Top of the big era

Chapter 219 Member Purchase

The heat of the mobile phone panic buying incident has not passed.

Even the major well-known media were alarmed one after another. Some contacted the Beike school, some contacted Beihang University, and some sent emails to Xiaonei. The Xiaonei headquarters is looking for answers.

"Southern Weekend": "Scam or accident? The whole story behind the Xiaonei mobile phone panic buying incident."

"Youth Daily": "Xiaonei Network - Witness the ups and downs of college students' team entrepreneurship."

"Yanjing Evening News": "Where is the answer on Xiaonei if you do bad things with good intentions?"

"Southern Metropolis Daily": "Qian Weimin, vice president of the Mobile Phone Industry Association, said that there is a certain inevitability in the accident of the Xiaonei mobile phone panic buying incident. This kind of promotion that seriously interferes with market prices is a market countercurrent."

"Yanjing Daily": "This newspaper investigates..."

On May 20th, the clarification statement from Xiaonei was long overdue——

"As far as our company understands, some uncontrollable accidents did occur in this mobile phone group buying activity. Because it is a limited number of rush-buying, first-come-first-served, a computer student at Beihang University specially designed a software for grabbing and promoting it to his classmates. This led to a total of 4,000 mobile phones in this group buying activity, and Beihang students grabbed 2,564, accounting for as high as 64.1%.

"After our company's internal discussion, it is confirmed that the results of this snap-up activity are valid. It is wrong to use third-party plug-ins to snap up purchases, but the orders snapped up by students are real and are consumed with real money. In the future, our company will increase Greatly monitor the third-party rush to buy plug-ins to prevent similar incidents from happening."

"Once again, our company does not organize group buying activities to make money. In terms of product prices, dear users can also feel that we are full of sincerity. We just want to promote good products with good quality, low price and practicality to the whole country Friends of college students. Even at a loss."

"However, this mobile phone snap-up activity is indeed due to our company's unfavorable supervision, which caused too many users to successfully grab mobile phones. Moreover, during this period of time, our company has also received applications from college students from all over the country. , they also hope to buy high-quality and cheap mobile phones.”

"After many days of discussion in our company and repeated communication with merchants, our company hereby assures college students across the country that there will be a second mobile phone group buying event! While maintaining the extremely low price of the last mobile phone group buying event In addition, our company will also provide the following major benefits: First, this group purchase, except for a few areas such as border areas, will be open to college students across the country; second, this group purchase will no longer be limited until the merchant runs out of stock; Third, there will be more styles of mobile phones in this group purchase; fourth, the postage will be borne by our company, with free shipping nationwide, so you can buy with confidence.”

"PS: From next Monday, a new group buying activity will start soon. This time it will be an amazing product, a must-have item for every college dorm room. What exactly is it? Stay tuned."

"PPS: Our company wants to announce to all users that on the 1st of next month, the Xiaonei website will be revised, and there will be a fresher page and more interesting content, so stay tuned."

"PPPS: Do you also worry about routine payment failures when you buy group purchases? Our technical engineers are working day and night to help you solve this problem. With the revision of,'s exclusive 'member The "buy" tool will be launched to help you solve the troubles of online payment. Stay tuned."


This statement letter on Xiaonei was sent to every Xiaonei user in the form of a pop-up box.

The forum immediately turned into a sea of ​​joy.

No one expected that would come up with such a surprise plan.

There is also a second wave of mobile phone group buying!

Moreover, the price remains the same, but there are more styles to choose from, and there is no limit... Doesn't this mean that all college students who want to buy mobile phones can buy them?

Xiaonei is indeed a conscientious enterprise!

Very good!

When the posts were flooding the Xiaonei forum like pieces of paper, Zhou Buqi took several senior programmers from Xiaonei, including Guo Pengfei, Fu Hongliang, Gan Yang, and Luo Ji, to the National People's Congress.

To inspect an important tool for group buying on Xiaonei-Membership.

Why this payment tool was named "Membership Purchase", Zhou Buqi asked many people, and also specifically consulted a professor of economic law before deciding on it.

First of all, the word "member" is very attractive, and it can remind people of cheap prices, discounts and benefits.

Second, is the current financial environment.

The online banking group is located in Shanghai, and it is aggressive.

This is the only channel for online payment now, it is a franchise, and it is much better than the postal system.

At most, the post office is both a referee and an athlete. If a violation is found, the fine will be fined and the goods will be detained.

But online banking involves the financial field, which is extremely sensitive.

Once there is a dispute, you have to go to jail directly.

