Top of the big era

Chapter 2171 Help Ballmer dream

This series of routines is actually very bad.

Zhou Buqi didn't like it very much.

However, if the water is clear, there will be no fish, and this is often the case in the market.

In the technology industry, the business of making money by exploiting system vulnerabilities has been around since the Windows system era more than ten years ago. Many security products have such activities behind them.

When anti-virus software is free, viruses will disappear. This is basically the logic.

There are many people doing this kind of business.

Fu Sheng just took the lead and applied some common routines in the PC Internet era to the field of mobile Internet.

There are even great business innovations.

Security products in the PC era generally make money by selling genuine software; Fu Sheng combines the business innovation of domestic micro-point antivirus, uses free security products to promote marketing in the mobile industry, and makes money through marketing.

This thing must be strongly condemned on a moral level, but it is difficult to define on a legal level.

Not to mention that it is only 2012, and all policies and regulations regarding mobile Internet are completely blank. Even more than ten years later, there are still many similar things.

So much so that Apple often uses this to criticize the Android system for being unsafe, and it has become the biggest selling point of the iPhone.

Zhou Buqi said: "So, the success of UC Browser in the US market is due to the operation of Panda Mobile?"

Zhang Yiming said: "Yes, in the past six months, UC has paid US$50 million in promotional service fees to Panda Mobile. On the one hand, it helps UC Browser market promotion, and on the other hand, it can also help Panda Mobile alleviate its financial crisis. "

"What about this year? What are your plans?"

"UC Browser needs to reach 25 million users in the U.S. market and 80 million users in overseas markets. Analysts from all parties say that smartphone sales will explode this year. Such a goal is not It’s too high.”

"That's it..."

Zhou Buqi really didn't expect that UC Group, which he had never paid much attention to, could achieve such great achievements!

It's a pity that the strategic direction is wrong.

Even if UC becomes the world's number one in the field of browsers, so what?

In later generations, Google Chrome dominated the world and swept almost all platforms. This business has never created profits for Google. It exists more as a promotional tool for the "Google" brand.

Times have changed.

Browsers are no longer the distribution channel for traffic, vertical apps are the way to go.

Zhang Yiming actually doesn't have such a clear perspective, but he can be lazy. This is the benefit of being second in command. He doesn't need to make this kind of fundamental judgment, he just needs to follow Big Boss Zhou's thinking and go with the flow.

Zhang Yiming said: "It's not just that. What I just talked about is only UC browser users on smartphones. But now the stock of smartphones only accounts for 20% of the stock of mobile phones, and most of them are feature phones. In the feature phone market, UC Browser has nearly 400 million users, including 140 million overseas users."

Zhou Buqi said excitedly: "This is indeed a key data! Smartphones are the general trend. As long as these 400 million feature phone users buy smart phones in the future, there is a high probability that they will also become UC Browser users."

Zhang Yiming smiled and said: "Yes, especially the 140 million overseas users, which will attract Microsoft's great attention. If these 140 million feature phone users can be converted into Microsoft's mobile users in the future, it will be a huge user asset."

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes and said thoughtfully: "Last year, Microsoft acquired the social product Skype for a sky-high price of US$8.5 billion..."

Zhang Yiming immediately said: "Yes, from the overall user scale, UC Browser is not much smaller than Skype, and the daily active users and monthly active users are even higher. The only disadvantage is that the overseas user scale of UC Browser is larger than that of Skype a lot less."

As far as the global science and technology environment is concerned, the domestic market is a relatively special existence.

So much so that the importance of domestic users will be downgraded.

It can be seen from the segmented financial reports of many large multinational companies that the revenue column is often divided into two parts: one is the revenue from the mainland region, and the other is the global revenue except the mainland region.

Domestic and overseas are two completely different ways of playing, and there will be certain differences in strategy, planning, business, processes, etc.

The same goes for the film and television industry. When calculating the box office of Hollywood movies in overseas markets, the mainland market is not included.

The mainland box office should be listed in a separate table and counted separately.

For example, a certain Hollywood blockbuster has a box office of US$50 million in the UK and US$100 million in Japan. It's simple, and it's immediately obvious that this movie would have made more money in Japan than in the UK.

However, if the mainland box office is US$200 million and the Japanese box office is US$100 million, which market is more profitable?

This cannot be judged simply.

In terms of box office split, mainland China’s box office split of US$200 million is about the same as Japan’s US$100 million box office split. The subsequent peripheral copyright and derivative copyright income are completely different.

The higher the box office of a movie, the higher the price of related peripheral copyrights, which often shows a certain proportion of positive correlation. For example, the box office revenue of a movie in a certain country should be equal to the country's TV broadcast copyright revenue.

This is normal logic.

