Top of the big era

Chapter 217 Anti-QQ Alliance

Zhou Buqi's strengths are the grasp of the strategic direction and the construction of the ecosystem.

How to implement it, he was a little uncertain.

Especially to launch a package of cooperation with a big company like Microsoft requires in-depth deliberation on the details and methods of cooperation. Especially the so-called "anti-QQ alliance", once launched, it will be a major event in the domestic Internet circle.

Zhou Buqi went to discuss with Zhang Yiming. has been launched for trial operation, and has more than 170 registered users. Of course, most of them are internal employees of, and those who recommend relatives and friends to register and use, and participate in internal testing.

So far, the effect is OK.

As far as the page structure is concerned, imitates the model of Facebook. However, with the foundation of Xiaonei, has a fresher interface, more functions, and a better user experience.

Prior to this, Zhou Buqi had already spoken, within one year, was prohibited from accepting any commercial advertisements. Even after a year, we must be cautious and prudent in the promotion of advertisements.

This is different from the school intranet.

Xiaonei has already succeeded. Despite the fact that there are many campus SNS sites popping up like mushrooms after a spring rain, there is actually no rival to Xiaonei at all.

After the great success of group buying activities, it is no longer possible for those websites to surpass simply by relying on social interaction.

The model of Internet companies can be roughly divided into four dimensions.

The bottom layer is the business dimension. Going up, there are technical dimensions, scientific dimensions and humanistic dimensions in turn.

High-dimensional fights low-dimensional, one kills one.

Most websites are at the level of the commercial dimension. has made some breakthroughs. The main promotion of B (harmonious) T download has solved certain technical problems, and it can be regarded as standing on the technical dimension, so it can stand out among all the websites.

But what about the school intranet?

Xiaonei has already surpassed all of these, and has risen to the humanistic dimension.

Is to serve the national college students for the purpose!

This is not only a slogan, but also real high-quality and low-cost product sales, as well as a series of supporting ecosystems, such as milk tea shops, canteens, Shengshi bicycles, takeaway ordering, etc. Who can compare with this?

As far as this level is concerned, there is still a lot of room for market development on Xiaonei, but a monopoly pattern has already been formed. With the prospect of monopoly, there is enough confidence to add some advertisements.

In the short term, still needs to create the best user experience and attract the most users.

"Anti-QQ Alliance?"

Hearing this statement, Zhang Yiming couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhou Buqi sat down, took a quick sip of iced Coke, and said angrily, "It's only May so hot, it can suffocate a person to death." Then he said: "Don't underestimate, this time, Microsoft is ruthless. It’s going to be a battle with QQ.”

Zhang Yiming pondered for a while, and looked at him hesitantly, "You want to participate?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not that we want to get involved, it's that you need to know the positioning of In the short term, it will be dominated by college students, white-collar workers, and civil servants. This coincides with MSN's user base."

"You mean, we're going to use Microsoft to form an 'Anti-QQ Alliance' to attract a large number of allies to fight against QQ in the front... Let's save our strength and use their traffic and promotion to attract more User?"

"It's about the same. Ming repairs the plank road, and hides Chen Cang."

"Who is in that alliance?"

"Some second- and third-tier portals, plus Taobao." Zhou Buqi shrugged, and couldn't help sneering, "Now, Penguin is full of ambitions, announcing its entry into the e-commerce field in a high-profile way, and launching its own Paipai Net. Do you think Taobao can be in a hurry?"

Zhang Yiming pondered for a moment, and said with a strange expression: "Why do I feel a little... the feeling of six countries fighting against Daqin? It's a group of mobs. Taobao is quite famous, but Taobao Wangwang is bound to Taobao after all, it's impossible It is interconnected with MSN. It is not realistic to rely solely on the platform to attract traffic to compete with QQ.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "You think too much!"


"How this 'Anti-QQ Alliance' is formed and how it works is a matter for Microsoft. President Chen is very angry, and it seems that he has prepared a series of methods. This has nothing to do with us! The task of, It is how to borrow the collective traffic resources of the 'Anti-QQ Alliance' to attract more users for"

Zhang Yiming looked at him in surprise, "Will you resist?"

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "Guerrilla warfare, do you understand? Let Microsoft play in the frontal battlefield, and let us strengthen our own strength in the rear. Occasionally cooperate with Microsoft to take a few actions, and that's enough."

Zhang Yiming sighed and said, "If everyone in this alliance thinks this way, it will be impossible to succeed."

"Of course not."


"This 'anti-QQ alliance', no matter how vigorously Microsoft does it, is doomed to fail. Not only is MSN and QQ competing in the field of competition, Live Search is also doomed to fail in the field of Google Search competition."