Therefore, YeePay in the north and Alipay in the south are third-party guarantee platforms born on the basis of the online banking system.

That is to say, if A sells something to B, because the online transaction lacks current status, B will send the money to the third-party platform, and after receiving the goods, it will be confirmed that there is no mistake, and then the third-party platform will send money to A, and the transaction is completed. trade.

The emergence of such third-party guarantee platforms has brought new life to e-commerce.

However, there are always some old guys who are cautious.

Why do buyers hand over money to third-party platforms?

What if the third-party platform gets the money and runs away?

After careful investigation, this is a bit of an illegal fund-raising nature!

Yibao's side is better, the relationship is strong, and the market share is low, which is not enough to attract the attention of some vested interests.

Alipay is different.

Alibaba is already the number one e-commerce giant in China, and millions of people log in to Taobao every day.

For this reason, Alima is cautious, and dare not move a penny of the money in Alipay's account, and the interest generated is even more troublesome. It cannot be returned to the user. Once the rebate is formed, it will be in line with the legal provisions of illegal fundraising. Therefore, the interest cannot be returned, and it cannot be used, and there is suspicion of misappropriating other people's assets...

Day by day, I maintained it with fear.

In 2008, the crisis finally came. The state began to strictly supervise this area, and some people even said that the old horse should be arrested and Alipay should be completely banned.

Boss Ma was terrified, and while shouting "I am willing to donate Alipay to the country for free", he was actively running around looking for relationships.

Later, he really found it.

After a wave of listing and delisting operations in Hong Kong, and the divestiture of Alipay and Alibaba... Boss Ma helped some people who can't speak to make a lot of money.

He is safe for now.

Until 2011, the central bank issued a new law, which confirmed the legitimacy of the third-party payment platform and began to issue licenses...

It can be said that the growth of Alipay has been accompanied by the crisis of imprisonment.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to be so worried.

He has a big advantage, that is, he is backed by the campus, and has legal consultation and opinion solicitation from the top experts and professors in China.

Therefore, he launched the "Member Purchase" service.

Why is Alipay on tenterhooks? In fact, the payment process is legal and compliant, and there are no omissions.

The biggest reason is why Alipay can collect money from users? Just relying on the credit of white teeth? Of course not! Banks can absorb deposits, and that is also subject to margins in accordance with the regulations of the central bank.

Is Alipay better than banks? Can you collect money by relying on credit?

According to national laws and regulations, illegal fund-raising must meet four conditions.

First, Alipay took the money without the approval of relevant departments or by borrowing funds from legal operations.

Second, through the media, promotion meetings, leaflets, mobile phone text messages and other means to publicize to the public, Alipay took the lead.

Third, Alipay takes up funds from the general public, that is, unspecified social objects.

Fourth, promise to repay principal and interest or pay returns in currency, physical objects, equity, etc. within a certain period of time... Alipay almost took it. If interest is really given, it will be completely dead.

But even so, Alipay, as a third-party platform with no qualifications and no collateral, absorbs funds without authorization, and there are huge risks.

Zhou Buqi pinpointed the pain point and hit it with one hit.

Supermarkets, gyms, Internet cafes, KTV and other places will issue a membership card. Users can charge money into the membership card, and then they don't need to pay in the future, just swipe the membership card directly.

Everything in this process is legal. Even if some gyms sell out their membership cards and run away, what they offend is only property infringement and suspected fraud, which is far from illegal fundraising.

The biggest difference between the Alipay model and the membership card model is that Alipay is the third party, while the membership card is the second party, the seller.

This is the design mode of Xiaonei's "Membership Purchase".

Xiaonei is the seller, and college students are the buyers.

There are no third-party platforms involved.

College students only need to recharge the "membership card" through online banking, and then they can shop online on campus. This is no different from the membership cards of supermarkets and Internet cafes.

This is why Zhou Buqi didn't name it "Member Payment" or "Member Payment", but "Member Purchase". In the current general environment, it is better not to use words like "payment" to stimulate online banking, and use "members" as the main positioning.

This membership model is exactly the same as the traditional industry, but it has changed from online to online. The old guys can understand it, so it's not surprising.

Third-party platforms like Alipay... To be honest, in my previous life, when I was in college for the first time online shopping, I was also worried. Why should I call Alipay first? What if Alipay defaults?

This kind of worry, policy makers will have.

Compared with Alipay, the membership model has a greater advantage.

That is, the principal and interest stored in the membership card by the user belong to the Xiaonei network. Xiaonei can be withdrawn and used at will as its own cash flow.

In order to find out this idea, Zhou Buqi prepared for two semesters.

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