However, this is not the case in mainland China, where this set of standards does not apply. CCTV will give you 50,000 yuan for 6 sets. If you want to buy the TV rights, the deal will be done if you sell it; if you don't sell it... humph, don't even think about cooperating with any domestic TV station!

Because of this type of particularity, in order to avoid misunderstandings caused by mixed data to decision makers, major companies will list the mainland region separately when calculating financial reports.

As far as UC Browser is concerned, the capital value of domestic users will be lower than that of overseas users.

Skype can sell for a sky-high price of US$8.5 billion because Skype is restricted in China and most of its users are overseas.

At this point, even if Microsoft wanted to acquire the UC Group as a whole, its price would be far lower than that of Skype.

What Zhou Buqi was thinking about was not actually his own UC browser, but looking at the current business structure from Microsoft's perspective. He slowly said: "Microsoft's MSN is not working well, so it must acquire Skype at any cost. On the one hand, it is to fill the business gap left by MSN, and on the other hand, it is to actively deploy the mobile terminal. In the same way, Microsoft's IE browser is not very good, and they will definitely not be willing to give up this market."

Empathy is the basic quality of business cooperation. Zhang Yiming followed suit and said: "Yes, if we can combine the users of UC Browser and Skype, relying on these two core products, maybe we can build Microsoft's mobile products It’s the matrix.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Well, Microsoft should be given the right to dream."

Zhang Yiming said: "It's not necessarily a dream...Microsoft has been promoting Bing search in recent years, investing a lot of money, and almost bought Yahoo. It acquired UC Browser, and then launched other search engines like Google Search and The bundling relationship of Google Chrome is the same. If UC Browser and Bing Search are bundled, Bing Search can occupy a large market share on the mobile terminal."

Zhou Buqi agreed, "Well, that's indeed the idea! This dream is quite good, I should help Ballmer to dream!"

Zhang Yiming smiled and said: "Microsoft has asked several times. It is said that Ballmer may come to China in March. I guess it is similar to what you said. They are eyeing UC Browser, mainly in three aspects. First, development Mobile business; second, develop search business; third, integrate with Skype. Last year, after Microsoft spent $8.5 billion to acquire Skype, the market did not buy it, which put Ballmer under a lot of pressure. With UC Browser, maybe Complete redemption of Skype."

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied, "Then it's gone! It must be like this! Just wait to talk to Microsoft, the price can't be too low! Skype sold 8.5 billion US dollars last year, and it is divided into feature phone users and smart phone users. UC The browser can’t get much smaller, maybe it can sell for $5 billion!”

"I also prepared this way, but..."

Zhang Yiming followed Boss Zhou's thinking and felt that UC Group lacked imagination in the future. It was indeed very lively and popular at the moment.

The future will be difficult.

Anyone who spends huge sums of money to buy UC Group will definitely suffer big losses in the future.

Based on this judgment, Zhang Yiming does not want to sell UC to Baidu and Alibaba. They are all domestic companies, so it is a bit heavy to deceive them.

Microsoft is different.

An American company!

I feel so proud to have the opportunity to trick the old beauty!

Unexpectedly, Baidu suddenly rushed forward recently.

Zhang Yiming said: "Recently, CNNIC, the Network Information Center, released a set of domestic mobile Internet development data, including the rankings of many popular apps. This made Baidu anxious. Baidu's flagship app is Baidu Mobile. The current number of users is only 21 million, ranking 52nd in the country. You know, among the top 50, Ziweixing has 28 products, Penguin has 6 products, Alibaba has 3 products, and Baidu has none. They have I couldn’t sit still for a while.”

Zhou Buqi remembered this data, and Sun Wanran had handed him such a material.

However, at that time, he was sitting in his arms with Mai Feixue, whose clothes were open and her skin was milky white. He was buried in the warm fragrant jade and just took a quick look at her, not paying much attention to her.

Now that I heard Zhang Yiming talk about this set of data, the comparison becomes more intense.


Really far ahead!

Zhou Buqi sighed, "I told Boss Li a long time ago, don't always think about competing with Ziweixing, but he refused to listen. He insisted on building Baidu Browser, Baidu Security Guard, and Baidu Antivirus to compete with ours." Micro-point products compete. This is great. Not only did the competition fail, the development of the mobile terminal also fell behind."

Zhang Yiming smiled and said: "The biggest headache for Mr. Li is probably the share of the search market, right? On the PC side, Baidu's share is still the first, more than 55%, and the micro-point is still about 40%. The mobile side is different, the mobile Baidu App It has barely developed. Driven by several apps such as 'Weidian', 'Today's Toutiao', 'UC Browser', and 'Weidian Browser', Weidian Search has already captured more than 70% of the mobile search business. market share."

"So they focused on UC..."


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