Top of the big era

Chapter 2110 Exam

The next day, Zhou Buqi took Ning Lu, as well as Yang Mi and Dilireya, who were brought out to see the world, to Sun Zhengyi's home.

Similar to Zhou Buqi's guess, Son Zhengyi was a bit languid this time, which was in sharp contrast to his charming state last time we met.

It's like the Yintang has turned black.

When talking about Yahoo, I felt very depressed, just as Boss Ma had guessed before.

Thankless effort.

Such a good opportunity failed, which made the two capital giants Blackstone Group and Bain Capital very unhappy. They felt that Masayoshi Son was only at that level!

He has a loud voice and poor ability, so you can't trust him.

Especially after spending so much money up front.

The acquisition consortium organized by Masayoshi Son had collapsed, and the news in Yahoo's board of directors naturally reached his ears.

He failed.

Boss Ma succeeded!

Depend on!

This is the mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind.

Of course Zhou Buqi didn't say much, he was vague and even found some reasons for Boss Ma. You are so ambitious that you want to create something big, but if you don’t succeed, why don’t you let others plan their own plans?

Sun Zhengyi sighed longly, probably also guessing this result, so he changed the topic, "How is the growth prospect of the gaming industry?"

"Okay!" Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "Now is the trough period of the game industry. If you enter this market with a big deal now, you can definitely make a lot of money."

Son Zhengyi smiled and said: "Do you have any investment goals?"

Zhou Buqi said matter-of-factly: "If you buy the leading company with your eyes closed, you will definitely make money!"

"EA? Blizzard?"

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"Is the risk too great?" Son was very cautious.

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Are you still afraid of risks?"

Son Zhengyi said sternly: "This operation of Yahoo failed, and SoftBank's stock price performed very badly. I want to give an explanation to the shareholders and the board of directors."

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized, "So you're eyeing the gaming industry? Well, this is a good direction, go for it! You can make money! The opportunity is rare, and it would be a pity to miss it."

"Buy EA or Blizzard stocks?" Masayoshi Son shook his head. "If SoftBank does this, the pressure on the board of directors will only increase. No one will be optimistic about them. No one has such a good vision like you."

This is the drawback of listed companies and the board of directors system.

Many times, a very smart person discovers an opportunity to make money, but is constrained by the stock price and the board of directors. When many people face this kind of situation, they will feel annoyed and then quit working alone.

Many big companies have grown up this way.

Of course, Masayoshi Son could not withdraw from SoftBank and said bluntly: "I can only rely on you."

"Me?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Changyou?"

Son Zhengyi smiled and said, "Yes, Changyou. They don't understand the game industry, but they have enough confidence in you. From Ziweixing to Ziweixing Global and Ziweixing Digital Media, we have had many happy cooperations. SoftBank's The board of directors has always only praised you and praised you, and many people have even written to me, suggesting that I continue to deepen cooperation with you. No matter what business you do, SoftBank should be involved!"

"Really? Thanks."

Zhou Buqi laughed.

I almost believed it.

However, SoftBank wants to invest in Changyou, which is indeed a good thing that will benefit both parties.

Needless to say about SoftBank, Masayoshi Son failed miserably in the Yahoo incident, causing SoftBank's stock price to fall again and again, and his personal industry image and prestige in the board of directors were also damaged.

Holding Big Boss Zhou's lap will help him get through this difficult period more easily.

It’s also good for swimming.

Changyou now has about $2.8 billion on its books.

Among them, US$1 billion was allocated to Don Mattrick, allowing him to buy in the European and American markets; US$1 billion was allocated to Ren Yuxin, allowing him to continuously launch mergers and acquisitions in the markets of China, Japan and South Korea.

In addition, Zhou Buqi also designated an additional major acquisition - outfit7, the game company behind "Talking Cat".

The deal is almost working.

Taking into account taxes, consultant fees, intermediary fees, service fees, consulting fees, etc., the total cost is $720 million. After the New Year's Day holiday, both parties can sign and deposit.

