Top of the big era

Chapter 2102 Beating

Wen Zhixia, Shi Jinglin, Xue Baoshan, Wu Yu, Aunt Xue, and several children all returned to their home in Atherton, Silicon Valley, from their vacation in Australia.

Then, I learned some good news.

Shi Jinglin is pregnant!

Seeing the radiant pride on Shi Jinglin's pretty face, Zhou Buqi let out a long sigh of relief.

Oh my god, it’s not easy!

"Hahaha, good, good! What a great achievement this year. Bao Shan is pregnant, and Senior Sister Zhen Yu and Lin Lin are also pregnant. Good thing! Good thing!"

That night, the Zhou family set up a large banquet table as if decorated with lanterns and colors.

There are no outsiders.

Fortunately, there are enough people in my family, and it is lively.

After dinner, the family also watched a movie together. It was "Kung Fu Panda 2" produced by DreamWorks Animation, a subsidiary of Ziweixing Universal. This movie was released this summer and has now been released basically all over the world. It has a global box office Up to $660 million.

There is no doubt that this is another blockbuster movie.

Relying on the box office market alone, not to mention all the early investment was recouped, and it also made a net profit of US$97 million. The income from copyright operations in the TV, disc and derivatives markets has reached US$530 million.

It is expected that within the next six months, this figure may grow to between 750 million and 800 million US dollars.

The most profitable film category in Hollywood is actually animation.

Because cartoons can be targeted at children.

Wider audience.

Parents are also willing to spend money on their children.

Even if it is a very poor black family, if the children watched "Kung Fu Panda 2" and clamored to buy some panda dolls, the parents would have to swipe their credit cards to buy them.

Therefore, the price of such movie derivatives is very expensive, because it depends on the temperament of parents and children.

A panda doll costs $1 and retails for $50.

Buy it or not!

If you don't buy it, the child will cry and make trouble, which will embarrass the parents in public.

It is difficult for those big Hollywood productions with explosive visual effects to achieve this kind of "family consumption" market effect. Therefore, if the adaptation of Marvel movies wants to make money, it must grasp one main idea-younger age.

It is also a movie. "Iron Man 2" is far inferior to "Batman 2: The Dark Knight". It is not a movie of the same level at all. "Batman 2: The Dark Knight" is director Nolan's masterpiece and an epoch-making classic masterpiece that can go down in history.

But in terms of earning power, "Iron Man 2", which is very naive and cobbled together, is not inferior to "Batman 2: The Dark Knight" at all. Especially in the derivatives market, the former is more than three times the latter.

While watching the movie, Gu Zanli and Yao Yao sat together and whispered.

Gu Zanli whispered in a gossipy voice: "Do you feel like you have a group of wives and concubines?"

Yao Yao frowned, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Isn't it?" Guzanli looked around, "See for yourself."

Yao Yao said angrily: "Can you take care of it?"

Gu Zanli pursed her lips and said: "Just chat, haven't we seen this movie in China? Hmm... How many do you think our boss has? That's it... or are there still some who haven't arrived yet?"

Yao Yao whispered: "It's not your business, don't worry about it, just take care of yourself. No one will like you if you are careless and petty."

"No way?" Gu Zanli felt that she was wronged, "Who cares about it? I'm just chatting with you casually. Do you think I told anyone else? Aren't you curious?"

Yao Yao shook her head firmly, "I'm not curious!"

Gu Zanli didn't believe it, "Liar."

Yao Yao said calmly: "I don't think about anything, I don't guess about anything, I just be myself. I believe in fate. If you have it in your life, you will have it. If it doesn't, it will be useless no matter how much you fight for it. "

Gu Zanli was speechless, "It's a good thing you have a higher education and are so superstitious."

"This is not superstition, this is truth." Yao Yao hesitated for a moment, then leaned over and whispered, "Didn't you notice? Some things are so magical that you can't even believe it!"

Gu Zanli didn't understand what she was talking about and asked doubtfully: "What?"

Yao Yao bit her lips lightly before whispering: "You forgot, our boss said last time that a great immortal has calculated it for him, and every time he does it with us girls, there will be a bonus of good luck. "

"Please!" Gu Zanli almost fainted and couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, "Boss, is this just a random joke?! Do you really believe it?"

Yao Yao looked serious, with a feeling of worship, "It's true. It's better to believe this kind of thing. Anyway, you won't lose anything if you believe it."

Gu Zanli said amusedly: "Why are you so babbling?"

"Last time...after the last time I had sex with you, that Mr. Zhen became pregnant. It was me last night, and today I heard that Mr. Shi was pregnant again. What did you say?" Yao Yao turned her face and stared at her, as if There is a feeling of holding a handle in your hand.

Gu Zanli twitched her lips, "It's just a coincidence."

Yao Yao snorted: "How can there be so many coincidences! Our big boss is so rich, but we all rely on coincidences to make money?"

Gu Zanli curled her lips and said, "That doesn't depend on luck, right?"

Yao Yao looked at him in surprise, "You didn't listen carefully when I saw you. The boss has told us before, have you forgotten? Most of the credit for his achievements today is luck. Have you forgotten?"

"Are you self-effacing?"

"Even if you are humble, luck also plays a very important role. In Buddhist terms, it is fate. Everyone has his own fate, and there are several opportunities for fate in his life. It just depends on the fate. Can you catch it?"


