Top of the big era

Chapter 2123 Amoeba

Kazuo Inamori is currently the only person in the world who has founded two Fortune 500 companies, which is very amazing.

Just say that in 2012, in mainland China, excluding state-owned enterprises with industry monopolies and administrative monopolies, only Huawei and Shagang were on the list. Lenovo and Suning were not on the list because they were both in their own transformation stages.

Of the entire country, only two private companies, Huawei and Shagang, were on the list, and their rankings were far lower than those of Kazuo Inamori's companies. Therefore, it is not surprising that Kazuo Inamori became popular in China during this period.

They are really awesome.

Inamori Kazuo's business management model is the "Amoeba" business philosophy he created, and many companies will want to learn from it.

Because of the policy's admiration for Kazuo Inamori, three hot sectors have emerged in the Chengdu Academy industry.

One, Zen.

Because Inamori Kazuo has been a Buddhist believer since he was a child. After retirement, he converted to Zen Buddhism and left his family and career to go to a temple to practice Buddhism. Even Steve Jobs was a Zen believer. That would provide more theoretical basis, and many people began to use Zen teachings taken out of context to guide others to start companies.

Second, Yangming Studies.

Because Inamori Kazuo is a disciple of Wang Yangming, and "Yangming Studies" happens to be a traditional culture, many success study masters have begun to use this guise to guide others in starting businesses.

Three, amoeba.

Different from the metaphysics of Buddhism and Yangming studies, Amoeba's business philosophy has strong practicality. Kazuo Inamori has summarized it. He has published a book summarizing how to do each item and how to manage each department. .

So this one is also the most deceptive.

The first two are, at most, deceiving some half-hearted people who only have ambition but no intelligence. As soon as "Amoeba" came out, it became so powerful that many well-known entrepreneurs were fooled into being fascinated by it.

It’s not surprising that Boss Wang is interested in Amoeba’s business philosophy.

Zhou Buqi is very calm.

The first point is that he has been in contact with Inamori Kazuo before, and he has already judged that he can't learn his tricks at all, and whoever learns will die.

Another point is the experience of past lives.

Zhou Buqi also opened a small company in his previous life, and he was surrounded by a group of friends who ran small businesses. Many people were deceived by "Amoeba" and implemented the Amoeba model in the company.

The results are all miserable, and no matter what, they all end badly.

Seeing how confident he was, Boss Wang couldn't help but ask: "Not optimistic? Is this model bad?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Have you met Inamori Kazuo?"

Boss Wang shook his head.

Zhou Buqi said: "Everything in China is talking about the Amoeba business philosophy. In fact, in my opinion, it should be a philosophical thought. Except for Inamori Kazuo, I don't think there are many people in the world who can understand this concept." Let me figure it out. Anyway, I can’t do it, I’m not mature enough. I’m just a layman, and Inamori Kazuo is a saint.”

"Saint?" Boss Wang frowned slightly, very disapproving, and unwilling to lift a little devil to such a height, "No! No!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's not that kind of conceptual saint, it's... it should be a position in Zen Buddhism, layman, sage and saint."

"How to say?"

Boss Wang was very curious, because Inamori Kazuo did convert to Zen Buddhism.

Zhou Buqi said: "If the 'ego' is too strong, you are a common person... you care too much about 'me'. To put it bluntly, you are selfish. You only have eyes for yourself and no one else. For example, the money I earn is mine. Such conventional secular ideas.”

Boss Wang smiled and said, "Then we are all common people."

Zhou Buqi continued: "Since there is 'me' and others in the eyes, he is a sage. The money I earn belongs to both me and others, and everyone can spend it together. Most philanthropists can do this If you take one step, you will stop at this step. Anyway, for me, I think this is my ultimate goal."

Boss Wang laughed and thought this guy was very honest.

Zhou Buqi said: "If there is no 'I', and you have reached the state of 'no-self', and you only have other people in your eyes, then you are a saint in the Zen sense. Before Inamori became a monk, he spent all his family wealth and even failed to eat. He has to rely on alms. He has reached such a state that all my money belongs to others and is given to others. This time he went out to save JAL without asking for a penny in compensation."


Boss Wang nodded and fell silent.

It really is.

He asked himself that it was impossible to achieve such a state, and he still wanted to leave the company to his son. This is also the traditional thinking of Chinese people. The company that you have worked hard for must be left to your children to take over.

Anyone who can cross this step is at least a wise man.

If you cannot do this, even if you donate enough money, it will be difficult to overcome the "self-grasping" step and reach the standard of a wise man.

The best performer in China is of course Vanke’s Wang Shi. Not only did he give up his shares in the company, but the successor he selected had no personal relationship with him at all.

He has such a high status in the industry not because he is rich, but because he is truly capable of what others cannot.

Especially in the selection of successors.

