Top of the big era

Chapter 2203 Hidden dangers of convergence

Of course Zhou Buqi has felt it for a long time, but he will not look at this matter from the simple social value of equality between men and women. "It is not necessarily all bad things. Everything has two sides."

Xu Baihui's beautiful eyes widened, "Dual-faced?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "You know Nepal..."

"you've been to?"

"I have never been there, but I know that there are many Asians in Silicon Valley, in every country, but not in Nepal. After completing their studies in the United States, Nepalese people have returned to their own countries."


Xu Baihui was confused and didn't quite understand what Boss Zhou was talking about.

Zhou Buqi said: "I paid special attention to it and found that this is actually an issue of male-female relations."

Xu Baihui rolled her eyes at him and couldn't help laughing, "That's just nonsense."

Zhou Buqi said: "Really, who is telling you nonsense? This is all based on my investigation. As a small and marginal country, Nepal still retains many backward traditional customs and habits. Logically speaking, many highly educated talents will stay away from This is the right kind of country, but almost all the international students from Nepal have returned to China. Do you know why?"

Xu Baihui asked humbly, "Why?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "The relationship between men and women, I just said it, well... you will understand with a simple example. In Nepal, women have to come over with a basin to wash the men's feet every night. Wash the feet It’s nothing. After washing, you should sprinkle part of the foot-washing water on your head, which means that men’s foot-washing water is higher than yours; you should also take a sip of foot-washing water, which means that you are willing to accept the foot-washing water of men. It’s so delicious.”

Xu Baihui was like sitting on wax.

Nothing could be said.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Those who have received higher education in Nepal are all men, and they all enjoy the benefits of this traditional culture. Therefore, after studying in Europe and the United States, it is difficult to accept the European and American practices, and they will all Return to your country and serve your country.”

Xu Baihui took a deep breath, "Is this the case in South Korea too?"

Zhou Buqi said: "There are factors like this. If you go to Silicon Valley and experience it more, you will know it. Silicon Valley brings together high-tech talents from all over the world. Silicon Valley is not the Silicon Valley of Americans. It is created by the collective efforts of global talents. Silicon Valley.”

Xu Baihui said: “There are the most Asians in Silicon Valley.”

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Don't label it. The concept of Asians is too general. There are more Asians than Americans, more than British and Germans, but the largest number of people in Silicon Valley are white people. But this is not the point. . We say there are many Asians because there are two populous countries in Asia, China and India, and these two countries support the largest Asian group."

Xu Baihui nodded lightly and said "Yeah".

Zhou Buqi said: "Among Asians, there are relatively few Koreans and Japanese. The number of Koreans and Japanese is not as good as the British, Germans, French and so on from Europe. Even if there are some Koreans, Japanese There is also a very common phenomenon among people of Korean descent. Korean men will always marry a Korean woman, and Japanese men will always marry a Japanese woman. But Korean and Japanese women are more likely to marry foreigners."

Xu Baihui thought about it and said: "So most of the elite men in Korea and Japan have actually returned to China. They prefer the atmosphere in Korean and Japanese society and don't like the aggressiveness of European and American women."


"Yes, men are not good at all. They all like to live in a society where men are superior to women."


Zhou Buqi was helpless.

Xu Baihui pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Boss Zhou, don't follow suit. I didn't say anything about you. You are a special case."

Zhou Buqi said: "So from a higher level, the technology industry in South Korea and Japan is very powerful. The technology giants can compete with the Silicon Valley giants, or even be stronger than the Silicon Valley giants. On the contrary, if you look at Europe's Those so-called technology companies are really not very eye-catching. The most important reason is that the top talents in Europe have gone to the United States, and they cannot retain people in the country. This is also a fundamental problem encountered by the domestic technology industry. Talent dilemma.”

Xu Baihui curled her lips and said, "Yes, if the country still adheres to the traditional system of three wives and four concubines, maybe those elites who stayed overseas will return home one after another."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Not really, it's not that exaggerated."

Xu Baihui snorted, "Then the issue of women's rights in Indian society is more serious. Don't all Indian men stay abroad and never go back?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is even more fundamental. It has something to do with global homogeneity. Europe and the United States are similar, so there is no obstacle for a British or German to live in the United States. The social systems of South Korea and Japan are very different from those of the United States. Big differences, differentiation is the only way to be competitive. If the United States is exactly the same as the United States, who wouldn't like to go to the more advanced and developed United States? Indian men do not return home because India's class differentiation is too obvious. India's lower-class society is very outdated. It still retains many traditional old-fashioned things. But the elite class is not much different from Europe and the United States. They also speak English and practice egalitarianism. Going to the rich areas of India is no different from going to developed countries in Europe and the United States. Those who can go abroad Indians are all elites, and there is no differentiation for them to be attracted to, so of course they will prefer Europe and the United States.”