This will be Zhou Buqi's first acquisition since he became chairman of Changyou's board of directors, and it has a strong symbolic significance. This is an industry signal that Changyou will focus on the mobile terminal next, and promote the vitality of the mobile game market as an industry leader.

However, the money is gone.

This is trouble.

Zhou Buqi has so many big companies in his hands, and it seems that management is very complicated. In fact, he has two things to do, one is to formulate strategic directions, and the other is to find money for the company.

SoftBank is interested in Changyou, just in time!

The money is coming!

Cash flow problems can be solved very effectively.

There is also strategic value.

Although Zhou Buqi has been paying attention to the Japanese game industry for a long time, Changyou, as a foreign company, wants to initiate multiple mergers and acquisitions in the Japanese game market, and there is considerable resistance.

Ren Yuxin also said that several game companies are worried that once a Japanese company becomes a foreign-owned company, the lifetime employment system will change.

This is a link that cannot be circumvented.

This is also the core reason why foreign companies initiate relatively few mergers and acquisitions in Japan. In the modern corporate system, no one can accept lifetime employment.

SoftBank must be used as an intermediary guarantor to help get this done.

Even if we follow the locals and retain the local lifelong employment system to a certain extent, we still have to buy out a few excellent game companies that are high quality and low price.

Zhou Buqi said this.

Son Zhengyi frowned slightly, "Will Changyou lay off employees after completing the acquisition?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Generally speaking, there will be no layoffs, but individual employees must be dealt with... Just like Yahoo Japan, Yahoo Japan is not a lifelong employment, this model will do. Ziweixing and Jingtao have developed It's such a big scale, don't you see it all? The same goes for Changyou. It will definitely follow the locals and not be too separated from the local society in terms of system. It will be modeled on Yahoo Japan."

Son is a modern entrepreneur, and he doesn’t like lifetime employment, but he is not exempt from it.

However, Yahoo Japan is different from other traditional Japanese companies. It does have layoffs, at least dozens of people are laid off every year.

In traditional Japanese companies, even if he is a jerk who is too lazy to do any work every day, he will not be laid off. He will just be constantly adjusted to find a position that suits him and stimulates his enthusiasm for work.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Buqi had also communicated with Sun Zhengyi before.

The so-called "suitability" refers to the suitability of the employee for the position and the suitability of the leader for the position. Some leaders have a headache when they encounter troublesome employees. Some leaders are better at managing thorns, for example, they slap or kick them when they come up!

Either adjust your attitude and work hard, or get beaten every day in the company, or take the initiative to write a resignation report.

In these Japanese-style companies with lifelong employment, constantly adjusting jobs to some employees who do not meet the standards is actually looking for a leader who has the means to "manage" them.

However, the vast majority are still raising idle people and useless people.

Yahoo Japan conducts a small number of layoffs every year.

Some employees who really can't stand it should be laid off, and most of the normal employees can be retained. If an employee's professional ability is a bit weak, let him work slowly and grow slowly. As long as he doesn't go too far, he won't be laid off.

If Changyou wants to acquire some local game companies, it must make some commitments to the labor union. Yahoo Japan can be used as a reference.

Yahoo Japan is a subsidiary of SoftBank, so it is natural for SoftBank to come forward to guarantee it.

Son nodded, "If that's the case, that's okay."

Zhou Buqi said: "How many shares do you want?"

Son Zhengyi said: "U.S. 500 million, private placement at the current stock price. After financing, I want a board seat."

"Okay, but..." Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "But we have to wait until the matter is settled. Changyou wants to acquire several game studios in Japan to see if your reputation is of any use."

Son Zhengyi twitched his lips, "Exam?"

Zhou Buqi hummed: "You have made a lot of money by investing in Changyou now! You also got a board seat. How can such a good thing happen? The acquisition of these game studios is just a test paper. Just answer it Give you the opportunity for private placement."

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