Many private companies in the country are now facing the problem of succession. Many companies are going to have big troubles. There are many cases of father and son turning against each other, and some are even suspected of murder.

In some companies, because they cannot solve this problem, the big bosses dare not retire even in their 70s and 80s.

Only Vanke is the best in this regard and can be regarded as an example.

Zhou Buqi said: "The entire Amoeba business philosophy is based on such a spiritual concept of 'selflessness'. For example, if the engineering department wants to ask the design department for help, the design department will consider its own income and performance, so it will issue a The design fee is very high. This will lead to a significant increase in the project budget. In order to adjust the budget, the engineering department will have to cut corners. Or simply go outside to find a design company to cooperate, and the profits that originally belong to the group will be transferred to the company. To a third party.”

"Eh?" Boss Wang's eyes widened, "You know a lot about real estate!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "If it is an amoeba concept, this problem can be solved. Every employee must be 'selfless'. The design department must be 'selfless', not caring about their own interests, but also helping the engineering department. Engineering The department will also consider this and be willing to sacrifice themselves to create profits for the design department. In this way, the conflicts within the company will be resolved, the collaboration between departments will be in order, and the group's profits will not be lost."

Boss Wang thought slowly and said: "If we divide it according to the standards of laymen, sages, and saints, the vast majority of them are laymen. It is too difficult to use the standards of saints to demand laypeople. Employees must be continuously evaluated. Just brainwashing."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "If Wanda wants to be an amoeba, of course she has to be brainwashed. But if Kazuo Inamori becomes an amoeba, that's not brainwashing, it's called example and the power of example. When Hai Rui becomes an official, he calls on others to be honest. Integrity, everyone believes it, this is not brainwashing, it is a matter of course; if Heshen is in power, and then constantly asks others to serve the people with clean sleeves, that is a big joke, who can believe it? This is proper brainwashing. Amoeba If Ziweixing implements the concept, it will be a brainwashing tool. I am a vulgar person, and my morality is not worthy of it. If Inamori Kazuo does it, it will be a matter of course. Not only will all employees not have the disgust and brainwashing There will also be a sense of honor from top to bottom."

Boss Wang felt very enlightened, "Wanda's system is profit-oriented and designed for all ordinary people. We are all ordinary people. From this point of view, it is really impossible to recommend Amoeba."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "So there are only two types of people who can learn to become amoebas, two extremes. One is the true saint level, falling into a state of selflessness from top to bottom. Just like back then. Kazuo Inamori founded the operator KDDI. His purpose was to reduce Japan's phone bills and make every family use a phone. He even voluntarily gave up his own profits. This in itself is a selfless pursuit. Also There is one kind of company, which is a scumbag company. As you said, it requires continuous brainwashing. It washes the brains of employees into fools, and even helps people pay for them after they are sold. Then several company bosses muttered Great wealth, beautiful cars and beautiful women enjoying all the glory and wealth. We are all common people. We are better than others, but we are better than others. We should stay away from amoeba."

In the same way, if someone else said this to Boss Wang, he might not even think about it, and his ears would be confused.

Zhou Buqi is different, his outstanding achievements are there.

In Xia Riba's words, every fart he puts out tastes good.

Boss Wang smiled and raised his wine glass, "Common people and common people, let's have a drink!"

The two of them drank red wine, and what they drank was a ritual.

After taking a sip, Boss Wang said with deep approval: "I heard what you said, it's really like this. When I return to China, I have to talk to other colleagues when I find an opportunity, and I can't blindly adopt this philosophy in the company. "

Zhou Buqi said: "Anyway, I manage the company with one idea: don't trust people when you employ them, and don't trust people when you don't use them. If you use them, you have the courage to believe them. The company is getting bigger and bigger, how can we take care of so many things?"

Boss Wang felt that he spoke too easily and asked sharply: "How to judge whether he is a suspect?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The industry is different, I really can't say it well. It's quite easy to select people in the technology industry. It's too difficult here in Hollywood. There are suspicions everywhere. You really have to be careful when hiring people." .Do you know who the CEO of Ziweixing Global is?"

Boss Wang nodded, "What about Jason..."

Zhou Buqi said: "Jason Kilar, do you know what he used to do?"

Boss Wang shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't show off."

Zhou Buqi said: "He used to work at Amazon and was Bezos's right-hand man. Later he changed jobs to start a business and founded Hulu. Later, because he encountered too many constraints at Hulu, he joined Ziweixing Global. He is not a suspect. People are more trustworthy than the president of Universal Pictures, the president of MGM and so on."

"How to say?"

"If Jason Kilar wanted to make money, he would not have left Amazon. Even if he has a lot of wealth, 1 billion US dollars is still very easy. He is pursuing higher career achievements. These people in Hollywood are all for Make money. I usually just grasp this essential difference to judge."

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