Top of the big era

Chapter 2114 Boosting Stock Prices

The next afternoon, Zhou Buqi was leaving New York for Manchester.

Go watch a game.

Let’s take a look at Dad.

On New Year's Day, my father didn't come over to celebrate the holiday together. He said that he finally made a new discovery and had to finalize the purchase of a private island. The father consumes and the son pays the bills.

At noon, Zhang Chaoyang invited him to dinner.

It's a noodle shop in Upper Manhattan.

When Chinese start a business in New York, they usually choose to open a Chinese restaurant or set up a stall on the street to fry fried dough sticks and sell soy milk.

However, the status of the Chinese in New York is not bad at all.

Not only is it the best among Asians, it can even be said to be better than immigrants from most countries. As you can tell from its geographical location, New York's Chinatown is in Manhattan.

This is a place where every inch of land is at a premium.

Other people of color can only live in Brooklyn and Queens, because Manhattan is the "upper class" in the pure sense of the United States, and most people working here are white.

The Chinese can have a place here, even though they are just opening restaurants, they are still very successful.

The noodle shop that Lao Zhang brought him to was really extraordinary.

The proprietress is the grand-niece of Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, and there is a large photo hanging in the noodle shop. It is a family photo of the old Chiang Kai-shek holding the young proprietress in his arms.

Not only that, there are many celebrities on the photo wall.

For example, the famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld, former New York Mayor Giuliani, Hollywood director Martin Scorsese, and the world's richest man Bill Gates.

Zhou Buqi chatted with the proprietress for a few words, and she wanted to take a group photo.

This was very embarrassing. Zhang Chaoyang stepped forward and helped smooth things over with a smile, saying that it was not convenient for Mr. Zhou to take photos and he could take his place.

The landlady was a little dazed.

Take a photo with you?

Who are you?

Fortunately, in addition to his secretary Ning Lu, Zhou Buqi also has the domestic star Yang Mi, who is also somewhat famous. So Yang Mi was sent out to take a photo with the proprietress.

So many foreigners were willing to take photos to help promote this noodle shop, and Zhou Buqi thought it would be great to help.

Then, the lady boss enthusiastically waived the order.

Their signature dish is "General Tso's Chicken", which costs $19.99 a plate, which is not cheap at all. It tasted weird. Zhou Buqi felt that cooking chicken and mushroom stew would be better than this.

Zhang Chaoyang ate with gusto. Maybe he had studied in the United States and was used to the taste of American-style Chinese food. "By the way, have you read the latest news about Zynga?"

Zhou Buqi didn't care, "I don't care."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "It has something to do with cloud computing, but you didn't pay attention to it?"

"Cloud computing?" Zhou Buqi was indeed interested, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile: "Zynga's first action after the New Year's Day holiday is to launch its own cloud computing platform. They used to cooperate with Amazon Cloud, but the effect didn't seem to be very good."

"Bullshit!" Zhou Buqi thinks this is ridiculous, "It's just to deceive laymen, create a PPT concept, and use the hot concept of cloud computing to boost the stock price. It's just a capital routine."

Zynga wants to do cloud computing?

What do they know?

However, just at the beginning of the new year, Zynga launched such a big concept, sacrificing long-term credibility to get short-term profit from the concept. It can be seen that they are under a lot of pressure and they are forced to rush.

Zynga's stock price continues to slump, but not only are shareholders dissatisfied and the board of directors unhappy, the entire gaming industry is angry with them and is exerting pressure.

Just like last May, when Changyou's stock price began to plummet, it also came under pressure from domestic game companies.

As soon as Changyou fell, it began to lead the decline.

The share prices of domestic peers will all fall.

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head, "It doesn't matter if you are riding on the popularity or speculating on the concept. But there are business opportunities here. Their cooperation with Amazon Cloud is not very happy, and Amazon Cloud does not tilt towards games at the technical level. Ziwei Cloud has done a good job in this regard Well, at least it’s good at cloud applications for lightweight games.”

"It's true." Zhou Buqi smiled and turned to look at Ning Lu, "Send an email to Kurian and ask him to pay attention to Zynga. Maybe we can win it over."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "The current game market is mainly divided into four directions. First, the traditional direction, such as TV games, handheld games, and computer stand-alone games; second, computer online games, such as "World of Warcraft" and "Dragon" three, social games represented by Zynga; four, mobile games represented by Changyou."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Old Zhang, you really... feel itchy after delegating power, don't you? Then you should really go south to Boston to meet Wang Shi and see how he becomes a boss and how awesome he is?"

Zhang Chaoyang hummed: "Let's discuss the matter!"

Zhou Buqi thought the noodles were unpalatable, and the food was also unpalatable. If he had known better, he should have gone to eat steak with Sun Wanran, Jiang Bingjie, and Dilireya. Steak is the authentic one here.

She simply put down her chopsticks and asked Ning Lu to inform Sun Wanran to pack a few more copies and take them to the plane.

"Okay, keep talking."

"Traditional games and online games are no longer popular in the market. Social games and mobile games are the next direction. Ziweiyun now has Changyou. If it wins Zynga, it will be equivalent to embracing the future direction of games. "

"Are you concerned about cloud computing?"

