Top of the big era

Chapter 2117 Targeting

Zhou Buqi thought this might be the case and asked, "What about before? Has EA paid attention to Codemasters before?"

Christensen shook his head, "No."

"No?" Zhou Buqi asked again, "Are you sure?"

Christensen said: "I didn't know before. I didn't even know that EA was bidding with us. I thought it was just a single line of contact between Changyou and Codemasters. But this morning they informed me that EA had issued a bid of 270 million pounds." I couldn’t hide the official quotation. I asked Codemasters about the specific situation, and they explained it.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "How is it?"

Ms. Christensen sighed: "Actually, EA got in touch with them as early as the 16th of last month..."

"Wait!" Zhou Buqi immediately caught the moment, "On the 16th?"


"That is, they started taking action after Zynga's IPO, game stocks collapsed, and EA's stock price plummeted."

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes.

It is basically certain that EA is deliberately targeting him.

Christensen nodded, "Yes, that's when. Codemasters also said that because EA's stock price plummeted, they took emergency action and wanted to win the recognition of the capital market through acquisitions. Racing games are among the most popular games in the game. It is a major category with an annual output value of nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars. EA itself owns the "Need for Speed" series. If it successfully acquires Codemasters, EA will become the largest game manufacturer in the racing game category."

Zhou Buqi didn't think so, "This is not a reason."

Christensen smiled and said: "I know, EA should be against you... EA suffered a lot in the case of the friend's studio. Especially after Zynga's listing, the market value did not meet expectations, and even the stock price broke quickly. This To make matters worse for EA, the board of directors is under great pressure, and it is said that their CEO is about to be replaced."

Zhou Buqi said "hmm".

It is clear.

This is a desperate move.

But then again, in the case of the friend's studio, EA really suffered a trick. Just spent $1.8 billion to buy this social game studio, and Ziweixing International sold off all EA stocks at a high level.

At this time, everyone saw EA's joke and knew that EA's board of directors had become a taker of inferior assets like a fool.

If Friend Studio is a high-quality asset, can Ziweixing sell EA shares in such a hurry? Don't you just think that EA has lost its future potential and needs to end the relationship early?

EA is very embarrassed now, seeing its market value fall to less than 10 billion US dollars.

The acquisition invitation for Codemasters this time is really harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself, as if it is deliberately disgusting Changyou.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is EA serious this time? Is it really going to acquire Codemasters?"

Christensen said: "It looks like it should be true."

"Meaning?" Zhou Buqi frowned, "Codemasters is just a traditional game manufacturer."

Although Christensen moved from the investment industry to the game industry not long ago, he adapted quickly while working under Mattrick. "EA should adjust its strategic thinking."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How to adjust?"

Christensen said: "In the past three years, EA's stock price has not been very good due to the general environment of the game industry. They have been looking for opportunities for transformation and have identified the direction of social games. They have acquired four companies. Social game studios, such as the acquisition of Playfish in 2009 for US$275 million, and the acquisition of Friend Studio for US$1.85 billion last year. Especially the social game company KlickNation is the most ridiculous.”

Zhou Buqi didn't pay much attention and wasn't sure, "What's going on?"

"EA's acquisition of KlickNation was officially negotiated and announced on December 1 last year. EA's stock price was still rising at that time. But not long after, Zynga went public. All EA's fantasies about social games It was shattered. Fortunately, this transaction has not passed supervision, and EA still has the opportunity to regret it and give up the transaction by paying liquidated damages."

At this point, Christensen couldn't help laughing.

I feel that EA is so pitiful.

It didn't matter that it bought a friend's studio at a high price. EA was still worried that Ziweixing International would regret it, so it spent money to quickly get the deal through regulatory review and seal the deal.

That's not all.

In order to transform and save the stock price, EA's board of directors acted as if they were possessed by an evil spirit. Just like it completed the acquisition of a friend's studio, it also launched an acquisition of KlickNation, the sixth-ranked local social game manufacturer.

The agreement was finalized in December last year.

Then, Zynga went public.

Then, the social game industry was affected by Zynga, and there were signs of overall collapse.

EA was completely dumbfounded.

The board of directors needs to be reorganized, and even the CEO may be fired.

Fortunately, there is still a chance to save.

The acquisition of KlickNation has not been subject to regulatory approval, which means that the deal has not been formally concluded, and the contract can be broken by paying liquidated damages.

Zhou Buqi basically understood, "In other words, EA gave up the acquisition of KlickNation and paid a liquidated damages. Then the acquisition fee was used to acquire Codemasters."

Christensen nodded slightly, "Well, that should be the case."

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "Even if this is the case, it is obvious that EA deliberately targeted it."

If EA wants to save its stock price, it must transform.

How to transfer?

If the transformation to social games fails, then the next step is to move towards mobile games. This is the right way.

What does it mean to abandon KlickNation and acquire Codemasters instead?

The reason why EA's stock price has been depressed for a long time is because the market is not optimistic about the development prospects of this traditional game manufacturer, and it needs new tracks and new growth points to gain re-recognition from the market.

However, Codemasters is also a traditional game manufacturer.

EA's acquisition of Codemasters is a traditional game manufacturer acquiring a traditional game manufacturer. Isn't this adding insult to injury? There is no such logic at all.

It is very likely that this is the last revenge of EA's current board of directors or CEO before stepping down.

Christensen sighed, "What now? EA's offer is much higher than ours. Because of such an accident, Changyou's efforts in the past two years have been in vain. Changyou finally lowered Codemasters' acquisition offer to 2 Within 100 million pounds, when EA appeared, it was like flipping the table.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is Codemasters a listed company?"

"Yes, the current market value is 155 million pounds. We quoted 185 million pounds, which is already a very good premium. But EA quoted 270 million pounds, a premium of up to 75%."

Christensen is very reluctant to follow EA's thinking about Changyou, but this wave of operations by EA is really abominable and too obvious. With such a huge premium at one time, no one would believe it if it was not deliberately targeted.

Zhou Buqi asked: "If it were the same offer, who would Codemasters prefer?"

Christensen was very confident and said with a smile: "Of course it will be Changyou. In fact, the quotations of both parties do not need to be the same. As long as the difference is not too big, they will still choose Changyou. Changyou represents tomorrow, and EA represents the past. This is the consensus of the industry.”

Another point is that she is British. She was previously engaged in the investment field and had dealt with several important shareholders of Codemasters.

There is not only a profit relationship, but also a human relationship.

Unless EA's offer is too high, Codemasters can't refuse it. Otherwise, EA has no chance to compete with Changyou.

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes and asked, "Where is Don Mattrick? Where is he?"

"He's in Australia, working on that World of Tanks game you mentioned last time."

Christensen explained further.

It is said that Changyou's global business will slowly expand. Currently, Changyou does not have a branch in Australia, so in many cases the CEO, Don Mattrick, will be in charge.

Zhou Buqi made a decision and said: "Two preparations. First, notify Codemasters first and ask them not to rush to accept EA's offer. Changyou is ready to start bidding. Second, let Mattrick ask EA. , let’s see what’s going on. If EA really wants to have a fight with Changyou, Changyou won’t be polite either!”

Previously, Zhou Buqi had no intention of targeting EA.

What he is pursuing now is harmony and wealth.

However, if EA really dares to fight head-on... hum! Boss Zhou doesn't mind being dismissed and goes to battle with EA!

But if we really want to fight, it will not be easy for EA to recover.

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