Xu Baihui nodded lightly, "No wonder China is starting to promote traditional culture."

Zhou Buqi said: "Not only domestically, the momentum of globalization will definitely weaken in the future. Just like the European Union, Germany and France have spent so much money to unite the entire Europe and promote convergence. The most fundamental thing is This is still the reason. The more convergent, the greater the Matthew effect."

At this point, Xu Baihui felt the same and said with a smile: "It's just like doing business and starting a company. You always teach us to do the opposite. When others go to the left, I go to the right; when others go to the right, I go Just go to the left. If convergence occurs, the winner will definitely be the first to enter the market and seize the market. Only differentiation can give those who enter the market later a chance to catch up."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, that's what it means!"

"That's it..."

Xu Baihui understood this meaning and felt that Boss Zhou was really great.

How could there be such an outstanding man?

Xu Baihui's trip to South Korea this time to teach Cui Sung-wook, the president of Samsung Entertainment, was just a sideshow. The most fundamental reason was that she wanted to achieve a certain in-depth strategic cooperation with S/M Entertainment.

Hallyu is so popular!

The idol team entertainment model has become popular throughout Asia, and is about to spread to the European and American markets. This model is so powerful!

South Korea can do it, Japan can do it, why can’t it be done in China?

Jieyu Media has already had a similar plan.

Now that Jieyu Media has completed its listing, it is time to open up new businesses and find new growth points.

I just want to start a trainee training program of my own and cultivate my own idol idol group!

If S/M Entertainment is willing to help and send a few teachers and management talents to come to China with a complete set of models and management experience to set up their own trainee system for Jieyu Media, then everything will go smoothly. Got it done.

The last time she came to South Korea, she wanted to push forward this matter.

But it failed.

People disagree.

Of course they would not agree. Isn't this to cultivate potential competitors? It teaches the apprentice to starve to death of the master. For this reason, Xu Baihui was even threatened by Cui Chengxu, who wanted to demand the S/M stocks she held.

This time it's different.

Boss Zhou went over in person and slapped Cui Chengxu on the face a few times in front of everyone, just to show off his muscles.

Now, S/M Entertainment did not dare to neglect, and could only agree to Xu Baihui's request to cooperate with Jieyu Media to conduct some trainee training in China.

After hearing what Boss Zhou said just now, Xu Baihui started to think.

The cooperation with S/M Entertainment really cannot be copied blindly.

If they all converge, wouldn't it become the Korean Wave?

Even if all the idols after forming the group are Chinese, what they create will be Korean Wave, which is equivalent to promoting the Korean Wave model in terms of cultural communication and influence coverage.

If Jieyu Media wants to do something, it must make something with distinctive local characteristics!

Zhou Buqi said: "The model of Korean trainees is not in line with the domestic environment. South Korea is now promoting the establishment of a cultural industry, so many children have not studied hard since they were eleven or twelve years old, and have devoted themselves to becoming Trainee, this is impossible in China. The country is built on science and technology, and science and technology are the core national policies. The first choice for children is to study, go to school, and then become scientists when they grow up. You can tell by looking at the level of the national football team, Jieyu If the media copies the model of Korean trainees and keeps doing it, they will end up on the same path as the national football team."

Xu Baihui asked: "What should we do?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "One of the biggest advantages in China is that there are many people, and today's parents attach great importance to the cultivation of their children. Families with similar conditions will sign up for their children to learn dance. The majority of children who can dance , which is much larger than the football base.”

Xu Baihui suddenly realized and said: "Replace the training system with the selection system. Just like managing a company, the selection of talents is more important than training. Selection comes first and training comes last. Well, it's just like when you did the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance. We need to first develop a selection mechanism to select people like us and then train them.”

She is a girl, so some of her words are bold and forthright.

If it were Guo Pengfei and Meng Houkun who knew clearly that they were selected and trained by Boss Zhou, they would never tell them. It would be very shameful for them to become the chosen ones.

Xu Baihui has no such concerns. She is originally dependent on Boss Zhou, so she should admit it openly.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, don't forget that Jieyu Media's main business is to produce variety shows. The Korean model is to train in secret, then train well, and then launch into a group to debut. This adds a lot of secrets operate……"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Baihui nodded like a chicken pecking rice, interrupted him, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes. S/M Entertainment will launch another girl group next, and the default name is 'Lavender'." The team leader has been found, it will be a girl group of about 4-5 people. They also asked me, do you need it? If so, they can leave two spots for you."

"Quota?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "What quota?"

Xu Baihui rolled her eyes at him, "What quota are you talking about? It's specially reserved for you. Only those who listen to you will get the chance to debut."

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