Zhou Buqi directly announced the answer.

MSN, which leads the "Anti-QQ Alliance", is probably at the peak of this software, and it will soon be over. As for Microsoft's Live search, its momentum is only a flashback. In 2009, it was banned by Microsoft and Bing search was launched instead.

Zhang Yiming was puzzled and said: "Since it is doomed to fail, why did we choose Microsoft? In fact, I also had my own thoughts on search. I wanted to cooperate with Google. More importantly, we can cooperate with QQ." ah."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "For a start-up company, positioning is more important than traffic.'s early development targets are all MSN users. QQ users are all playing QQ Tang. Will you be interested in Also, some time ago, Fang Xingdong, the founder of Blog China, publicly criticized President Ma of Penguin, saying that he lacked the broad mind of a big entrepreneur and repeatedly rejected the cooperation of other domestic companies, but wanted to copy their products. MSN will open the port for friends. Do you think QQ will?"

"Don't you have something to do with Penguin?"

"I have a fart relationship!"

Zhou Buqi cursed angrily, feeling that he had been bragging too much in the past, and his subordinates were confused, and then his face turned serious, and he said seriously: "Yiming, who do you think is the biggest competitor of Youyou?"


Zhang Yiming is a bit embarrassed, this question is not easy to answer, " is an SNS-type website, which is different from a blog. Other SNS websites are still doing campus promotion, but we have completed campus accumulation through the platform of Xiaonei. , can go to the society. From this perspective, we currently have no particularly obvious competitors.”

"Do not have!"


"You need to take a long-term view. is an SNS website, but in the final analysis, it is social networking. The foundation of Penguin is also social networking. Penguin has a characteristic, that is, it will rely on QQ when it sees other people's good ideas. Strong traffic promotes attributes and imitates."

Zhang Yiming exclaimed in shock: "You mean they will copy Moments?"

"This is for sure! As long as is completed and the market responds, they will definitely imitate it." Zhou Buqi said firmly.

Zhang Yiming understood now, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "So,'s biggest competitor... is actually not a social networking site of the same kind, but the monster called QQ lurking at the bottom of the lake."

Zhou Buqi sneered and looked at him intently, "So do you think we can still cooperate with QQ? Take a step back, even if they agree to cooperate, it will give them a chance to learn more and master our business model. , That’s breeding tigers. From the first day we positioned ourselves to engage in social networking, the enemy must be doomed, which is penguins! In contrast, although Xiaonei’s group buying is also an e-commerce company, the competition with Ali is still relatively weak , can coexist.”

Zhang Yiming said: "Since this is the case, we have to do our best to form the 'Anti-QQ Alliance' this time when Microsoft takes action. We have a Xiaonei network, and our appeal among college students is quite good."

Zhou Buqi refused: "No, the coach can't do it, we can't work harder. As I said, hiding behind the scenes and growing our strength is the main motivation for to join the 'Anti-QQ Alliance' this time."

"Can't the coach?" Zhang Yiming was very surprised, and felt that his words were a little too much. "MSN is currently the world's largest instant messaging software, with 150 million users worldwide."

Zhou Buqi said loudly: "If you can't do it, you can't! The so-called 'Anti-QQ Alliance' will definitely collapse within a year or two. At that time, Microsoft's entire fundamentals in the domestic market will be shaken."

Within two years, Microsoft China lost its momentum.

The search field was left far behind by Baidu and Google, and the thunderous "anti-QQ alliance" also ended dismal. MSN has stopped the growth of new users, and can only rely on some old users to maintain it.

Chen Yongzheng, president of Microsoft China, also stepped down sadly.

"Microsoft can't do it, who can do it?" Zhang Yiming sighed, a little disappointed, "If Microsoft can't control QQ, then in the social field...won't QQ have no rivals?"

Zhou Buqi pointed to his chest, "Microsoft can't do it, and I'm still here! Zhang Yiming, I'll give you two years to use the 'Anti-QQ Alliance' campaign organized by Microsoft to maximize the strength of Two years later, Microsoft will surely fail. At that time, can come out from behind and stand on the big stage of the times.”

Zhang Yiming was stunned and speechless.

He understood.

Boss Zhou is asking to work silently through the two years of cooperation with Microsoft. When Microsoft was defeated like a mountain, and QQ came back with a big victory, took advantage of the opportunity of the arrogant soldiers to go to the front, gathered the remaining soldiers, and sounded the clarion call for counterattack.

This is the rhythm to replace Microsoft and become the protagonist of the times.

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