Top of the big era

Chapter 2162 Manager Wang takes the blame

Pei Yao said: "Wei Zhe has worked for Alibaba for five years and has achieved outstanding results. He has been promoted to the president of the group. However, in my opinion, his resignation is more of an assumption of responsibility."

Zhou Buqi didn't pay much attention to this. Ziweixing and Alibaba are not competitors, and his eyes have always been on overseas markets, so he really doesn't know much about Wei Zhe's situation.

I just heard that Ali was fired because of the credit crisis that led to business difficulties.

From what Pei Yao said, it seemed like there was something inside.

"Have you taken responsibility?" Zhou Buqi didn't find it too strange. "He is the president, so he should bear the responsibility."

Pei Yao said: "The president should bear the responsibility, which is what he should do, but he only joined Alibaba in 2006. He can't bear all the responsibilities of Ali for more than ten years since its birth, right? He should not bear it. Responsibility.”

Zhou Buqi understood what she meant immediately, "Take the blame?"

"Absolutely. Boss Ma's skills..." Pei Yao shook her head, "Anyway, it's quite powerful."

Zhou Buqi became very interested now and said, "Tell me specifically what the situation is."

Pei Yao said: "I don't know much about Ali's situation, I just know a rough idea. This matter has caused a lot of controversy in the industry before, and there are also different opinions within our company. People are a little unstable. I feel that a meritorious backbone like Wei Zhe If you are fired, you will be fired. This method is similar to yours. Later, Professor Han Lexui organized an internal lecture to explain the matter clearly, and everyone understood it."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Professor Han is still capable."

"Professor Han uses your business theory, and everyone admires it." Pei Yao sat opposite the sofa, with her legs crossed, and she had the temperament of a strong woman.

"My theory?"

"Well, your platform economic theory revolves around the advantages and disadvantages of self-operated and third-party businesses."

"Third party..."

Zhou Buqi vaguely guessed something.

"In the past, Alibaba's platforms, whether it was B2B business or C2C Taobao, were actually built on the basis of third-party small and medium-sized merchants." Pei Yao said eloquently.

Zhou Buqi said "hmm".

It is obvious to Pei Yao that this theoretical idea has formed a consensus within Ziweixing, "The disadvantages of being self-operated are that the assets are too heavy, the investment is too much, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the operation is difficult; the advantages are good service, good reputation, and business process Be more standardized and orderly.”

"That's right."

Zhou Buqi was quite satisfied.

He is the big boss of Ziweixing.

It doesn't really matter whether you take care of your business or not.

The most important thing is that Ziweixing must be consistent with his ideas and thoughts. The spirit of the enterprise must be the spirit of the entrepreneur, and the thinking of the enterprise must be the idea of ​​the entrepreneur.

Concepts and thoughts determine the company's strategy, and the company's strategy determines the development of the business.

Pei Yao continued: "If it is a platform supported by third-party merchants, the advantages are light assets, low investment, large scale, and rapid growth. The disadvantage is the lack of standardized processes, and platform services will encounter a lot of troubles. Third-party Many of those small shops lack a long-term perspective and only think about making a profit, so frauds frequently occur. If they are self-operated, such things are almost impossible to happen. "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "There are even legal issues. If it is a self-operated store, it has a large scale, a mature team, clear books, and pays taxes legally. Those small shops on Taobao may not even have a financial account. They have never If you don’t pay taxes, this will become a hidden danger in the future.”

Pei Yao smiled and said: "Yes, in short, there are many problems. However, these problems have already appeared under the overall strategic plan of using third parties to promote the development of the platform at the beginning of Ali's birth, and they will definitely appear in the future. There is an inevitable credit crisis."

"That's right!" Zhou Buqi smiled, "Did Professor Han say that?"

Pei Yao pursed her lips and said: "Yes, he held a meeting for executives above M5 of the group, and he spoke for more than 2 hours that day. I was also surprised at the beginning, why did he talk about other companies for so long? It made everyone work. Only later did I realize that what Professor Han was talking about was not actually Alibaba, but the business theory surrounding the platform economy. It felt like a political class."

Zhou Buqi said: "This theory will be published soon. With the wave of mobile Internet coming, there will definitely be a big explosion of the Internet industry in China. Ali's great success has actually set a very bad demonstration effect. , many entrepreneurs think that the platform model relying on third-party support has great potential. In fact, it is completely wrong. Alibaba’s success is just an example, and the platform model with self-operation as the core should be the mainstream. Once it is reversed, it may event."

Pei Yao asked: "Is it mainly because of credibility?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "No, it's supervision. Alibaba is an Internet giant, and Boss Ma is a world-class entrepreneur. He can't afford to lose that person. Of course, he must protect Alibaba's credibility and values ​​at all costs. But Big Most Internet companies don’t care about company credibility at all.”

