Top of the big era

Chapter 2173: Restraint, don’t castrate

It's a little troublesome when it's time to eat in the evening.

There are a lot of people around Zhou Buqi.

Fortunately, grandpa gave in.

When it's time to eat normally, Zhou Buqi can bring a few less wives and children over, eat with the elders, and symbolically eat less.

After returning to his own villa, it is considered a formal meal. After several large tables are set, Zhou Buqi can show his style as the head of the family and have a formal meal with everyone.

Sun Wanran, Ning Lu, Ning Yameng, and Zhen Yu were not familiar with Grandpa, and Guan Nanqing, Dili Reya, Jiang Bingjie, and Yan Qiqi had never even met.

It's uncomfortable to eat together.

Simply separated.

Although Zhou Buqi is now of a lower generation, his career achievements have risen step by step, allowing him to gain more and more respect from his elders.

This feeling is the same for families under any circumstances. If children want their parents and elders to nag them less, the best way is to keep them within reach and truly acknowledge the gap.

That night, Zhou Buqi was accompanied by Wen Zhixia and his two daughters, Xinxin and Niannian, who had dinner with the elders.

During the meal, my father suddenly talked about the affairs of Uncle Bai's family, and then he felt very sad and said that he should give them all the remaining mountain goods business at home.

Uncle Bai is just gone, and the dozens of people in his family will be in trouble in the future.

Zhou Buqi felt vaguely that something was not right.

When he went to the Bai family mourning hall today, he could see that there seemed to be an inexplicable relationship between Xiong Bao's father and the fifth aunt of Uncle Bai's family.

The most obvious point is that when the father showed up to comfort the six wives, the fifth aunt's state was completely different, and she actively moved closer to the father.

It's like having someone to rely on.

However, Zhou Buqi remained calm and pretended not to know anything.

Grandpa glanced at his father lightly. He didn't go to Bai's house, but he seemed to know everything, "Xiao Wu?"

Dad looked a little embarrassed, looked around carefully, and then nodded.

Grandpa said calmly: "Let's see what your son means."

Zhou Buqi quickly expressed his position and said with a smile: "It's all OK, it's all OK. I've said it a long time ago. We should transfer the mountain goods business out as soon as possible. We won't leave any of it behind, just transfer it all out. Our family is no longer in the Northeast. Looking for It’s troublesome for others to take care of it.”

Dad was very happy and said, "Okay, it's settled! The six of them are having a lot of trouble grabbing the little property of the Bai family. It's really ugly. Anyway, the family doesn't need the mountain goods business anymore. It's better to just paddle across, so you don't have to grab it."

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant.

Just to prevent the fifth aunt from competing for the Bai family's property, my father directly transferred the Zhou family's mountain goods business in the early years to them, which was enough for the three of them to live on for the rest of their lives.

As for the relationship between dad and the fifth aunt...

It's already obvious.

Maybe the fifth aunt's children are also father's children... Well, no, I heard my mother talk about it in private before, saying that father seemed to have an extramarital affair outside, and an illegitimate daughter.

Could it be that the fifth aunt's son was born to Uncle Bai, and the fifth aunt's daughter was born to her father?

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi was stunned.

Now I can truly feel the sincere and strong brotherhood between Uncle Bai and Dad.

However, it’s really hard to get involved in this kind of thing.

Even grandpa and mother didn't care. Zhou Buqi, the son, pretended not to know anything and kept everything as usual. Even if the Zhou family's Shanhuo business was not as popular as it was a few years ago, and even if part of it has been transferred out in recent years, the remaining core assets will still have an output value of tens of millions a year.

This is much more valuable than the Bai family's property.

After taking over this business, the fifth aunt and her children will be able to live a wealthy life with fine clothes and fine food for the rest of their lives.

After a brief dinner, Zhou Buqi held Xinxin in his arms, and Wen Zhixia held Niannian, and together they returned from the villa on the left to the villa in the middle.

Go home!

Then, I saw that two large round tables had been set up in the large living room, each with 10 seats. Aunt Xue and Ning Yaxian were arranging for everyone to decorate them together.

It’s fun!


Zhou Buqi's mood immediately felt better. Thinking about the chaos he saw at Bai's house during the day, and then looking at the happy and strong family atmosphere in his own home, he would feel an indescribable sense of pride.

