Top of the big era

Chapter 215 Internet Conference

In the past year, Microsoft China has seen great success, with business growth of nearly 38%.

At the same time, led by the state, PC companies such as Lenovo, Founder, TCL, and Tsinghua Tongfang were assembled, and signed a huge purchase contract of US$1.75 billion with Microsoft.

Leaders said that my country is honoring its WTO commitments, and has strengthened the protection of intellectual property rights in legislation and law enforcement, and genuine purchases have been extended to the county and township level...

It can be said that with the rise of the Chinese market, Microsoft has firmly established itself as the world's IT hegemon.

However, being the overlord doesn't mean doing everything.

Microsoft is the world's number one in the software field, but in terms of Internet business, many of Microsoft's businesses are not satisfactory.

Zhou Buqi originally thought that Chen Yongzheng asked him to meet because he wanted to talk about cooperation with MSN or MSN_Space. As time goes by, the gap between MSN and QQ has widened.

QQ has close to 500 million registered users, MSN doesn't even have 50 million...

As the chat and communication software MSN, which is popular all over the world, it is about to fail in China. As the president of the Greater China region, can you not worry?

Unexpectedly, after the meeting, President Chen was talking about search.

Only then did Zhou Buqi suddenly wake up.

Yes, at this stage, Microsoft is fighting Google!

The first move was Microsoft, and there was news from Silicon Valley that Microsoft planned to acquire Yahoo, and the total price might be more than 100 billion US dollars. Once Microsoft's Live Search merges with Yahoo, it will pose a great threat to Google.

Google acted immediately and poached away Microsoft's chief architect Mark Lukowski, and poached more than 100 elite talents in one fell swoop. Not to be outdone, Microsoft launched MSN_Ad as a competition...

The fiercest one is the Huaxia market.

Google directly poached Li Kaifu from Microsoft China Research Institute to form its own Google Research Institute, which is a complete merger.

The most direct firefight is the search marketplace.

China Telecom has 23 million broadband users. At present, China Telecom provides users with Google search service. However, the contract expires in less than a year.

Chen Yongzheng went in boldly and went to negotiate with Telecom, intending to snatch this market. He was previously Motorola's Asia-Pacific president and had a closer relationship with telecommunications. It is said that the negotiated price has exceeded 20 million US dollars.

In order to compete, Google sent an invitation to Zhou Shaoning, another well-known in the telecom circle and one of the founders of PHS, to be the president of Google China, and to compete with Chen Chenyongzheng for the market...

To be honest, Zhou Buqi deeply disapproved of this.

This strategic thinking is completely wrong.

After so many years of Internet development, there has been a clear watershed with traditional industries.

In traditional industries, channels are king and products are supplementary.

Just like the mobile phone market, it doesn't really matter how well the mobile phone is doing, what matters is whether the major shopping malls across the country will work hard to promote it...

In the Internet industry, service is king, and channels can even be ignored.

Xiaonei Group sells mobile phones through group purchases, without spending a penny on advertising, and using all the money on services. With excellent service experience and accurate market positioning, it is the future trend of the Internet.

With so many popular apps in the future, which one is developed by pre-installing mobile phones?

Microsoft and Google are robbing telecommunications user resources, thinking that if they are bound to the corresponding search service, users will use it? Should I use Baidu, or use Baidu.

In this era, Baidu has a better experience and higher accuracy than other search engines.

Still, competition is a good thing.

Only with competition can a third party like Xiaonei, which can provide search services, be cheaper.

"President Chen, in the next step, the social functions of will be listed separately, and a new friend network will be created. This website has actually been launched, but the functions have not yet been integrated."

"Well, good thing. It's okay, just like Xiaonei, Live Search can provide you with free search services."

Chen Yongzheng looks very stable, no matter what he says, he looks calm.

Zhou Buqi pondered: "I have an idea, I don't know if it will work."

"Tell me."

"Can MSN open an interface for friends. Users can directly import contacts from MSN. Not only that, users can also bind MSN accounts and log in quickly through MSN."

"This is interesting."

Chen Yongzheng thought about it, but did not rush to respond.

Zhou Buqi half-truthfully said: "The early users of were college students and white-collar workers, which coincided with MSN's user base. Of course, we also have some business cooperation with QQ. If MSN If it’s inconvenient, we can only choose QQ.”

Chen Yongzheng saw through his tricks at a glance, and said with a smile: "Will QQ open an interface for you? That is the foundation for Penguin to develop other businesses."

"Really?" Zhou Buqi didn't change his face, "I heard that Penguin will also focus on the search business after the game is settled."

