their first choice is to travel, either shopping, eating, or playing mahjong at home. Here in Manhattan A teenage child may have traveled to more than a dozen countries. When he gets tired of the vulgar, he will pursue the high-end, just like women."


Ning Ya's dream seems to be smiling but not smiling.

Zhou Buqi realized that he had made a mistake and quickly coughed, "I'm going to work first. I have a few important emails... I have to talk to Lao Ma about Yahoo."

Ning Yameng rolled her eyes at him and said, "Wait for a while. The two girls are still jet-lagged. Why don't you go over and pamper them? Go over now. They will go to bed later, so don't disturb them." It’s their fault, they’re the ones bullying others.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's right. Then go over and say something. I'll be there in a moment and let them get ready."

I flew across the ocean from Shanghai to New York.

This journey has been quite hard.

It only takes a lot of love.

Especially Li Xinwan.

After watching "Youth Version of Peony Pavilion" live, I realized that this girl was once so famous in the Kunqu opera world. Not only did she perform this play, she was also the youngest Du Liniang...

The next day, Carl Icahn was at it again.

Just as Zhou Buqi guessed.

This old boy saw an opportunity to make a lot of money through speculation, and he didn't want to waste a moment. Ziweixing International is an unlisted company. If this matter can be promoted, it will be equivalent to promoting the listing of the company by obtaining the original shares of Ziweixing International.

That’s a lot of money!

Zhou Buqi's attitude is still the same. He should consider it slowly and negotiate with the entire team when he returns. It's not easy for him to act arbitrarily on such a big matter.

Carl Icahn’s teeth itch.

His connections in New York are so rich.

I watched a Kunqu Opera performance last night, and I was really shocked. The power of art really has huge penetrating power. This morning, Carl Icahn began to make connections.

He took Zhou Buqi to meet a guy named Reggie Schubert.

There are more than 40 theaters on Broadway.

These more than 40 theaters constitute the "country of art" in the Broadway area.

Here, there are three major theater groups.

The largest of them is the Shubert Group, with a total of 17 theaters, including the most famous Broadway theater.

After Zhou Buqi passed, the topic of "Youth Edition of Peony Pavilion" naturally started. Mr. Schubert felt a little sad and said that it was a pity that he could not fight for this great art troupe to come.

I also hope that Zhou Buqi can help and let the team of "The Peony Pavilion for Youth" perform at a theater owned by the Shubert Group in the future.

This thing is so rare!

So charming.

Mr. Schubert even mentioned his ancestors, saying that when Mr. Mei Lanfang came to tour the United States, it was his grandfather who planned the whole process...

Not only that.

Domestic artists came to perform, and the cooperation partner was also the Schubert Group.

Zhou Buqi was very curious about this, "A drama about Renyi? Which drama?"

Young Schubert said: "Tea House", although its popularity cannot compare with last night's "The Peony Pavilion", it is better than 90% of Broadway plays.

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Is the data accurate?"

"90%?" Schubert didn't look like he was joking at all. "This number is quite conservative, maybe it should be 99%."

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi was speechless.

Young Schubert said: "There are too many plays on Broadway, and new plays are performed every day. But most of them are garbage, and it smells bad even if they are thrown into the garbage. There are only those that are truly art that belongs to all mankind." Only treasures have unimaginable value. Classic works can transcend all obstacles. It is incredible that the level of drama in your country can reach such a high level."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said nothing.

He knew this very well.

"Teahouse" is a work by Mr. Lao She. According to Lao She's words, "Changing a word about me is like killing my parents." Therefore, the entire script of "Tea House" cannot be changed even a word. It is a work of a true literary giant and a classic among classics.

This does not represent the level of domestic drama.

"Tea House" is just an example.

Most of the domestic dramas are rubbish, but when they go abroad and tour on Broadway, they always have to produce the best masterpieces to show the country's image.

Next, Zhou Buqi asked young Schubert for some insights into promoting the development of drama culture.

Mr. Schubert Jr. is very good at it. He is not the president of the Schubert Group. He is in charge of the Schubert Foundation, a charitable foundation dedicated to promoting the development of theater.

"No matter how elegant the art performance is, as long as it is a commercial performance, they must be responsible for their own profits and losses. If they suffer losses, let them find ways to improve it. Good ideas are forced by the market. Don't force it. , traditional art will inevitably become rigid. Just like Shakespeare's plays, the market promotes innovation that keeps pace with the times. Only in this way can it have longer vitality."

Mr. Schubert's views are very profound.

The scope of application is not only the field of art.

Schubert Jr. continued: "In order to protect endangered animals from extinction, many institutions will keep endangered animals in captivity in zoos. But once they are in captivity, the small animals will lose their ability to survive in the wild, which is also a risk of extinction. Unless humans We can cultivate and raise them forever, otherwise once humans no longer care about them, they will become extinct."

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "What should we do?"

Young Schubert said: "Returning them to the wild and taking care of them in nature cannot destroy their ability to survive in the wild."

"The same goes for traditional art."

"Yes, Shakespeare's plays have been passed down for hundreds of years because Shakespeare's plays have always been struggling in the market. They survived by relying on the British aristocracy's love for Shakespeare's plays."


Zhou Buqi actually didn't agree with his point of view.

America's history is too short.

If you have not experienced the magnificent historical era and lack emotional resonance with tradition, the market cannot solve all problems.

Just like the national treasure giant panda, it was originally an endangered animal. Later, the country intervened and protected it in zoos and artificially cultivated it. The number of giant pandas has greatly increased, and now it has changed from endangered to vulnerable.

But because of the branding of the national treasure, the country has always disagreed with changing the status of the giant panda to "vulnerable", which would make the national treasure appear less important.

Young Schubert continued: "When providing cultural support, we must not subsidize performance projects. We cannot put them in a cage and let them work hard in the wild, and then support them in the wild. Mainly in five major fields, theater, dance performance, and art-related Institutions, education and public services. We believe that the most effective way to promote the arts is to develop an arts funding system rather than to increase attendance at a particular performance. Therefore, the purpose of funds and the recipients of funds, and all allocations should be Restricted. The so-called unrestricted funding means that the funding fund is not targeted at a specific performance or construction project, but is used for the general operating expenses of the recipient unit..."

Zhou Buqi didn't know much about the specific situation.

Go back and talk to Bai Xianyong.

This is the person he trusts the most.

There are some things that I really don’t know how to say.

Bai Xianyong looked gloomy and didn't even think about food or food, but there were always some people inside who really didn't regard his money as money and treated overseas tours like official travel.

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