Pei Yao said with emotion: "It's not just Internet companies."

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course, no matter how poorly a private enterprise does, there are legal requirements above its head. If it goes too far, entrepreneurs may be caught. Some companies will be fine. Banks, insurance, securities, telecommunications, energy …My driver told me that day that the car’s fuel tank capacity was 50 liters. But when he went to refuel that day, he filled up 55 liters and still hadn’t filled it up. Where could he go to explain this kind of thing? There was no way to complain. Complaining is useless. He took the invoice to the finance department for reimbursement, and the finance department mistakenly thought that he had deducted money from it."

This small amount of profit is nothing to an executive of Pei Yao's level.

Firstly, there is no time to argue with them, and secondly, there is no time to get angry.

The status quo cannot be changed at all.

Pei Yao is thinking about the theoretical framework of Boss Zhou’s platform economy around “self-operated” and “third-party”. “So, the credit crisis is the general environment. Looking at it, everything is like this. This makes many third-party companies Platforms that focus on social media have greater living space, and are actually a social system that works both up and down."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, Boss Ma has a big structure and high requirements. He wants to maintain Ali's brand reputation and will stop losses in time and make strategic adjustments. But other companies must survive in the big dye vat. If state-owned enterprises appear like this No one can control their problems. The same cannot be said for Internet companies, which are all private enterprises. Once companies in this kind of platform economy are mainly third parties, there will be a serious credit crisis, which will harm the interests of users. , they will definitely be severely punished by relevant departments.”

"So that's it!"

Pei Yao suddenly understood, as if she understood everything at once.

Zhou Buqi said: "The reason why I want to write a book on the platform economy and call on Internet entrepreneurs to use the self-operated model as the entry point to build platforms is that I don't want them to be too seriously impacted from a longer-term perspective. Once it really happens If it appears, it will harm the entire Internet industry. Some people can set fires, but some people cannot light lamps. The ancients have long summarized the crystallization of wisdom. If Internet companies see others setting fires, they will want to set fires themselves. That’s looking for death. Many private enterprises are struggling because they fall into the misunderstanding of thinking that what goes up will work but what will go down will not work.”

Pei Yao took a deep breath, "So Boss Ma is still awesome!"

Zhou Buqi looked at her in surprise, "What do you mean? Do you have any misunderstanding? He is a world-class entrepreneur, how can he not be great?"

Pei Yao was a little embarrassed and quickly explained, "I mean to compare with you. Boss Ma's vision seems to match yours. His perspective is no worse than yours."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said helplessly: "Why did you change the topic here? Let's talk about Wei Zhe."

Pei Yao said: "Based on your theory, Wei Zhe's matter is very simple. Alibaba will definitely have a credibility crisis. This is determined by the genes of their platform economy, which is supported by third-party small and medium-sized enterprises. No matter who is the president, this kind of problem will definitely arise. By coincidence, when Wei Zhe was the president in 2010, this kind of thing broke out. About 5% of suppliers in the B2B business have contract fraud. On Taobao, There were also a large number of stores with problems. Wei Zhe wanted to deal with them, but encountered collective resistance from those third-party small and medium-sized shops. Ali was in great trouble at the time."

"So Wei Zhe stepped down?"

"Yes, the president stepped down and gave the public an explanation. It not only safeguarded Alibaba's values ​​of integrity, but also appeased those third-party small and medium-sized business owners who were causing trouble."

"That's it..."

Zhou Buqi was familiar with history and immediately thought of a very classic historical story.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Cao Cao went out to fight the Battle of Guandu, a steward Wang who was in charge of food came to report that there was not much food in the army.

Cao Cao asked him to find ways to save food and give less to the soldiers every time.

Wang, who was very capable in managing affairs, was very worried that once the food distribution was insufficient, the soldiers would be hungry, which might lead to mutiny over time.

Cao Cao told him, don't worry, the mountain man has a clever plan!

Then, Manager Wang did what Cao Cao wanted and reduced the supply of food to the soldiers. Later, the morale of the soldiers really dropped, and all the soldiers were worried. If this continues, the Battle of Guandu will definitely be defeated!

Cao Cao, as a tycoon of his generation, took action as expected.

He put the blame for the food shortage on Steward Wang, saying that he had enriched his own pockets by stealing everyone's food, and then executed Steward Wang on the spot and beheaded him.

The soldiers' "big revenge" was avenged and their morale was boosted.

In this process, Guanshi Wang was sacrificed, allowing Cao Cao to maintain his image and the loyalty of the soldiers. In the subsequent Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao and became the largest local force in China.

In a daze, Zhou Buqi felt that Wei Zhe was Manager Wang.

Boss Ma is indeed Boss Ma!

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