Chapter 2196 AI Assistant

Li Zaiyong didn't understand for a while and asked: "Help? Help for what?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Rokid."


Li Zairong was shocked and opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Although the functionality of this kind of AI assistant is not too strong, it is very popular in the market. iPhone and Aster both have their own AI assistants. Don't Samsung phones need them?"

Li Zaiyong was speechless.

Need it!

Of course!

The key is that products like Siri and Rokid are among the world's top technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, and they can't be developed even if they want to!

In fact, there are many artificial intelligence startups in the market, and they have developed some products like Rokid and Siri. Many of them are also launched as third-party apps in the Apple Store and Android Store.

Samsung has already paid attention to this.

But after searching around, there was nothing suitable at all.

Not to mention compared to Rokid, even Siri is inferior.

This leaves people with no choice.

How embarrassing would it be if Samsung launched a smart assistant on its mobile phone, and after using it, users found that it was much worse than its competitors? So I would rather not do it.

When the market matures and a product appears that is comparable to Rokid or Siri, Samsung will buy it and install it in Samsung mobile phones.

Zhou Buqi looked at him with a half-smile, "How is it? Do you need it?"

Li Zaiyong said blankly: "Is it okay?"

Zhou Buqi said strangely: "Why not?"

"This this……"

Li Zaiyong still couldn't believe it.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "You may have misunderstood. Rokid is an AI product launched by Ziweixing. Ziweixing and Aisda are two companies. Aisda only purchased Rokid's services from Ziweixing. Ziweixing It can support Asda mobile phones, and of course it can also support Samsung mobile phones. The most important attribute of the Internet is equality."

Li Zairong felt his throat was dry, "Ziweixing is willing to license Rokid to Samsung?"

"Of course." Zhou Buqi waved his hand grandly and said with a smile, "I guess you must have misunderstood something before. Ziweixing and Aisda have a shareholding relationship, but they are two companies after all. I am the chairman and CEO of Ziweixing, and of course I have to put Ziweixing’s interests first.”

Li Zaiyong was a little distracted.

Very surprised.


Is this the truth?

This boss Zhou is really elusive!

You know, this interesting product of Rokid is only available in the Aster series of mobile phones, so it has become a major selling point of the Aster series of mobile phones.

Many mobile phone users buy Aster phones just to experience the Rokid product. If Samsung mobile phones were also equipped with Rokid products, wouldn't it reduce the appeal of Aster mobile phones to a great extent? Aren’t many users buying Samsung phones because of this?

Zhou Buqi stopped talking and followed Lee Jae-yong to visit the headquarters of Samsung Electronics. They walked around a lot and left a very good impression.

The overall working atmosphere in the workplace and the general environment in the park feel similar to those in China, and much better than Japanese technology companies.

Walking around Japan's technology giants, one thing comes across: lifeless.

Samsung Electronics is very good and full of vitality.

During this period, some Samsung employees greeted him in Chinese.

Zhou Buqi called him over and inquired, and found out that he was of Korean ethnicity. He studied at Tsinghua University for his undergraduate degree, and studied in Germany for his master's and doctorate degrees.

His original plan was to become a teacher, and he got two offers, one from Tsinghua University and one from Seoul National University.

Tsinghua University provides associate professors, while Seoul National University directly provides full professors, and the salary is three times that of Tsinghua University.

Then there is nothing more to say.

He came to Korea.

In his early thirties, he was already a doctoral supervisor in the field of materials science at Seoul National University. Because the cooperation project with Samsung Electronics was very successful, he was recruited by Samsung and became a scientist at Samsung Electronics.

Zhou Buqi's mood was very complicated, so he smiled and encouraged him a few words.

I watched a lot in the afternoon.

I also met with executives from Samsung Electronics.

Lee Jae-yong also apologized, saying that his father was not in good health and was in the hospital, so he might not see him this time.

Zhou Buqi didn't expose him and accepted it happily.

His father was sentenced a few years ago and has been in prison. Although he was pardoned by the president again, he is still in a "suspended" and "monitored" stage.

Coupled with my age, I haven't shown up much in the past few years, and I feel that I can't afford to embarrass that person.

Many major matters were handled by the prince, Li Zairong.

At night, it was naturally Li Zaiyong who made the arrangements.

Tomorrow, Xu Baihui and Ma Pingshan will come from China.

Boss Zhou came here first today, mainly to stand in the front and have a friendly contact with each other. When doing business, the first step to overcome is interpersonal relationships.

However, what Zhou Buqi said around Rokid during the day made Li Zairong uneasy. The mobile phone business is currently the most profitable business of Samsung Electronics, and it is also the business with the greatest influence and highest branding. This is his pet peeve.

This is critical.