Gu Zanli nodded slightly, she agreed with this point.

Because many articles and books have said similar views.

Yao Yao said to herself: "I am just a very ordinary girl. I can pass so many interviews among all living beings and then come to the big boss. It must be luck and my fate. I must Catch it. I won’t think randomly and destroy my destiny. Just let nature take its course and let it happen.”

Guzanli couldn't help laughing, "You're a little crazy."

Yao Yao said seriously: "Really, I'm not kidding you, that's what I think. Didn't the boss say he invested in Momo? Each of us can get about 1% or 2% of the shares. I dare For sure, Momo will be successful and go public. When it does go public, even if it only has a market capitalization of US$10 billion, 1% will still have a market value of US$100 million, and it will be able to reach a new level in life and change its destiny."

Gu Zanli slapped her forehead, "Are you really whimsical? Are you crazy about money?"

"You don't believe it?" Yao Yao glanced at her, "Don't forget, our boss's name is Zhou Buqi! If you don't understand, just be obedient and believe him unconditionally. In addition to believing in him, you also have Other options? It doesn’t matter if you are stupid, you just have to worry about having too many ideas.”

Gu Zanli was a little surprised.

No wonder the two assistants Ning Yaxian and Sun Wanran always talk to me in the past few years, but don't go to Yao Yao. It felt like this Yao Yao was much more mature than me, and she was beaten a lot.

After watching the movie, it was only around 9 p.m. Zhou Buqi eagerly helped Bao Shan go upstairs to rest. This is not over yet, there is another baby at home who is pregnant.

Shi Jinglin is doing something extraordinary now. After watching "Kung Fu Panda 2", she felt that she cherished it more than pandas. Of course Zhou Buqi wanted to pamper her, and he didn't even let her walk. He carried her all the way upstairs and carried her back to the room.

In contrast, Senior Sister Zhen Yu didn't need to. The two just held hands and went to the study together.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Sister, do you know Carl Icahn?"

Zhen Yu nodded lightly, "I met him once. He was an old man, but his mental state was very good. He was not a bad wolf like the rumors outside. He was a very polite senior in the industry, better than most people. . Actually there is a trick here.”

"What's the trick?"

Zhou Buqi pulled her to sit down on the sofa.

He was very interested in Carl Icahn because of PayPal. When it comes to Yahoo, it's not easy for him to secretly communicate with Yahoo's management team behind his back.

But if it's PayPal, it's not a big problem.

Zhen Yu chuckled and said, "It depends on your body shape."


"Yes, it is too easy for those capital institutions on Wall Street to make money. They are at the top of the ecological chain. Any trader can fool a rich man with a net worth of billions of dollars around. He has a real IQ crushing him. ."

"Yeah, that's very smart."

Zhou Buqi is not surprised by this.

Many times, what those capital institutions do is actually cheating.

For example, Zhou Buqi has a junk stock in his hands. Because the volume is large, it would be more complicated to sell it directly in the stock market, so he can ask such a Wall Street institution for help.

Traders can then operate.

Every trader has a group of big clients, and he can boast the stock to the sky and get his clients to buy it.

Once the deal is completed, the trader earns a commission of one percent or one thousandth.

Therefore, in this industry, the most profitable thing is actually to promote "junk bonds".

Because they are junk bonds, they are difficult to sell, so the commission is high enough that if you can sell them, you can make a lot of money. From A to B, from B to C, from C to D... Traders earn sky-high commissions by constantly taking orders and promoting sales.

This is how the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, because too many institutions were selling real estate junk bonds, and the scale was too big. Once they couldn't find the last takeover, big trouble would happen.

This is a superficial reason.

The most fundamental reason is actually crushing IQ.

It is the geniuses on Wall Street who can control the world's financial system in their hands. In front of this group of people, outsiders are just white rabbits.

Use your rules to beat you, and then I'll make a lot of money.

Zhen Yu said: "Because the people on Wall Street are so smart, no matter whether you are a billionaire, a prince or a high-ranking official from any country, they can play with them and applaud you. So this group of people is special." Indulge, many people have very high academic qualifications, but their quality is extremely poor. Racial discrimination, sexism, regional discrimination and so on are everywhere. It is not necessarily true discrimination, it is just that they are used to doing whatever they want."

"Well, many people are full of swear words..." Zhou Buqi now understood what Senior Sister Zhen Yu meant, "Is it self-control?"

Zhen Yu smiled and said, "Yes, self-control. In fact, they are all social elites. How come they don't know what is right and what is wrong? Just because they can play with others while applauding, they get a little carried away. , they all do whatever they want. So there are a lot of bad habits. Anyway, as long as he can make money, he is a core employee. Nothing else matters. Wall Street only cares about money. Once the constraints on self-cultivation are given up, there will be no constraints on other aspects. , there will be many fat people. But it is not absolute. In most cases, if the Wall Street capitalist maintains a good figure, it means that his self-discipline is better and his external self-cultivation performance will be higher. "

Zhou Buqi nodded, as if he had a clear mind.

Senior sister Zhen Yu is beating herself up.

However, Zhou Buqi felt that he did not have the indulgence to do whatever he wanted, and that he had done well in terms of personal cultivation. He would start exercising seriously from tomorrow to maintain his body shape, and said calmly: "So, this Carl Icahn can be seen See?"

Zhen Yu said: "Yeah, okay, it's easy to talk."

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