Chen Yongzheng's face tightened, and he seemed to praise and criticize: "Young people today are amazing."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "It's still the same sentence. The user groups of Xiaonei and MSN are too similar. The cooperation between our two companies will definitely create an effect where 1 plus 1 is greater than 2."

Chen Yongzheng looked down at his watch and said with a smile, "Okay, let's talk later. It's almost time, let's go to the meeting."

"no problem!"

In front of the boss, Zhou Buqi behaved relatively strong.

The main reason is that the level of this boss is really not good.

Backed by a towering tree like Microsoft, as a result, after several years of operation, Microsoft's momentum in China has become worse and worse, but it has been overtaken by some grassroots teams in China.

However, short-sightedness is good, it is very beneficial to Xiaonei and Friends.

A few years ago, the general thinking was that if you want to attract traffic, you have to find a portal.

In the past two years, especially since this year, the thinking of the Internet market has changed, and search has become the biggest weapon for drainage.

Everyone is desperately playing search.

As for social networking... The general view is that social networking sites like blogs, or portals like self-media, charge advertising fees.

So much so that Chen Yongzheng didn't talk about cooperation in the week, and the most important thing was Live search, not MSN and MSN_Space.

Since search is a pain point, it is easy to handle.

Grasp the pain point and push forward with all your strength.

If can really import new users through MSN contacts and invite them to join... can pull the banner of a tiger.

Microsoft has cooperated, and next, 163, yahoo, sina, gmail, hotmail, gtalk and Yahoo Messenger... can all invite and import friends.

This will provide a sufficient and rich source for the next step of user growth for


Yanjing Internet Conference started.

The leader is speaking——

"At present, my country's Internet industry has undergone tremendous changes, and has achieved remarkable results in public opinion guidance, information disclosure, network influence and credibility, network media development, network revenue, Internet infrastructure construction, and growth in the number of Internet users... "

"The "Regulations on the Administration of Internet News Information Services" clearly stipulates the legal responsibilities and social obligations that Internet service providers and websites should bear. Provided legal basis and guarantees..."

"As of the end of April, my country's Internet users exceeded 100 million, of which the number of broadband Internet users increased rapidly, surpassing half of Internet users for the first time, reaching 53 million. This is the first time that broadband users have surpassed the number of dial-up Internet users. The number of people is second only to the United States, ranking second in the world..."

"With the rapid development of the Internet, online media has also developed vigorously and become an important force to guide public opinion. News websites such as People's Daily Online and Xinhuanet are dominant, and commercial portals such as Sina, Sohu, and NetEase play an active role. The pattern of Internet news reporting has really taken shape and is playing an increasingly important role in the reporting of major events..."

"Online news forms are constantly innovating, and new Internet technologies are emerging one after another. New technologies such as Blog, Web2.0, and IPV6 are being used or have already begun to be used. With the maturity of the online payment system, 63% of Internet users in my country have shopped online. In the future, more and more Chinese people will enjoy online services such as e-commerce and online games, and a new wave of online shopping is setting off in China..."

Zhou Buqi couldn't stand listening any longer, and was secretly in a daze.

real or fake?

63% of Internet users in my country have shopped online? Where did the data come from?

Is it also counted to recharge the card for online games?

At this time, someone from behind tapped him on the shoulder and handed over a business card and a small note.

On the business card, Tang Bing, the general manager of Yibao Payment, wrote on the note: "E-commerce cannot do without payment. Mr. Zhou, Yibao Payment can provide a more convenient, safer and more stable payment environment for group buying on Xiaonei."

Zhou Buqi put the note in his pocket and continued to listen to the lecture——

"The integration of mobile phones, TVs and the Internet may lead to a new pattern in the future. Although the growth rate of Internet users has begun to slow down, mobile phone users reached 340 million in 2004, and it should not be a big problem to break through 400 million this year. More The most huge TV user group will be included in the Internet user group in the application of IPTV technology in the future, and the Internet will also use IPTV to advance into the TV user group, which will also become a hot spot for Internet companies to compete for in the future..."

Listen carefully to the leader's speech. If you treat it as nonsense, it will treat you as waste.

Every point is a business opportunity.

More than 400 million mobile phone users this year...

According to the annual mobile phone iteration rate of 30%, the annual domestic mobile phone demand will be 100 million units.

Who says this market is sluggish?

Obviously there is a bright future.

It seems that the success rate of the next group buying mobile phone activity is still very high.

As for the latter paragraph, IPTV technology is advancing into the TV user base... this cannot be taken seriously.

The mobile phone is the morning sun, and the TV is the setting sun.

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