As early as 2007, there were statistics showing that Samsung's mobile phone sales had surpassed Motorola's, becoming the second largest in the world after Nokia.

By now, even Nokia is dying.

There is a general consensus in the industry about the decline of Nokia and Motorola, and the continuity of Samsung mobile phones. Especially within Samsung, there is more theoretical analysis in this regard.

The most important reason is change!

Be able to keep up with the changes of the times!

Don't stick to the rules and keep up with the main trends in the mobile phone market in a timely manner!

Today's Rokid and Siri are what worries Samsung.

If this is an important development direction but Samsung fails to keep up in time, will there be a risk that Samsung mobile phones will follow in the footsteps of Nokia and Motorola?

very worried!

Lee Jae-yong is now the vice chairman of Samsung Electronics and the designated successor.

But if the mobile phone business collapsed in his hands, he would be basically useless.

Unexpectedly, Boss Zhou came from thousands of miles away to help!

This is so exciting.

Dinner is Korean style, there are no chairs, there is a large tatami in the single room, and the electric heating is turned on. A large square table was placed on the tatami. Li Zairong and several assistants sat on one side, and Zhou Buqi and others sat on the opposite side.

Men always sit cross-legged, but women should be more elegant and sit on their knees.

After a long time, my legs became numb.

On Zhou Buqi's left is Ning Lu, and on his right is "escort" Sun Yizhen. He had no interest in the Korean movie star at all. He had already told her privately before that he would let her go home after dinner.

After talking for thirty years, Li Zairong couldn't bear it anymore and asked about Rokid, "Mr. Zhou, is Ziweixing really willing to license Rokid to more partners?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Is it surprising? Ziweixing spent so much money to develop a relatively successful product, after all, it is for the market. The investment in the field of artificial intelligence is too big, if Rokid Being able to monetize it appropriately can be regarded as bringing confidence to Ziweixing's board of directors, allowing them to continue to support their heavy investment in artificial intelligence. At the same time, it can also inject confidence into the artificial intelligence team, and it will bear fruit and have the joy of harvest. , there will be greater motivation to continue sowing.”

Li Zaiyong said with great admiration: "Mr. Zhou is indeed a world-class entrepreneur. I admire him! I admire him!"

Zhou Buqi didn't care if he said it was hypocritical or sincere. He said calmly: "However, after all, Rokid is the flagship product developed by Ziweixing in the field of artificial intelligence. We cannot license it to the company regardless of the brand image just for the sake of cash." A random mobile phone manufacturer.”

Li Zaiyong's heart moved, "Samsung has the opportunity to cooperate."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course! In the past ten years or so, Samsung's mobile phones have always been one of the best brands in the world, and it is a potential partner of Ziweixing."

Now comes the most important thing. Li Zaiyong asked: "How to cooperate?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Just follow the cooperation model between Ziweixing and Aisda, and be impartial. When I do business, I have always been fair and impartial."


Li Zaiyong was very happy.

I am afraid that this big boss will seize a small weakness of Samsung mobile phones in the field of AI assistants, and then ask for sky-high prices.

Unexpectedly, I was still too worried.

He is the richest man in the world!

How could the pattern be so bad?

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, the price is not high at all. It is a nominal charge. One machine is only 1 US dollar."

Li Zaiyong actually thinks that 1 dollar is not low anymore.

In the past year, Samsung sold more than 40 million Android smartphones worldwide. Doesn't it mean that based on last year's data, Samsung will have to pay more than 40 million US dollars for Ziweixing?

This is not low at all!

What kind of software can sell so much in a year and make so much money?

Fortunately, Samsung Electronics is not short of money.

This product is a strategic complement to Samsung Electronics to a certain extent. In the field of high-end mobile phones, Samsung mobile phones sold less than 10 million units last year, less than half of the Aster series.

Reaching a cooperation with Ziweixing and acquiring Rokid has bridged the software gap between the two products.

Next up is the hardware...


Samsung has never been afraid of anyone!

Li Zairong has already thought about his Xiao Jiujiu, "Samsung is looking forward to more business cooperation with Ziweixing. Samsung mobile phones can push Rokid to more users, which can meet the business development needs of both parties." "

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Have we reached a consensus?"

Li Zaiyong hesitated, "This contract period..."

Zhou Buqi said boldly: "My biggest principle in doing business is to consider my partners. I would rather lose money myself than embarrass my partners. For Samsung mobile phones, the best choice is of course to wait for AI in the future." The technology has become more mature, and it is in Samsung’s best interest to develop its own AI assistant. I understand that the length of cooperation should not be too long, and we must leave room for imagination for the future of Samsung mobile phones.”

Li Zairong sincerely admired him, "Mr. Zhou is indeed a big boss with a refreshing style."

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