This is not just the work of the head of the family.

Zhou Buqi has gained experience now. If he is asked to manage such a large family, he will not be able to manage it well. Work and life are intertwined, and it is easy to get overwhelmed.

It should still be like what Aunt Xue said, the male should be the main one outside and the female should be the internal one.

Let women manage women.

With the family committee as the center and the community of interests as the link, a compact and cohesive family organization is formed.

However, there are always shadows under the sun.

After finishing all the busy work and coaxing the children to go to bed, Zhou Buqi finally left and went to the study room. He could calm down and deal with some work matters. He felt that his lips were swollen.

Being kissed.

Especially Yang Mi and Gu Zanli were the most irritating. They were not kissing at all. They looked like they were eating sausages before they had a full supper, as if they had not kissed each other in several lifetimes.

Fortunately, it's finally done.

The rooms in the two villas were also arranged, and they all went back to their houses to rest.

Fortunately, Aunt Xue was considerate and didn't ask for a kiss. She even brought a big fruit plate over, which was a little funny, "What's wrong with your lips? They look like sausages."

Zhou Buqi pretended to be strong, "It's okay, I'll be fine tomorrow."

Aunt Xue said jokingly: "How about I bring some ice and apply it on you?"

"How to apply this?"

"That's right. If you really can't, just wear a mask when you go out tomorrow. Just say you have a cold to avoid infecting others."

"I'm not going out. It's New Year's Eve tomorrow, so I'm not going anywhere!"

Zhou Buqi gave himself a holiday for six days in a row.

From the 30th to the 5th day of the Lunar New Year.

Aunt Xue placed the fruit plate on the table, and then took out a folded A4 paper from her chest.

Zhou Buqi said jokingly: "What, hiding it so secretly?"

If it had been in the past, Aunt Xue would have turned her back to take out the things. Now she is used to it, and she did not avoid his slightly aggressive look. She was very calm and calm, "These days. Take a look at the dormitory list and see if it needs to be changed."

Zhou Buqi took it and took a look.


Sure enough, it was Aunt Xue.

The work is really meticulous.

On New Year's Eve, tonight, two names were listed: Wen Zhixia and Wu Yu.

On New Year's Eve, there are three names, namely Sun Wanran, Guan Nanqing and Zhao Li Muge. In particular, there is a bracket after Zhao Li Muge's name, with the word "Chu" in it.

On the first day of the new year, there are still three names, namely Ning Lu, Gu Zanli and Yan Qiqi. Yan Qiqi's name is also marked with the word "Chu".

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, there are two names, Ning Yaxian and Ning Yameng.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, there are four names, Yang Mi, Jiang Bingjie, Li Xinwan and Dili Reya.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Wen Zhixia and Wu Yu returned.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, a row of names was listed, Ning Yaxian, Sun Wanran, Ning Lu, Guan Nanqing, Gu Zanli, Zhao Li Muge and Yan Qiqi...

"This is..." Zhou Buqi counted, "Seven? So many?"

Aunt Xue explained this: "They are all secretaries, so they have to make arrangements, right? This is not what I said, it was Yaxian who asked me to arrange it."

"Where's Baoshan?"

"She's pregnant. Shi Jinglin and Zhen Yu don't have any arrangements."

"And you?"

"Me?" Aunt Xue rolled her eyes, half-smiling: "What are you doing? I feel something is not right with you during this period. You have come to test me again and again. Do you want to violate a red line?"

Zhou Buqi winked, "You don't want to?"

Aunt Xue snorted, "Don't think about it before it's too late!"

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "Aunt Xue, I'm going to criticize you. Human progress actually comes from restraint. Furthermore, the glory of human nature actually comes from the restraint of animal nature."

"What?" Aunt Xue was confused.

"Don't you understand?" Zhou Buqi laughed and patted his thigh, "Come here and I'll teach you."

Aunt Xue refused to listen to her and half leaned against the desk. "The door is not closed. Just calm down. Your mouth is like ham, so you are not tired."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's actually a common phenomenon in society. Just like watching movies, some people always like to watch anti-heroism and hope that the bad guys will win the final victory. This is actually a kind of human gene. Animalistic effects.”

Aunt Xue frowned slightly, "Isn't this bad?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Let's look at it dialectically. If you want the villain in the movie to win, and he does the same in real life, then this person is very bad, because animal nature has defeated human nature."