Zhou Buqi smiled slightly, but he actually did not agree with Lao Zhang's point of view.

Companies such as EA, Blizzard, and Take-Two have strong enough foundations. After this period, they have recovered. They are definitely better than Zynga.

Zhang Chaoyang said seriously: "I think there is a problem with your attitude towards Zynga. Changyou should join forces and cooperate closely with Zynga. Not only to help Ziweiyun attract a big customer. Changyou can also have a good partner. , you can’t fight alone, right?”


Zhou Buqi nodded, which makes more sense.

Zhang Chaoyang continued: "You sold your friend's studio to EA and sold off all EA's shares early. Now you're really offended, right?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Absolutely. Once bitten by a snake, I'm afraid of ropes for ten years. I'm afraid it's impossible for Changyou to cooperate with EA in the future."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "That's right, then just keep doing it. After selling the friend studio, Changyou no longer has a social game business. Why not just cooperate with Zynga in this field? They are under so much pressure now... You are not I like to provide help in times of need."

"That makes sense."

Zhou Buqi touched his chin and felt that Lao Zhang's advice was very mature and prudent.

In fact, when the Friend Studio was sold to EA, there were additional terms that required the seller not to build a similar social game company within five years to avoid competition with the Friend Studio.

However, the seller at the time was Ziweixing International.

It has nothing to do with Changyou.

Changyou can still enter into social games, or it can not avoid the existence of friend studios under EA and instead cooperate with Zynga.

Web social games have no future.

However, Changyou's Baokai Studio still has many excellent intellectual property rights for casual games. If you don’t develop social games yourself, you can authorize Zynga to develop them.

In addition to getting a licensing fee, you can also get profit dividends in the future.

It's a sure-fire business.

It also has a publicity effect.

Although there is no market for social games in the future, they have been able to continue to be popular in recent years. Relying on the Facebook platform is actually a big advertisement!

Many players had enough of playing similar games on the web and switched to mobile phones... only to find that there were similar games, which led to the conversion of players. All rights and interests in the mobile game version will belong to Changyou.

In other words, Zynga’s social game resources can be used to attract traffic to Changyou’s lightweight mobile games and provide free product promotion.

There is also a higher strategic level, as Lao Zhang said, Changyou cannot fight alone in overseas markets. It is best to have several closer partners.

EA is definitely out of business, you can choose Zynga.

Zhang Chaoyang continued: "In addition to Zynga, we can also deepen cooperation with Blizzard. The domestic agent of "World of Warcraft" and is Changyou. The two parties can deepen cooperation."

"Well, it should be... Huh?" Zhou Buqi reacted immediately, and his expression turned strange. "Wait for me here! Changyou has reached strategic cooperation with Zynga and Blizzard. As soon as the news was released, Changyou's stock price It can increase by at least 10%! It will be convenient for you to cash out then, right?"

Zhang Chaoyang laughed, quite magnanimously.

Zhou Buqi said: "Why don't you listen to me and stop doing Sohu Video? This thing is useless. No matter how much money you invest, it will be a waste. Many senior executives from Ziweixing have suggested it to me, but I haven't. Agree. In this industry, copyright is the hard currency."

Zhang Chaoyang stubbornly refused to accept it, and said with a smile: "It's okay, you can make your own drama. Sohu can make some low-cost online dramas to find differentiation."

"It's just a small fight."

Zhou Buqi shook his head.

Zhang Chaoyang did not answer the question, "By the way, China is now calling for the development of domestic operating systems. Do you have any action?"

"No action, I'm an honest person." Zhou Buqi said crisply and stretched, "Scientific research, the louder you shout, the more you become a liar. Do you see ZTE, Huawei, Ziweixing, etc., shouting slogans? Baidu and Alibaba are not as loud as those people, and they all have guilty consciences. Those who speak loudly are either amateurs who know nothing, professional liars, or academic scum."

In the past few years, there has been such a wave in China.

I paid a large amount of money, but the money was divided among the three major operators. After they got the money, they kept doing it. Even if they tried to modify it according to the Android system, they still couldn't understand it.

It was a complete failure.

There is no other way, we still have to count on private enterprises. However, private enterprises cannot get much support funds, and the funds for magically modified operating systems have been spent.

Alibaba and Baidu believe that they need to build a platform on smartphones, and they have already rushed in in response to the call. It has only been a few months, but it has been severely slapped in the face by the market. No one buys Alibaba Cloud mobile phones and Baidu Yi mobile phones at all.

Next, if you want to get relevant scientific research funds from the state, you can't make magic modifications. You have to use a purely independently developed domestic mobile phone operating system.

Only laymen would be particularly enthusiastic about a task of this level, and only liars would dare to take it on excitedly and generously.

For example, a certain scientific research team that bravely took on this task invited a large number of academicians to come to the platform and developed a COS intelligent operating system with purely independent intellectual property rights (C stands for China, OS It means system), and it has become the best for a while.

But it soon became apparent.

After checking the code, it is clear that this is a system developed by HTC. Even the demo machine was made by HTC. I removed the HTC brand and replaced it with my own.

Zhou Buqi should stay away from these people.

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