"If you always maintain a sunny attitude when watching movies, always stand on the side of justice and hope that the good guys win... This is of course better than animality, but it is not much better. To a large extent, it is a kind of Social and cultural ideological castration. Humans are animals, and it is normal to have animality. If a person has to restrain himself from even watching a movie and develops animality, then what kind of self does he have? Isn’t he just brainwashed by society? Pity Leek?"


Aunt Xue was surprised and thought he was a bit serious.

Zhou Buqi said: "It's true. There are many bad people in society who are very animalistic. They can't disappear. These people will create a lot of dark sides of society. Only when you pay attention to the dark sides, analyze and think, will you have Only with a sense of prevention will you not be easily hurt by the dark side. On the contrary, if you always stand on the sunny side and don't even dare to jump to the dark side to find a new perspective when watching a movie or reading a novel, then you will definitely be hurt by the dark side. Hurt. Those lofty social values ​​and moral standards are actually a set of constraints that allow everyone to be a good person. This just emasculates and condones bad people, and then good people become bad people."

Aunt Xue was startled, "Isn't this wrong?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Everyone should be a good person, but everyone should understand animal nature and learn to be cruel. Only by deeply understanding one's own dark side is the greatest guarantee for one's own safety. The simplest truth, you know it You will not be harvested by the bad guys because of their tricks. One of the things bad guys like to do most is to teach you to be a good person."

Aunt Xue had a strange expression, "You are also educating people, and Ziweixing's corporate culture is quite good."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The results seem to be the same, but the logic behind them is different. They both teach people to be good people. One way is to make people see all the bad things and dark sides, and then encourage people to restrain their inner animals. Sex, try to be a good person in the direction of human nature. This is actually a choice. Between bad people and good people, it encourages you to be a good person; one is to completely block the dark side and not touch the animal nature in people's bones. Things, then you lose the right to choose, and you can only become a good person. It seems that the result is the same, everyone is called on to be a good person, but the final presentation is different. One is a complete person, and the other is a castrated person ."

"Seems to be……"

Aunt Xue was a little dizzy. She felt that this topic was a bit complicated and she didn't want to think about it.

But Zhou Buqi said it with gusto: "The former encourages people to proactively face their own dark side, but they must restrain their animal nature and be a good person. This is a more complicated process. Because of understanding, the heart is strong, and because of restraint, the character is good. Tenacity. People who have passed this level will be better and less likely to be bullied by bad people. The latter is different. He is a complete cognitive novice, a righteous idiot who is constantly harvested."

Aunt Xue said angrily: "Okay, I understand. After saying so much, don't you just want to say that it is a good thing for us to hook up. The hooking up makes the heart strong, and the restraint makes the character tough. You are really The angle is so strange that even this kind of unethical love can give you a high-sounding reason."

Zhou Buqi suppressed his laughter and said seriously: "What a high-sounding thing. This is actually true. It is the most mainstream psychology of strong people at present. Once you understand it, you will become stronger. Before a person grows teeth, , it is impossible for him to respect himself. When he grows teeth, he will find that he is dangerous and will hurt himself. If he hurts himself, he will of course hurt others. This will give rise to the idea of ​​respecting others with the attitude of respecting himself. , that is, the transformation from animal nature to human nature. All of this is the result of restraining animal nature, rather than castrating animal nature and preventing children from growing teeth. To sum up, a person who can do bad things but does not do them is better than a person who can do bad things but does not do them. You don’t have the ability to do bad things at all and you have to be strong.”

Aunt Xue didn't accept his trick, "After all, she just cares about my body."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said: "What I mean is that animal nature should not be castrated, but animal nature should be restrained. Just like us, many ethical and moral requirements are to castrate this relationship simply and directly. Even for A good result, but it lacks respect for everyone. Look at the domestic high-tech field, there is a lack of core and soul, and the top talents are all abroad. Why? The root cause is to animalistically castrate everyone, continuous shooting No movie allows the villain to win..."

Aunt Xue was going crazy, her face was red with embarrassment, and she said angrily: "You just like me, what else? If I don't give you an advantage, the country can't develop high technology? I want to do it for the country Are you going to dedicate yourself to a great cause? You are so beautiful! Just set a trap for me every day!"

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